David Vogel c0fd7aab56 Fix capture grid calculation
The capture grid calculation takes now the rendering rectangle into consideration.
With this fix the capture grid will include all cells that overlap with the given capture rectangle.
2024-02-21 17:55:24 +01:00

812 lines
31 KiB

-- Copyright (c) 2019-2024 David Vogel
-- This software is released under the MIT License.
-- Load library modules --
local CameraAPI = require("")
local Coords = require("coordinates")
local EntityAPI = require("noita-api.entity")
local Hilbert = require("hilbert-curve")
local JSON = require("noita-api.json")
local MonitorStandby = require("monitor-standby")
local ProcessRunner = require("process-runner")
local ScreenCapture = require("screen-capture")
local Utils = require("noita-api.utils")
local Vec2 = require("noita-api.vec2")
-- Global stuff --
-- Code --
Capture.MapCapturingCtx = Capture.MapCapturingCtx or ProcessRunner.New()
Capture.EntityCapturingCtx = Capture.EntityCapturingCtx or ProcessRunner.New()
Capture.PlayerPathCapturingCtx = Capture.PlayerPathCapturingCtx or ProcessRunner.New()
---Returns a capturing rectangle in window coordinates, and also the world coordinates for the same rectangle.
---The rectangle is sized and placed in a way that aligns as pixel perfect as possible with the world coordinates.
---@param pos Vec2? -- Position of the viewport center in world coordinates. If set to nil, the viewport center will be queried automatically.
---@return Vec2 topLeftCapture
---@return Vec2 bottomRightCapture
---@return Vec2 topLeftWorld
---@return Vec2 bottomRightWorld
local function calculateCaptureRectangle(pos)
local topLeft, bottomRight = Coords:ValidRenderingRect()
-- Convert valid rendering rectangle into world coordinates, and round it towards the window center.
local topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = Coords:ToWorld(topLeft, pos):Rounded("ceil"), Coords:ToWorld(bottomRight, pos):Rounded("floor")
-- Convert back into window coordinates, and round to nearest.
local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture = Coords:ToWindow(topLeftWorld, pos):Rounded(), Coords:ToWindow(bottomRightWorld, pos):Rounded()
return topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld
---Captures a screenshot at the given position in world coordinates.
---This will block until all chunks in the virtual rectangle are loaded.
---Don't set `ensureLoaded` to true when `pos` is nil!
---@param pos Vec2? -- Position of the viewport center in world coordinates. If set to nil, the viewport will not be modified.
---@param ensureLoaded boolean? -- If true, the function will wait until all chunks in the virtual rectangle are loaded.
---@param dontOverwrite boolean? -- If true, the function will abort if there is already a file with the same coordinates.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx? -- The process runner context this runs in.
---@param outputPixelScale number? -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
---@param captureDelay number? -- The number of additional frames to wait before a screen capture.
local function captureScreenshot(pos, ensureLoaded, dontOverwrite, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
if outputPixelScale == 0 or outputPixelScale == nil then
outputPixelScale = Coords:PixelScale()
local rectTopLeft, rectBottomRight = ScreenCapture.GetRect()
if Coords:InternalRectSize() ~= rectBottomRight - rectTopLeft then
error(string.format("internal rectangle size seems to have changed from %s to %s", Coords:InternalRectSize(), rectBottomRight - rectTopLeft))
local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = calculateCaptureRectangle(pos)
---Top left in output coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local outputTopLeft = (topLeftWorld * outputPixelScale):Rounded()
-- Check if the file exists, and if we are allowed to overwrite it.
if dontOverwrite and Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", outputTopLeft.x, outputTopLeft.y)) then
-- Reset the count for the "Waiting for x frames." message in the UI.
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = 0 end
-- Wait some additional frames.
-- We will shake the screen a little bit so that Noita generates/populates chunks.
if captureDelay and captureDelay > 0 then
for _ = 1, captureDelay do
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos + Vec2(math.random(-1, 1), math.random(-1, 1))) end
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = ctx.state.WaitFrames + 1 end
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end
if ensureLoaded then
local delayFrames = 0
-- Prematurely stop capturing if that is requested by the context.
if ctx and ctx:IsStopping() then return end
if delayFrames > 30 then
-- Wiggle the screen a bit, as chunks sometimes don't want to load.
