
768 lines
28 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2019-2024 David Vogel
-- This software is released under the MIT License.
-- Load library modules --
local CameraAPI = require("")
local Coords = require("coordinates")
local EntityAPI = require("noita-api.entity")
local Hilbert = require("hilbert-curve")
local JSON = require("noita-api.json")
local MonitorStandby = require("monitor-standby")
local ProcessRunner = require("process-runner")
local ScreenCapture = require("screen-capture")
local Utils = require("noita-api.utils")
local Vec2 = require("noita-api.vec2")
-- Global stuff --
-- Code --
Capture.MapCapturingCtx = Capture.MapCapturingCtx or ProcessRunner.New()
Capture.EntityCapturingCtx = Capture.EntityCapturingCtx or ProcessRunner.New()
Capture.PlayerPathCapturingCtx = Capture.PlayerPathCapturingCtx or ProcessRunner.New()
---Returns a capturing rectangle in window coordinates, and also the world coordinates for the same rectangle.
---The rectangle is sized and placed in a way that aligns as pixel perfect as possible with the world coordinates.
---@param pos Vec2|nil -- Position of the viewport center in world coordinates. If set to nil, the viewport center will be queried automatically.
---@return Vec2 topLeftCapture
---@return Vec2 bottomRightCapture
---@return Vec2 topLeftWorld
---@return Vec2 bottomRightWorld
local function calculateCaptureRectangle(pos)
local topLeft, bottomRight = Coords:ValidRenderingRect()
-- Convert valid rendering rectangle into world coordinates, and round it towards the window center.
local topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = Coords:ToWorld(topLeft, pos):Rounded("ceil"), Coords:ToWorld(bottomRight, pos):Rounded("floor")
-- Convert back into window coordinates, and round to nearest.
local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture = Coords:ToWindow(topLeftWorld, pos):Rounded(), Coords:ToWindow(bottomRightWorld, pos):Rounded()
return topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld
---Captures a screenshot at the given position in world coordinates.
---This will block until all chunks in the virtual rectangle are loaded.
---Don't set `ensureLoaded` to true when `pos` is nil!
---@param pos Vec2|nil -- Position of the viewport center in world coordinates. If set to nil, the viewport will not be modified.
---@param ensureLoaded boolean|nil -- If true, the function will wait until all chunks in the virtual rectangle are loaded.
---@param dontOverwrite boolean|nil -- If true, the function will abort if there is already a file with the same coordinates.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx|nil -- The process runner context this runs in.
---@param outputPixelScale number|nil -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
local function captureScreenshot(pos, ensureLoaded, dontOverwrite, ctx, outputPixelScale)
if outputPixelScale == 0 or outputPixelScale == nil then
outputPixelScale = Coords:PixelScale()
local rectTopLeft, rectBottomRight = ScreenCapture.GetRect()
if Coords:InternalRectSize() ~= rectBottomRight - rectTopLeft then
error(string.format("internal rectangle size seems to have changed from %s to %s", Coords:InternalRectSize(), rectBottomRight - rectTopLeft))
local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = calculateCaptureRectangle(pos)
---Top left in output coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local outputTopLeft = (topLeftWorld * outputPixelScale):Rounded()
-- Check if the file exists, and if we are allowed to overwrite it.
if dontOverwrite and Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", outputTopLeft.x, outputTopLeft.y)) then
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end
if ensureLoaded then
local delayFrames = 0
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = delayFrames end
-- Prematurely stop capturing if that is requested by the context.
if ctx and ctx:IsStopping() then return end
if delayFrames > 30 then
-- Wiggle the screen a bit, as chunks sometimes don't want to load.
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos + Vec2(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10))) end
delayFrames = delayFrames + 1
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = delayFrames end
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end
delayFrames = delayFrames + 1
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = delayFrames end
local topLeftBounds, bottomRightBounds = CameraAPI:Bounds()
until DoesWorldExistAt(topLeftBounds.x, topLeftBounds.y, bottomRightBounds.x, bottomRightBounds.y)
-- Chunks are loaded and will be drawn on the *next* frame.
-- Suspend UI drawing for 1 frame.
-- First we wait one frame for the current state to be drawn.
