2019-10-23 03:28:37 +02:00

320 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019 David Vogel
// This software is released under the MIT License.
package main
import (
const tileAlignmentSearchRadius = 5
type tileAlignment struct {
offset image.Point // Contains the offset of the tile a, so that it aligns pixel perfect with tile b
type tileAlignmentKeys struct {
a, b *imageTile
// tilePairs contains image pairs and their alignment.
type tilePairs map[tileAlignmentKeys]tileAlignment
var regexFileParse = regexp.MustCompile(`^(-?\d+),(-?\d+).png$`)
func loadImages(path string) ([]imageTile, error) {
var imageTiles []imageTile
files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(inputPath, "*.png"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, file := range files {
baseName := filepath.Base(file)
result := regexFileParse.FindStringSubmatch(baseName)
var x, y int
if parsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(result[1], 10, 0); err == nil {
x = int(parsed)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %v to integer: %w", result[1], err)
if parsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(result[2], 10, 0); err == nil {
y = int(parsed)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing %v to integer: %w", result[2], err)
width, height, err := getImageFileDimension(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
imageTiles = append(imageTiles, imageTile{
fileName: file,
image: image.Rect(x, y, x+width, y+height),
return imageTiles, nil
// alignTilePair returns the pixel delta for the first tile, so that it aligns perfectly with the second.
// This function will load images if needed.
func alignTilePair(tileA, tileB *imageTile, searchRadius int) (image.Point, error) {
if err := tileA.loadImage(); err != nil {
return image.Point{}, err
if err := tileB.loadImage(); err != nil {
return image.Point{}, err
// Type assertion.
imgA, imgB := *tileA.image.(*image.RGBA), *tileB.image.(*image.RGBA)
bestPoint := image.Point{}
bestValue := math.Inf(1)
for y := -searchRadius; y <= searchRadius; y++ {
for x := -searchRadius; x <= searchRadius; x++ {
point := image.Point{x, y} // Offset of the first image.
value := getImageDifferenceValue(&imgA, &imgB, point)
if bestValue > value {
bestValue, bestPoint = value, point
return bestPoint, nil
func (tp tilePairs) alignTiles(tiles []*imageTile) error {
n := len(tiles)
maxOperations, operations := (n-1)*(n)/2, 0
// Compare all n tiles with each other. (`(n-1)*(n)/2` comparisons)
for i, tileA := range tiles {
for j := i + 1; j < len(tiles); j++ {
tileB := tiles[j]
_, ok := tp[tileAlignmentKeys{tileA, tileB}]
if !ok {
// Entry doesn't exist yet. Determine tile pair alignment.
offset, err := alignTilePair(tileA, tileB, tileAlignmentSearchRadius)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to align tile pair %v %v: %w", tileA, tileB, err)
log.Printf("(%v/%v)Got alignment for pair %v %v. Offset = %v", operations, maxOperations, tileA, tileB, offset)
// Store tile alignment pair, also reversed.
tp[tileAlignmentKeys{tileA, tileB}] = tileAlignment{offset: offset}
tp[tileAlignmentKeys{tileB, tileA}] = tileAlignment{offset: offset.Mul(-1)}
// Silly and hacky method to determine the minimal error.
// TODO: Use some mixed integer method or something similar to optimize the tile alignment
// The error function returns the x and y error. The axes are optimized independent of each other later on.
errorFunction := func(tiles []*imageTile) (image.Point, error) {
errorValue := image.Point{}
for i, tileA := range tiles {
for j := i + 1; j < len(tiles); j++ {
tileB := tiles[j]
tileAlignment, ok := tp[tileAlignmentKeys{tileA, tileB}]
if !ok {
return image.Point{}, fmt.Errorf("Offset of the tile pair %v %v is missing", tileA, tileB)
// The error is the difference between the needed offset, and the actual offsets
tempErrorValue := pointAbs(tileAlignment.offset.Sub(tileA.offset).Add(tileB.offset))
errorValue = errorValue.Add(tempErrorValue)
return errorValue, nil
errorValue, err := errorFunction(tiles)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to calculate error value: %w", err)
// Randomly select tiles, and move them in the direction where the error value is lower.
// The "gradient" is basically caluclated by try and error.
for i := 0; i < len(tiles)*tileAlignmentSearchRadius*5; i++ {
tile := tiles[rand.Intn(len(tiles))]
// Calculate error value for positive shifting.
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{1, 1})
plusErrorValue, err := errorFunction(tiles)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to calculate error value: %w", err)
// Calculate error value for negative shifting.