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos + Vec2(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10))) end
delayFrames = delayFrames + 1
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = ctx.state.WaitFrames + 1 end
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end
if delayFrames > 600 then
-- Shaking wasn't enough, we will just move somewhere else an try again.
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos + Vec2(math.random(-4000, 4000), math.random(-4000, 4000))) end
delayFrames = delayFrames + 50
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = ctx.state.WaitFrames + 50 end
if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end
delayFrames = delayFrames + 10
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = ctx.state.WaitFrames + 10 end
delayFrames = delayFrames + 1
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = ctx.state.WaitFrames + 1 end
local topLeftBounds, bottomRightBounds = CameraAPI:Bounds()
until DoesWorldExistAt(topLeftBounds.x, topLeftBounds.y, bottomRightBounds.x, bottomRightBounds.y)
-- Chunks are loaded and will be drawn on the *next* frame.
if ctx then ctx.state.WaitFrames = 0 end
-- Suspend UI drawing for 1 frame.
-- First we wait one frame for the current state to be drawn.
-- At this point the needed frame is fully drawn, but the framebuffers are swapped.
-- Recalculate capture position and rectangle if we are not forcing any capture position.
-- We are in the `OnWorldPreUpdate` hook, this means that `CameraAPI.GetPos` return the position of the last frame.
if not pos then
topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = calculateCaptureRectangle(pos)
if outputPixelScale > 0 then
outputTopLeft = (topLeftWorld * outputPixelScale):Rounded()
outputTopLeft = topLeftWorld
-- Wait another frame.
-- After this `wait` the framebuffer will be swapped again, and we can grab the correct frame.
-- The top left world position needs to be upscaled by the pixel scale.
-- Otherwise it's not possible to stitch the images correctly.
if not ScreenCapture.Capture(topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, outputTopLeft, (bottomRightWorld - topLeftWorld) * outputPixelScale) then
error(string.format("failed to capture screenshot"))
-- Reset monitor and PC standby every screenshot.
---Map capture process runner context error handler callback. Just rolls off the tongue.
---@param err string
---@param scope "init"|"do"|"end"
local function mapCapturingCtxErrHandler(err, scope)
print(string.format("Failed to capture map: %s.", err))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("MapCaptureError", "Failed to capture map:", tostring(err))
---Starts the capturing process in a spiral around origin.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the progress.
---@param origin Vec2 -- Center of the spiral in world pixels.
---@param captureGridSize number -- The grid size in world pixels.
---@param outputPixelScale number? -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
---@param captureDelay number? -- The number of additional frames to wait before a screen capture.
function Capture:StartCapturingSpiral(origin, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
---Origin rounded to capture grid.
---@type Vec2
local origin = (origin / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor") * captureGridSize
---The position in world coordinates.
---Centered to the grid.
---@type Vec2
local pos = origin + Vec2(captureGridSize / 2, captureGridSize / 2)
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
local i = 1
-- +x
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
pos:Add(Vec2(captureGridSize, 0))
-- +y
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
pos:Add(Vec2(0, captureGridSize))
i = i + 1
-- -x
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
pos:Add(Vec2(-captureGridSize, 0))
-- -y
for _ = 1, i, 1 do
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
pos:Add(Vec2(0, -captureGridSize))
i = i + 1
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Starts the capturing process of the given area using a hilbert curve.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the process.
---@param topLeft Vec2 -- Top left of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param bottomRight Vec2 -- Non inclusive bottom right coordinate of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param captureGridSize number -- The grid size in world pixels.
---@param outputPixelScale number? -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
---@param captureDelay number? -- The number of additional frames to wait before a screen capture.
function Capture:StartCapturingAreaHilbert(topLeft, bottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
-- The capture offset which is needed to center the grid cells in the viewport.
local captureOffset = Vec2(captureGridSize / 2, captureGridSize / 2)
-- Get the extended capture rectangle that encloses all grid cells that need to be included in the capture.