-- At this point the needed frame is fully drawn, but the framebuffers are swapped.
-- Recalculate capture position and rectangle if we are not forcing any capture position.
-- We are in the `OnWorldPreUpdate` hook, this means that `CameraAPI.GetPos` return the position of the last frame.
if not pos then
topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = calculateCaptureRectangle(pos)
if outputPixelScale > 0 then
outputTopLeft = (topLeftWorld * outputPixelScale):Rounded()
outputTopLeft = topLeftWorld
-- Wait another frame.
-- After this `wait` the framebuffer will be swapped again, and we can grab the correct frame.
-- The top left world position needs to be upscaled by the pixel scale.
-- Otherwise it's not possible to stitch the images correctly.
if not ScreenCapture.Capture(topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, outputTopLeft, (bottomRightWorld - topLeftWorld) * outputPixelScale) then
error(string.format("failed to capture screenshot"))
-- Reset monitor and PC standby every screenshot.
---Map capture process runner context error handler callback. Just rolls off the tongue.
---@param err string
---@param scope "init"|"do"|"end"
local function mapCapturingCtxErrHandler(err, scope)
print(string.format("Failed to capture map: %s.", err))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("MapCaptureError", "Failed to capture map:", tostring(err))
---Starts the capturing process in a spiral around origin.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the progress.
---@param origin Vec2 -- Center of the spiral in world pixels.
---@param captureGridSize number -- The grid size in world pixels.
---@param outputPixelScale number|nil -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingSpiral(origin, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
---Origin rounded to capture grid.
---@type Vec2
local origin = (origin / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor") * captureGridSize
---The position in world coordinates.
---Centered to the grid.
---@type Vec2
local pos = origin + Vec2(captureGridSize / 2, captureGridSize / 2)
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
local i = 1
-- +x
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale)
pos:Add(Vec2(captureGridSize, 0))
-- +y
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale)
pos:Add(Vec2(0, captureGridSize))
i = i + 1
-- -x
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale)
pos:Add(Vec2(-captureGridSize, 0))
-- -y
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale)
pos:Add(Vec2(0, -captureGridSize))
i = i + 1
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Starts the capturing process of the given area using a hilbert curve.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the process.
---@param topLeft Vec2 -- Top left of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param bottomRight Vec2 -- Non included bottom left of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param captureGridSize number -- The grid size in world pixels.
---@param outputPixelScale number|nil -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingAreaHilbert(topLeft, bottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
---The rectangle in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2, Vec2
local gridTopLeft, gridBottomRight = (topLeft / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor"), (bottomRight / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor")
-- Handle edge cases.
if topLeft.x == bottomRight.x then gridBottomRight.x = gridTopLeft.x end
if topLeft.y == bottomRight.y then gridBottomRight.y = gridTopLeft.y end
---Size of the rectangle in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local gridSize = gridBottomRight - gridTopLeft
-- Hilbert curve can only fit into a square, so get the longest side.
local gridPOTSize = math.ceil(math.log(math.max(gridSize.x, gridSize.y)) / math.log(2))
-- Max size (Already rounded up to the next power of two).
local gridMaxSize = math.pow(2, gridPOTSize)
local t, tLimit = 0, gridMaxSize * gridMaxSize
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
ctx.state = { Current = 0, Max = gridSize.x * gridSize.y }
while t < tLimit do
-- Prematurely stop capturing if that is requested by the context.
if ctx:IsStopping() then return end
---Position in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local hilbertPos = Vec2(Hilbert.Map(t, gridPOTSize))
if hilbertPos.x < gridSize.x and hilbertPos.y < gridSize.y then
---Position in world coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local pos = (hilbertPos + gridTopLeft) * captureGridSize
pos:Add(Vec2(captureGridSize / 2, captureGridSize / 2)) -- Move to center of grid cell.
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale)
ctx.state.Current = ctx.state.Current + 1
t = t + 1
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Starts the capturing process of the given area by scanning from left to right, and top to bottom.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the process.
---@param topLeft Vec2 -- Top left of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param bottomRight Vec2 -- Non included bottom left of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param captureGridSize number -- The grid size in world pixels.
