David Vogel 31fc11ef1b Improve user experience
- Modernise UI, and simplify its logic
- Add UI graphics
- Add modification.lua which contains everything to modify Noita settings
- Add message.lua which handles messages for users
- Add check.lua which checks things, triggers messages and suggest user actions
- Remove ACTIONS category from settings
- Add more live capturing parameters to settings
- Restrict vector input fields in settings
- Rename pixel-size setting to pixel-scale
- Let GetRect return two vectors instead of RECT object
- Add VirtualOffsetPixelPerfect and FullscreenMode field to Coords
- Fix captureScreenshot when the outputPixelScale is 0
- Show runtime errors in UI via message.lua
- Other small fixes
2022-07-28 01:48:49 +02:00

109 lines
1.6 KiB

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