-- In this case we only need to extend the capture area by the valid rendering rectangle.
local validTopLeft, validBottomRight = Coords:ValidRenderingRect()
local validTopLeftWorld, validBottomRightWorld = Coords:ToWorld(validTopLeft, topLeft + captureOffset), Coords:ToWorld(validBottomRight, bottomRight + captureOffset)
---The capture rectangle in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2, Vec2
local gridTopLeft, gridBottomRight = (validTopLeftWorld / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor"), ((validBottomRightWorld) / captureGridSize):Rounded("ceil") - Vec2(1, 1)
---Size of the rectangle in grid cells.
---@type Vec2
local gridSize = gridBottomRight - gridTopLeft
-- Hilbert curve can only fit into a square, so get the longest side.
local gridPOTSize = math.ceil(math.log(math.max(gridSize.x, gridSize.y)) / math.log(2))
-- Max size (Already rounded up to the next power of two).
local gridMaxSize = math.pow(2, gridPOTSize)
local t, tLimit = 0, gridMaxSize * gridMaxSize
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
ctx.state = { Current = 0, Max = gridSize.x * gridSize.y }
while t < tLimit do
-- Prematurely stop capturing if that is requested by the context.
if ctx:IsStopping() then return end
---Position in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local hilbertPos = Vec2(Hilbert.Map(t, gridPOTSize))
if hilbertPos.x < gridSize.x and hilbertPos.y < gridSize.y then
---Position in world coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local pos = (hilbertPos + gridTopLeft) * captureGridSize
pos:Add(captureOffset) -- Move to center of grid cell.
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
ctx.state.Current = ctx.state.Current + 1
t = t + 1
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Starts the capturing process of the given area by scanning from left to right, and top to bottom.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the process.
---@param topLeft Vec2 -- Top left of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param bottomRight Vec2 -- Non inclusive bottom right coordinate of the to be captured rectangle.
---@param captureGridSize number -- The grid size in world pixels.
---@param outputPixelScale number? -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
---@param captureDelay number? -- The number of additional frames to wait before a screen capture.
function Capture:StartCapturingAreaScan(topLeft, bottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
-- The capture offset which is needed to center the grid cells in the viewport.
local captureOffset = Vec2(captureGridSize / 2, captureGridSize / 2)
-- Get the extended capture rectangle that encloses all grid cells that need to be included in the capture.
-- In this case we only need to extend the capture area by the valid rendering rectangle.
local validTopLeft, validBottomRight = Coords:ValidRenderingRect()
local validTopLeftWorld, validBottomRightWorld = Coords:ToWorld(validTopLeft, topLeft + captureOffset), Coords:ToWorld(validBottomRight, bottomRight + captureOffset)
---The capture rectangle in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2, Vec2
local gridTopLeft, gridBottomRight = (validTopLeftWorld / captureGridSize):Rounded("floor"), ((validBottomRightWorld) / captureGridSize):Rounded("ceil") - Vec2(1, 1)
---Size of the rectangle in grid cells.
---@type Vec2
local gridSize = gridBottomRight - gridTopLeft
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
ctx.state = { Current = 0, Max = gridSize.x * gridSize.y }
for gridY = gridTopLeft.y, gridBottomRight.y-1, 1 do
for gridX = gridTopLeft.x, gridBottomRight.x-1, 1 do
-- Prematurely stop capturing if that is requested by the context.
if ctx:IsStopping() then return end
---Position in grid coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local gridPos = Vec2(gridX, gridY)
---Position in world coordinates.
---@type Vec2
local pos = gridPos * captureGridSize
pos:Add(captureOffset) -- Move to center of grid cell.
captureScreenshot(pos, true, true, ctx, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
ctx.state.Current = ctx.state.Current + 1
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Starts the live capturing process.
---Use `Capture.MapCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the process.
---@param outputPixelScale number? -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingLive(outputPixelScale)
---Queries the mod settings for the live capture parameters.
---@return integer interval -- The interval length in frames. Defaults to 30.