---@param outputPixelScale number|nil -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingAreaScan(topLeft, bottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
---The rectangle in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2, Vec2
local gridTopLeft, gridBottomRight = (topLeft / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor"), (bottomRight / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor")
---Size of the rectangle in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local gridSize = gridBottomRight - gridTopLeft
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
ctx.state = { Current = 0, Max = gridSize.x * gridSize.y }
for gridY = gridTopLeft.y, gridBottomRight.y-1, 1 do
for gridX = gridTopLeft.x, gridBottomRight.x-1, 1 do
-- Prematurely stop capturing if that is requested by the context.
if ctx:IsStopping() then return end
---Position in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local gridPos = Vec2(gridX, gridY)
---Position in world coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local pos = gridPos * captureGridSize
pos:Add(Vec2(captureGridSize / 2, captureGridSize / 2)) -- Move to center of grid cell.
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale)
ctx.state.Current = ctx.state.Current + 1
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Starts the live capturing process.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the process.
---@param outputPixelScale number|nil -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingLive(outputPixelScale)
---Queries the mod settings for the live capture parameters.
---@return integer interval -- The interval length in frames. Defaults to 30.
---@return number minDistanceSqr -- The minimum (squared) distance between screenshots. This will prevent screenshots if the player doesn't move much.
---@return number maxDistanceSqr -- The maximum (squared) distance between screenshots. This will allow more screenshots per interval if the player moves fast.
local function querySettings()
local interval = tonumber(ModSettingGet("")) or 30
local minDistance = tonumber(ModSettingGet("")) or 10
local maxDistance = tonumber(ModSettingGet("")) or 50
return interval, minDistance ^ 2, maxDistance ^ 2
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
local oldPos
local interval, minDistanceSqr, maxDistanceSqr = querySettings()
-- Wait until we are allowed to take a new screenshot.
local delayFrames = 0
delayFrames = delayFrames + 1
local distanceSqr
if oldPos then distanceSqr = CameraAPI.GetPos():DistanceSqr(oldPos) else distanceSqr = math.huge end
until ctx:IsStopping() or ((delayFrames >= interval or distanceSqr >= maxDistanceSqr) and distanceSqr >= minDistanceSqr)
captureScreenshot(nil, false, false, ctx, outputPixelScale)
oldPos = CameraAPI.GetPos()
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Gathers all entities on the screen (around x, y within radius), serializes them, appends them into entityFile and/or modifies those entities.
---@param file file*|nil
---@param modify boolean
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param radius number
local function captureModifyEntities(file, modify, x, y, radius)
local entities = EntityAPI.GetInRadius(x, y, radius)
for _, entity in ipairs(entities) do
-- Get to the root entity, as we are exporting entire entity trees.
local rootEntity = entity:GetRootEntity() or entity
-- Make sure to only export entities when they are encountered the first time.
if file and not rootEntity:HasTag("MapCaptured") then
--print(rootEntity:GetFilename(), "got captured!")
-- Some hacky way to generate valid JSON that doesn't break when the game crashes.
-- Well, as long as it does not crash between write and flush.
if file:seek("end") == 0 then
-- First line.
file:write("[\n\t", JSON.Marshal(rootEntity), "\n", "]")
-- Following lines.
file:seek("end", -2) -- Seek a few bytes back, so we can overwrite some stuff.
file:write(",\n\t", JSON.Marshal(rootEntity), "\n", "]")
-- Disabling this component will prevent entities from being killed/reset when they go offscreen.
-- If they are reset, all tags will be reset and we may capture these entities multiple times.
-- This has some side effects, like longleg.xml and zombie_weak.xml will respawn every revisit, as their spawner doesn't get deleted. (Or something similar to this)
local components = rootEntity:GetComponents("CameraBoundComponent")
for _, component in ipairs(components) do
rootEntity:SetComponentsEnabled(component, false)
-- Prevent recapturing.
-- Make sure to only modify entities when they are encountered the first time.
