Remove old blend functions

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David Vogel 2022-08-11 11:48:17 +02:00
parent df6c27924b
commit f5693b96f1

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@ -85,121 +85,3 @@ func (b BlendMethodMedian) Draw(tiles []*ImageTile, destImage *image.RGBA) {
/*// BlendNewestPixel takes the given tiles and only draws the newest pixel (based on file modification time) of any overlapping tiles.
func BlendNewestPixel(tiles []*ImageTile, destImage *image.RGBA) {
bounds := destImage.Bounds()
// Sort tiles by date.
sort.Slice(tiles, func(i, j int) bool { return tiles[i].modTime.After(tiles[j].modTime) })
// List of images corresponding with every tile.
// Can contain empty/nil entries for images that failed to load.
images := []*image.RGBA{}
for _, tile := range tiles {
images = append(images, tile.GetImage())
for iy := bounds.Min.Y; iy < bounds.Max.Y; iy++ {
for ix := bounds.Min.X; ix < bounds.Max.X; ix++ {
point := image.Point{ix, iy}
found := false
// Look for first valid pixel in stack of tiles.
var col color.RGBA
for _, img := range images {
if img != nil {
if point.In(img.Bounds()) {
col = img.RGBAAt(point.X, point.Y)
found = true
// If there were no images to get data from, ignore the pixel.
if !found {
destImage.SetRGBA(ix, iy, col)
// BlendNewestPixelsMedian takes the given tiles and median blends the n newest pixels (based on file modification time) of any overlapping tiles.
// n is some hardcoded value inside this function.
func BlendNewestPixelsMedian(tiles []*ImageTile, destImage *image.RGBA) {
bounds := destImage.Bounds()
// Sort tiles by date.
sort.Slice(tiles, func(i, j int) bool { return tiles[i].modTime.After(tiles[j].modTime) })
// List of images corresponding with every tile.
// Can contain empty/nil entries for images that failed to load.
images := []*image.RGBA{}
for _, tile := range tiles {
images = append(images, tile.GetImage())
// Create arrays to be reused every pixel.
rListEmpty, gListEmpty, bListEmpty := make([]int, 0, len(tiles)), make([]int, 0, len(tiles)), make([]int, 0, len(tiles))
for iy := bounds.Min.Y; iy < bounds.Max.Y; iy++ {
for ix := bounds.Min.X; ix < bounds.Max.X; ix++ {
rList, gList, bList := rListEmpty, gListEmpty, bListEmpty
point := image.Point{ix, iy}
count := 0
// Iterate through all images and create a list of colors.
for _, img := range images {
if img != nil {
if point.In(img.Bounds()) {
col := img.RGBAAt(point.X, point.Y)
rList, gList, bList = append(rList, int(col.R)), append(gList, int(col.G)), append(bList, int(col.B))
if count == 9 { // Max. number of tiles to median blend.
// If there were no images to get data from, ignore the pixel.
if count == 0 {
// Sort colors.
// Take the middle element of each color.
var r, g, b uint8
if l := len(rList); l%2 == 0 {
// Even.
r = uint8((rList[l/2-1] + rList[l/2]) / 2)
} else {
// Odd.
r = uint8(rList[(l-1)/2])
if l := len(gList); l%2 == 0 {
// Even.
g = uint8((gList[l/2-1] + gList[l/2]) / 2)
} else {
// Odd.
g = uint8(gList[(l-1)/2])
if l := len(bList); l%2 == 0 {
// Even.
b = uint8((bList[l/2-1] + bList[l/2]) / 2)
} else {
// Odd.
b = uint8(bList[(l-1)/2])
destImage.SetRGBA(ix, iy, color.RGBA{r, g, b, 255})