---@return number minDistanceSqr -- The minimum (squared) distance between screenshots. This will prevent screenshots if the player doesn't move much.
---@return number maxDistanceSqr -- The maximum (squared) distance between screenshots. This will allow more screenshots per interval if the player moves fast.
local function querySettings()
local interval = tonumber(ModSettingGet("")) or 30
local minDistance = tonumber(ModSettingGet("")) or 10
local maxDistance = tonumber(ModSettingGet("")) or 50
return interval, minDistance ^ 2, maxDistance ^ 2
-- Create file that signals that there are files in the output directory.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/nonempty", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
local oldPos
local interval, minDistanceSqr, maxDistanceSqr = querySettings()
-- Wait until we are allowed to take a new screenshot.
local delayFrames = 0
delayFrames = delayFrames + 1
local distanceSqr
if oldPos then distanceSqr = CameraAPI.GetPos():DistanceSqr(oldPos) else distanceSqr = math.huge end
until ctx:IsStopping() or ((delayFrames >= interval or distanceSqr >= maxDistanceSqr) and distanceSqr >= minDistanceSqr)
captureScreenshot(nil, false, false, ctx, outputPixelScale, nil)
oldPos = CameraAPI.GetPos()
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.MapCapturingCtx:Run(nil, handleDo, handleEnd, mapCapturingCtxErrHandler)
---Gathers all entities on the screen (around x, y within radius), serializes them, appends them into entityFile and/or modifies those entities.
---@param file file*?
---@param modify boolean
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param radius number
local function captureModifyEntities(file, modify, x, y, radius)
local entities = EntityAPI.GetInRadius(x, y, radius)
for _, entity in ipairs(entities) do
-- Get to the root entity, as we are exporting entire entity trees.
local rootEntity = entity:GetRootEntity() or entity
-- Make sure to only export entities when they are encountered the first time.
if file and not rootEntity:HasTag("MapCaptured") then
--print(rootEntity:GetFilename(), "got captured!")
-- Some hacky way to generate valid JSON that doesn't break when the game crashes.
-- Well, as long as it does not crash between write and flush.
if file:seek("end") == 0 then
-- First line.
file:write("[\n\t", JSON.Marshal(rootEntity), "\n", "]")
-- Following lines.
file:seek("end", -2) -- Seek a few bytes back, so we can overwrite some stuff.
file:write(",\n\t", JSON.Marshal(rootEntity), "\n", "]")
-- Disabling this component will prevent entities from being killed/reset when they go offscreen.
-- If they are reset, all tags will be reset and we may capture these entities multiple times.
-- This has some side effects, like longleg.xml and zombie_weak.xml will respawn every revisit, as their spawner doesn't get deleted. (Or something similar to this)
local components = rootEntity:GetComponents("CameraBoundComponent")
for _, component in ipairs(components) do
rootEntity:SetComponentsEnabled(component, false)
-- Prevent recapturing.
-- Make sure to only modify entities when they are encountered the first time.
-- Also, don't modify the player.
if modify and not rootEntity:IsPlayer() and not rootEntity:HasTag("MapModified") then
-- Disable some components.
for _, componentTypeName in ipairs(Config.ComponentsToDisable) do
local components = rootEntity:GetComponents(componentTypeName)
for _, component in ipairs(components) do
rootEntity:SetComponentsEnabled(component, false)
-- Modify the gravity of every VelocityComponent, so stuff will not fall.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("VelocityComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("gravity_x", 0)
component:SetValue("gravity_y", 0)
component:SetValue("mVelocity", 0, 0)
-- Modify the gravity of every CharacterPlatformingComponent, so mobs will not fall.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("CharacterPlatformingComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("pixel_gravity", 0)
-- Disable the hover and spinning animations of every ItemComponent.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("ItemComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("play_hover_animation", false)
component:SetValue("play_spinning_animation", false)
-- Disable the hover animation of cards. Disabling the "SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent" does not help.