-- Also, don't modify the player.
if modify and not rootEntity:IsPlayer() and not rootEntity:HasTag("MapModified") then
-- Disable some components.
for _, componentTypeName in ipairs(Config.ComponentsToDisable) do
local components = rootEntity:GetComponents(componentTypeName)
for _, component in ipairs(components) do
rootEntity:SetComponentsEnabled(component, false)
-- Modify the gravity of every VelocityComponent, so stuff will not fall.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("VelocityComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("gravity_x", 0)
component:SetValue("gravity_y", 0)
component:SetValue("mVelocity", 0, 0)
-- Modify the gravity of every CharacterPlatformingComponent, so mobs will not fall.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("CharacterPlatformingComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("pixel_gravity", 0)
-- Disable the hover and spinning animations of every ItemComponent.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("ItemComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("play_hover_animation", false)
component:SetValue("play_spinning_animation", false)
-- Disable the hover animation of cards. Disabling the "SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent" does not help.
--[[local components = rootEntity:GetComponents("SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent")
for _, component in ipairs(components) do
component:SetValue("x_speed", 0)
component:SetValue("y_speed", 0)
component:SetValue("x_amount", 0)
component:SetValue("y_amount", 0)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("PhysicsBody2Component")
if component then
component:SetValue("kill_entity_if_body_destroyed", false)
component:SetValue("destroy_body_if_entity_destroyed", false)
component:SetValue("auto_clean", false)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("DamageModelComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("falling_damages", false)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("ExplodeOnDamageComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("explode_on_death_percent", 0)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("MaterialInventoryComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("on_death_spill", false)
component:SetValue("kill_when_empty", false)
-- Prevent it from being modified again.
-- Just a test on how to remove/kill creatures and enemies.
--if (rootEntity:HasTag("enemy") or rootEntity:HasTag("helpless_animal")) and not rootEntity:HasTag("boss") then
-- rootEntity:Kill()
-- Ensure everything is written to disk before noita decides to crash.
if file then
---@return file*|nil
local function createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile()
-- Make sure the file exists.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/entities.json", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
-- Create or reopen entities JSON file.
file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/entities.json", "r+b") -- Open for reading (r) and writing (+) in binary mode. r+b will not truncate the file to 0.
if file == nil then return nil end
return file
---Starts entity capturing and modification.
---Use `Capture.EntityCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the progress.
---@param store boolean -- Will create a file and write all encountered entities into it.
---@param modify boolean -- Will modify all encountered entities.
function Capture:StartCapturingEntities(store, modify)
-- There is nothing to capture, don't start anything.
if not store and not modify then return end
local file
---Process initialization callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleInit(ctx)
-- Create output file if requested.
file = store and createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() or nil
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
local pos, radius = CameraAPI:GetPos(), 5000 -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center.
captureModifyEntities(file, modify, pos.x, pos.y, radius)
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
if file then file:close() end
---Error handler callback.
---@param err string
---@param scope "init"|"do"|"end"
local function handleErr(err, scope)
print(string.format("Failed to capture entities: %s", err))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("EntitiesCaptureError", "Failed to capture entities:", tostring(err))
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.EntityCapturingCtx:Run(handleInit, handleDo, handleEnd, handleErr)
---Writes the current player position and other stats onto disk.
---@param file file*|nil
---@param pos Vec2
---@param oldPos Vec2
---@param hp number
---@param maxHP number
---@param polymorphed boolean
local function writePlayerPathEntry(file, pos, oldPos, hp, maxHP, polymorphed)
if not file then return end
local struct = {
from = oldPos,
to = pos,
hp = hp,
maxHP = maxHP,
polymorphed = polymorphed,
-- Some hacky way to generate valid JSON that doesn't break when the game crashes.
-- Well, as long as it does not crash between write and flush.
if file:seek("end") == 0 then
-- First line.
file:write("[\n\t", JSON.Marshal(struct), "\n", "]")
-- Following lines.
file:seek("end", -2) -- Seek a few bytes back, so we can overwrite some stuff.
file:write(",\n\t", JSON.Marshal(struct), "\n", "]")
-- Ensure everything is written to disk before noita decides to crash.
---@return file*|nil
local function createOrOpenPlayerPathCaptureFile()
-- Make sure the file exists.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/player-path.json", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
-- Create or reopen JSON file.
file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/player-path.json", "r+b") -- Open for reading (r) and writing (+) in binary mode. r+b will not truncate the file to 0.
if file == nil then return nil end
return file
---Starts capturing the player path.