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{-2, -2})
minusErrorValue, err := errorFunction(tiles)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to calculate error value: %w", err)
// Reset tile movement.
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{1, 1})
// Move this tile towards the smaller error value.
if plusErrorValue.X < errorValue.X {
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{1, 0})
if minusErrorValue.X < errorValue.X {
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{-1, 0})
if plusErrorValue.Y < errorValue.Y {
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{0, 1})
if minusErrorValue.Y < errorValue.Y {
tile.offset = tile.offset.Add(image.Point{0, -1})
// TODO: Move images in a way that the majority of images is positioned equal to their original position
return nil
func (tp tilePairs) stitch(tiles []imageTile, destImage *image.RGBA) error {
intersectTiles := []*imageTile{}
// Get only the tiles that intersect with the destination image bounds.
// Ignore alignment here, doesn't matter if an image overlaps a few pixels anyways.
for i, tile := range tiles {
if tile.image.Bounds().Add(tile.offset).Overlaps(destImage.Bounds()) {
intersectTiles = append(intersectTiles, &tiles[i])
//log.Printf("intersectTiles: %v", intersectTiles)
// Align those tiles
/*if err := tp.alignTiles(intersectTiles); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to align tiles: %w", err)
// TODO: Add working aligning algorithm
/*for _, intersectTile := range intersectTiles {
draw.Draw(destImage, destImage.Bounds(), intersectTile.image, destImage.Bounds().Min, draw.Over)
drawMedianBlended(intersectTiles, destImage)
/*for _, intersectTile := range intersectTiles {
drawLabel(destImage, intersectTile.image.Bounds().Min.X, intersectTile.image.Bounds().Min.Y, fmt.Sprintf("%v", intersectTile.fileName))
return nil
func drawMedianBlended(tiles []*imageTile, destImage *image.RGBA) {
bounds := destImage.Bounds()
// Make sure images are loaded.
for _, tile := range tiles {
for iy := bounds.Min.Y; iy < bounds.Max.Y; iy++ {
for ix := bounds.Min.X; ix < bounds.Max.X; ix++ {
//colList := []color.RGBA{}
rList, gList, bList := []int{}, []int{}, []int{}
point := image.Point{ix, iy}
// Iterate through all tiles, and create a list of colors.
for _, tile := range tiles {
tilePoint := point.Sub(tile.offset)
imageRGBA, ok := tile.image.(*image.RGBA)
if ok && tilePoint.In(imageRGBA.Bounds()) {
col := imageRGBA.RGBAAt(tilePoint.X, tilePoint.Y)
//colList = append(colList, col)
rList, gList, bList = append(rList, int(col.R)), append(gList, int(col.G)), append(bList, int(col.B))
// Sort color list.
/*sort.Slice(colList, func(i, j int) bool {
return rgbToHSV(colList[i]) < rgbToHSV(colList[j])
// Sort rList.
sort.Slice(rList, func(i, j int) bool {
return rList[i] < rList[j]
// Sort gList.
sort.Slice(gList, func(i, j int) bool {
return gList[i] < gList[j]
// Sort bList.
sort.Slice(bList, func(i, j int) bool {
return bList[i] < bList[j]
//var col color.RGBA
/*if len(colList)%2 == 0 {
// Even
a, b := colList[len(colList)/2-1], colList[len(colList)/2]
col = color.RGBA{uint8((uint16(a.R) + uint16(b.R)) / 2), uint8((uint16(a.G) + uint16(b.G)) / 2), uint8((uint16(a.B) + uint16(b.B)) / 2), uint8((uint16(a.A) + uint16(b.A)) / 2)}
} else if len(colList) > 0 {
// Odd
col = colList[(len(colList)-1)/2]
var r, g, b uint8
if len(rList)%2 == 0 {
// Even
r = uint8((rList[len(rList)/2-1] + rList[len(rList)/2]) / 2)
} else if len(rList) > 0 {
// Odd
r = uint8(rList[(len(rList)-1)/2])
if len(gList)%2 == 0 {
// Even
g = uint8((gList[len(gList)/2-1] + gList[len(gList)/2]) / 2)
} else if len(gList) > 0 {
// Odd
g = uint8(gList[(len(gList)-1)/2])
if len(bList)%2 == 0 {
// Even
b = uint8((bList[len(bList)/2-1] + bList[len(bList)/2]) / 2)
} else if len(bList) > 0 {
// Odd
b = uint8(bList[(len(bList)-1)/2])
destImage.SetRGBA(ix, iy, color.RGBA{r, g, b, 255})