--[[local components = rootEntity:GetComponents("SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent")
for _, component in ipairs(components) do
component:SetValue("x_speed", 0)
component:SetValue("y_speed", 0)
component:SetValue("x_amount", 0)
component:SetValue("y_amount", 0)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("PhysicsBody2Component")
if component then
component:SetValue("kill_entity_if_body_destroyed", false)
component:SetValue("destroy_body_if_entity_destroyed", false)
component:SetValue("auto_clean", false)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("DamageModelComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("falling_damages", false)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("ExplodeOnDamageComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("explode_on_death_percent", 0)
-- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding.
local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("MaterialInventoryComponent")
if component then
component:SetValue("on_death_spill", false)
component:SetValue("kill_when_empty", false)
-- Prevent it from being modified again.
-- Just a test on how to remove/kill creatures and enemies.
--if (rootEntity:HasTag("enemy") or rootEntity:HasTag("helpless_animal")) and not rootEntity:HasTag("boss") then
-- rootEntity:Kill()
-- Ensure everything is written to disk before noita decides to crash.
if file then
---@return file*?
local function createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile()
-- Make sure the file exists.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/entities.json", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
-- Create or reopen entities JSON file.
file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/entities.json", "r+b") -- Open for reading (r) and writing (+) in binary mode. r+b will not truncate the file to 0.
if file == nil then return nil end
return file
---Starts entity capturing and modification.
---Use `Capture.EntityCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the progress.
---@param store boolean -- Will create a file and write all encountered entities into it.
---@param modify boolean -- Will modify all encountered entities.
function Capture:StartCapturingEntities(store, modify)
-- There is nothing to capture, don't start anything.
if not store and not modify then return end
local file
---Process initialization callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleInit(ctx)
-- Create output file if requested.
file = store and createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() or nil
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
local pos, radius = CameraAPI:GetPos(), 5000 -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center.
captureModifyEntities(file, modify, pos.x, pos.y, radius)
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
if file then file:close() end
---Error handler callback.
---@param err string
---@param scope "init"|"do"|"end"
local function handleErr(err, scope)
print(string.format("Failed to capture entities: %s", err))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("EntitiesCaptureError", "Failed to capture entities:", tostring(err))
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.EntityCapturingCtx:Run(handleInit, handleDo, handleEnd, handleErr)
---Writes the current player position and other stats onto disk.
---@param file file*?
---@param pos Vec2
---@param oldPos Vec2
---@param hp number
---@param maxHP number
---@param polymorphed boolean
local function writePlayerPathEntry(file, pos, oldPos, hp, maxHP, polymorphed)
if not file then return end
local struct = {
from = oldPos,
to = pos,
hp = hp,
maxHP = maxHP,
polymorphed = polymorphed,
-- Some hacky way to generate valid JSON that doesn't break when the game crashes.
-- Well, as long as it does not crash between write and flush.
if file:seek("end") == 0 then
-- First line.
file:write("[\n\t", JSON.Marshal(struct), "\n", "]")
-- Following lines.
file:seek("end", -2) -- Seek a few bytes back, so we can overwrite some stuff.
file:write(",\n\t", JSON.Marshal(struct), "\n", "]")
-- Ensure everything is written to disk before noita decides to crash.
---@return file*?
local function createOrOpenPlayerPathCaptureFile()
-- Make sure the file exists.
local file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/player-path.json", "a")
if file ~= nil then file:close() end
-- Create or reopen JSON file.
file ="mods/noita-mapcap/output/player-path.json", "r+b") -- Open for reading (r) and writing (+) in binary mode. r+b will not truncate the file to 0.
if file == nil then return nil end
return file
---Starts capturing the player path.
---Use `Capture.PlayerPathCapturingCtx` to stop, control or view the progress.
---@param interval integer? -- Wait time between captures in frames.
---@param outputPixelScale number? -- The resulting image pixel to world pixel ratio.
function Capture:StartCapturingPlayerPath(interval, outputPixelScale)
interval = interval or 20
if outputPixelScale == 0 or outputPixelScale == nil then
outputPixelScale = Coords:PixelScale()
local file
local oldPos
---Process initialization callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleInit(ctx)
-- Create output file if requested.
file = createOrOpenPlayerPathCaptureFile()
---Process main callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleDo(ctx)
-- Get player entity, even if it is polymorphed.
