Fixes and cleanup

- use Set/GetNWInt()
- put everything ZS related in its own file
- Added team to permissions
- Added font setting
David Vogel 8 years ago
parent e2db00b0ea
commit a50c3e0359

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- Delete HUD and redo if already existent. This will reset the values until the next update from the server
-- Delete HUD and redo if already existent. This will reset the displayed values until the next update from the server
if d3stats.D3StatsOverlay then
@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ function d3stats.Overlay_Init()
-- Call this function from cl_targetid.lua in the gamemode
-- Call this function from cl_targetid.lua in the gamemode. Works for ZS, needs adjustments for other gamemodes.
local colTemp = Color(255, 255, 255)
function d3stats.DrawTargetID( ent, fade, x, y )
colTemp.a = fade * 255
--util.ColorCopy(COLOR_FRIENDLY, colTemp)
if ent.D3Stats_Level and d3stats.Levels[ent.D3Stats_Level] then
draw.SimpleTextBlur("Level " .. tostring(ent.D3Stats_Level) .. " \"" .. d3stats.Levels[ent.D3Stats_Level].Name .. "\"", "ZSHUDFontTiny", x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
y = y + draw.GetFontHeight("ZSHUDFontTiny") + 4
local Level = ent:GetNWInt( "D3Stats_Level", 0 )
if Level > 0 and d3stats.Levels[Level] then
draw.SimpleTextBlur("Level " .. tostring(Level) .. " \"" .. d3stats.Levels[Level].Name .. "\"", d3stats.Font_TargetID, x, y, colTemp, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
y = y + draw.GetFontHeight(d3stats.Font_TargetID) + 4
return x, y

@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ include( "vgui/overlay.lua" )
hook.Add( "Initialize", "D3Stats_Init", function ()
end )

@ -6,24 +6,4 @@ net.Receive( "D3Stats_UpdateXP", function()
if d3stats and d3stats.D3StatsOverlay then
d3stats.D3StatsOverlay:StatsUpdate( XP, d3stats.CalculateLevel( XP ) )
end )
net.Receive( "D3Stats_UpdateLevels", function()
local players = net.ReadUInt( 16 )
for i = 1, players do
local ply = net.ReadEntity()
local Level = net.ReadUInt( 16 )
ply.D3Stats_Level = Level
--print( "Level update: " .. tostring(ply) .." --> " .. tostring(Level))
end )
net.Receive( "D3Stats_BroadcastLevel", function()
local ply = net.ReadEntity()
local Level = net.ReadUInt( 16 )
ply.D3Stats_Level = Level
--print( "Level broadcast: " .. tostring(ply) .." --> " .. tostring(Level))
end )

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Any "zombie survival" gamemode specific code goes in here
-- XP rewards for players getting points
hook.Add( "PlayerPointsAdded", "D3Stats_ZS_PlayerPointsAdded", function ( ply, points )
if points <= d3stats.PlayerPointsAdded_Limit then
ply:D3Stats_AddXP( points )
end )
-- XP rewards for zombies killing humans
hook.Add( "PostZombieKilledHuman", "D3Stats_ZS_PostZombieKilledHuman", function ( ply, attacker, dmginfo, headshot, wassuicide )
local reward = d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Static + d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Fraction * ply:Frags()
reward = math.Clamp( reward, d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Min, d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Max )
attacker:D3Stats_AddXP( reward )
end )
-- Message on levelchange
hook.Add( "D3Stats_LevelChanged", "D3Stats_ZS_LevelChanged", function ( ply, oldLevel, Level )
ply:CenterNotify( Color( 0, 255, 255 ), "You ascended to level " .. tostring( Level ) .. " \"" .. d3stats.Levels[Level].Name .. "\"")
end )