---Use `Capture.PlayerPathCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the progress.
---@param interval integer|nil -- Wait time between captures in frames.
---@param outputPixelScale number|nil -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingPlayerPath(interval, outputPixelScale)
interval = interval or 20
if outputPixelScale == 0 or outputPixelScale == nil then
outputPixelScale = Coords:PixelScale()
local file
local oldPos
---Process initialization callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleInit(ctx)
-- Create output file if requested.
file = createOrOpenPlayerPathCaptureFile()
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
-- Get player entity, even if it is polymorphed.
-- For some reason Noita crashes when querying the "is_player" GameStatsComponent value on a freshly polymorphed entity found by its "player_unit" tag.
-- It seems that the entity can still be found by the tag, but its components/values can't be accessed anymore.
-- Solution: Don't do that.
---@type NoitaEntity|nil
local playerEntity
-- Try to find the regular player entity.
for _, entity in ipairs(EntityAPI.GetWithTag("player_unit")) do
playerEntity = entity
-- If no player_unit entity was found, check if the player is any of the polymorphed entities.
if not playerEntity then
for _, entity in ipairs(EntityAPI.GetWithTag("polymorphed")) do
local gameStatsComponent = entity:GetFirstComponent("GameStatsComponent")
if gameStatsComponent and gameStatsComponent:GetValue("is_player") then
playerEntity = entity
-- Found some player entity.
if playerEntity then
-- Get position.
local x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY = playerEntity:GetTransform()
local pos = Vec2(x, y) * outputPixelScale
-- Get some other stats from the player.
local damageModel = playerEntity:GetFirstComponent("DamageModelComponent")
local hp, maxHP
if damageModel then
hp, maxHP = damageModel:GetValue("hp"), damageModel:GetValue("max_hp")
local polymorphed = playerEntity:HasTag("polymorphed")
if oldPos then writePlayerPathEntry(file, pos, oldPos, hp, maxHP, polymorphed) end
oldPos = pos
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
if file then file:close() end
---Error handler callback.
---@param err string
---@param scope "init"|"do"|"end"
local function handleErr(err, scope)
print(string.format("Failed to capture player path: %s", err))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("PlayerPathCaptureError", "Failed to capture player path:", tostring(err))
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.PlayerPathCapturingCtx:Run(handleInit, handleDo, handleEnd, handleErr)
---Starts the capturing process based on user/mod settings.
function Capture:StartCapturing()
Message:CatchException("Capture:StartCapturing", function()
local mode = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode")
local outputPixelScale = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.pixel-scale")
local captureGridSize = tonumber(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.grid-size"))
if mode == "live" then
self:StartCapturingPlayerPath(5, outputPixelScale) -- Capture player path with an interval of 5 frames.
elseif mode == "area" then
local area = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.area")
if area == "custom" then
local topLeft = Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.area-top-left"))
local bottomRight = Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.area-bottom-right"))
self:StartCapturingAreaScan(topLeft, bottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
local predefinedArea = Config.CaptureArea[area]
if predefinedArea then
self:StartCapturingAreaScan(predefinedArea.TopLeft, predefinedArea.BottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
Message:ShowRuntimeError("PredefinedArea", string.format("Unknown predefined capturing area %q", tostring(area)))
elseif mode == "spiral" then
local origin = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode-spiral-origin")
if origin == "custom" then
local originVec = Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode-spiral-origin-vector"))
self:StartCapturingSpiral(originVec, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
elseif origin == "0" then
local originVec = Vec2(0, 0)
self:StartCapturingSpiral(originVec, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
elseif origin == "current" then
local originVec = CameraAPI:GetPos()
self:StartCapturingSpiral(originVec, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale)
Message:ShowRuntimeError("SpiralOrigin", string.format("Unknown spiral origin %q", tostring(origin)))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("StartCapturing", string.format("Unknown capturing mode %q", tostring(mode)))
-- Start entity capturing and modification, if wanted.
local captureEntities = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-entities")
local modifyEntities = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.modify-entities")
self:StartCapturingEntities(captureEntities, modifyEntities)
---Stops all capturing processes.
function Capture:StopCapturing()