-- For some reason Noita crashes when querying the "is_player" GameStatsComponent value on a freshly polymorphed entity found by its "player_unit" tag.
-- It seems that the entity can still be found by the tag, but its components/values can't be accessed anymore.
-- Solution: Don't do that.
---@type NoitaEntity?
local playerEntity
-- Try to find the regular player entity.
for _, entity in ipairs(EntityAPI.GetWithTag("player_unit")) do
playerEntity = entity
-- If no player_unit entity was found, check if the player is any of the polymorphed entities.
if not playerEntity then
for _, entity in ipairs(EntityAPI.GetWithTag("polymorphed")) do
local gameStatsComponent = entity:GetFirstComponent("GameStatsComponent")
if gameStatsComponent and gameStatsComponent:GetValue("is_player") then
playerEntity = entity
-- Found some player entity.
if playerEntity then
-- Get position.
local x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY = playerEntity:GetTransform()
local pos = Vec2(x, y) * outputPixelScale
-- Get some other stats from the player.
local damageModel = playerEntity:GetFirstComponent("DamageModelComponent")
local hp, maxHP
if damageModel then
hp, maxHP = damageModel:GetValue("hp"), damageModel:GetValue("max_hp")
local polymorphed = playerEntity:HasTag("polymorphed")
if oldPos then writePlayerPathEntry(file, pos, oldPos, hp, maxHP, polymorphed) end
oldPos = pos
until ctx:IsStopping()
---Process end callback.
---@param ctx ProcessRunnerCtx
local function handleEnd(ctx)
if file then file:close() end
---Error handler callback.
---@param err string
---@param scope "init"|"do"|"end"
local function handleErr(err, scope)
print(string.format("Failed to capture player path: %s", err))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("PlayerPathCaptureError", "Failed to capture player path:", tostring(err))
-- Run process, if there is no other running right now.
self.PlayerPathCapturingCtx:Run(handleInit, handleDo, handleEnd, handleErr)
---Starts the capturing process based on user/mod settings.
function Capture:StartCapturing()
Message:CatchException("Capture:StartCapturing", function()
local mode = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode")
local outputPixelScale = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.pixel-scale")
local captureGridSize = tonumber(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.grid-size"))
local captureDelay = tonumber(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-delay"))
if mode == "live" then
self:StartCapturingPlayerPath(5, outputPixelScale) -- Capture player path with an interval of 5 frames.
elseif mode == "area" then
local area = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.area")
if area == "custom" then
local topLeft = Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.area-top-left"))
local bottomRight = Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.area-bottom-right"))
self:StartCapturingAreaScan(topLeft, bottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
local predefinedArea = Config.CaptureArea[area]
if predefinedArea then
self:StartCapturingAreaScan(predefinedArea.TopLeft, predefinedArea.BottomRight, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
Message:ShowRuntimeError("PredefinedArea", string.format("Unknown predefined capturing area %q", tostring(area)))
elseif mode == "spiral" then
local origin = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode-spiral-origin")
if origin == "custom" then
local originVec = Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode-spiral-origin-vector"))
self:StartCapturingSpiral(originVec, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
elseif origin == "0" then
local originVec = Vec2(0, 0)
self:StartCapturingSpiral(originVec, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
elseif origin == "current" then
local originVec = CameraAPI:GetPos()
self:StartCapturingSpiral(originVec, captureGridSize, outputPixelScale, captureDelay)
Message:ShowRuntimeError("SpiralOrigin", string.format("Unknown spiral origin %q", tostring(origin)))
Message:ShowRuntimeError("StartCapturing", string.format("Unknown capturing mode %q", tostring(mode)))
-- Start entity capturing and modification, if wanted.
local captureEntities = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-entities")
local modifyEntities = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.modify-entities")
self:StartCapturingEntities(captureEntities, modifyEntities)
---Stops all capturing processes.
function Capture:StopCapturing()