@ -20,36 +20,16 @@ include( "sh_settings.lua" )
include( "sh_level.lua" )
include( "sh_concommand.lua" )
include( "gamemodes/sv_zombiesurvival.lua" )
include( "sv_network.lua" )
-- XP rewards for players getting points
hook.Add( "PlayerPointsAdded", "D3Stats_PlayerPointsAdded", function ( ply, points )
if points <= d3stats.PlayerPointsAdded_Limit then
ply:D3Stats_AddXP( points )
end )
-- XP rewards for zombies killing humans
hook.Add( "PostZombieKilledHuman", "D3Stats_PostZombieKilledHuman", function ( ply, attacker, dmginfo, headshot, wassuicide )
local reward = d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Static + d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Fraction * ply:GetPoints()
reward = math.Clamp( reward, d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Min, d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Max )
attacker:D3Stats_AddXP( reward )
end )
hook.Add( "PlayerReady", "D3Stats_PlayerReady", function ( ply ) -- TODO: Find a better method than using the PlayerReady hook
-- Send all the levels of the other players to ply
end )
hook.Add( "PlayerSpawn", "D3Stats_PlayerSpawn", function ( ply )
hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "D3Stats_PlayerSpawn", function ( ply )
-- Send its own XP
-- Broadcast the own level to others
ply.D3Stats_Level = ply:D3Stats_GetLevel()
ply:D3Stats_Net_BroadcastLevel( ply.D3Stats_Level )
-- Store level as network and local player variable
ply.D3Stats_Level = d3stats.CalculateLevel( ply:D3Stats_GetXP() )
ply:SetNWInt( "D3Stats_Level", ply.D3Stats_Level )
end )
local meta = FindMetaTable( "Player" )
@ -74,12 +54,11 @@ function meta:D3Stats_SetXP( XP )
-- Broadcast on level change
local Level = self:D3Stats_GetLevel()
-- Update network variable and send message on level change
local Level = d3stats.CalculateLevel( XP )
if self.D3Stats_Level and self.D3Stats_Level ~= Level then
self.D3Stats_Level = Level
self:D3Stats_Net_BroadcastLevel( Level )
self:CenterNotify( Color( 0, 255, 255 ), "You ascended to level " .. tostring( Level ) .. " \"" .. d3stats.Levels[Level].Name .. "\"")
self:SetNWInt( "D3Stats_Level", Level )
hook.Call( "D3Stats_LevelChanged" , nil, self, self.D3Stats_Level, Level )
self.D3Stats_Level = Level
@ -93,14 +72,14 @@ function meta:D3Stats_AddXP( XP )
function meta:D3Stats_GetLevel()
return d3stats.CalculateLevel( self:D3Stats_GetXP() )
return self.D3Stats_Level
-- Check if the players level has the permission
function meta:D3Stats_HasPermission( Permission )
-- If no one else has this permission, allow it
if d3stats.Permissions[Permission] and d3stats.Permissions[Permission].AllowIfLessThan and d3stats.Permissions[Permission].AllowIfLessThan > d3stats.CountPermissionPlayers( Permission ) then
-- If there are too few players with this permission, allow it
if d3stats.Permissions[Permission] and d3stats.Permissions[Permission].AllowIfLessThan and d3stats.Permissions[Permission].AllowIfLessThan > d3stats.CountPermissionPlayers( Permission, d3stats.Permissions[Permission].Team ) then
return true

@ -32,13 +32,15 @@ end
-- Count the amount of online players who have the permission
if SERVER then
function d3stats.CountPermissionPlayers( Permission )
function d3stats.CountPermissionPlayers( Permission, Team )
local Counter = 0
local players = player.GetAll()
for key, ply in pairs( players ) do
if d3stats.LevelCheckPermission( ply:D3Stats_GetLevel(), Permission ) == true then
Counter = Counter + 1
if Team == nil or pl:Team() == Team then
if d3stats.LevelCheckPermission( ply:D3Stats_GetLevel(), Permission ) == true then
Counter = Counter + 1

@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ Settings and level definitions are stored in here
-- Permissions
-- AllowIfLessThan: If the amount of players who have the permission is lower than this number, allow it anyways
-- Team: Reduces count to the specified team. In ZS: TEAM_SURVIVOR = 4
d3stats.Permissions = {
["Buy_Hammer"] = { AllowIfLessThan = 2 },
["Use_Hammer"] = { AllowIfLessThan = 2 },
["Buy_Hammer"] = { AllowIfLessThan = 2, Team = 4 },
["Use_Hammer"] = { AllowIfLessThan = 2, Team = 4 },
-- Levels, please sort by XP
@ -53,4 +54,28 @@ d3stats.PlayerPointsAdded_Limit = 200 -- Ignore all "PlayerPointsAdded" callbac
d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Fraction = 1.0 -- Amount of XP a zombie gets of the killed humans points
d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Static = 100 -- Amount of XP a zombie gets for killing a human
d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Max = 1000 -- Upper XP reward clamp
d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Min = 0 -- Lower XP reward clamp
d3stats.ZombieKilledHuman_Min = 0 -- Lower XP reward clamp
-- Fonts
if CLIENT then
surface.CreateFont( "D3Stats_OverlayFont", {
font = "Typenoksidi",
extended = true,
size = 16,
weight = 0,
blursize = 0,
scanlines = 0,
antialias = true,
underline = false,
italic = false,
strikeout = false,
symbol = false,
rotary = false,
shadow = false,
additive = false,
outline = true,
} )
d3stats.Font_Overlay = "D3Stats_OverlayFont"
d3stats.Font_TargetID = "D3Stats_OverlayFont"

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
util.AddNetworkString( "D3Stats_UpdateXP" )
util.AddNetworkString( "D3Stats_UpdateLevels" )
util.AddNetworkString( "D3Stats_BroadcastLevel" )
local meta = FindMetaTable( "Player" )
if not meta then return end
@ -11,25 +9,3 @@ function meta:D3Stats_Net_UpdateXP()
net.WriteUInt( self:D3Stats_GetXP(), 32 )
net.Send( self )
-- Send all player levels to this (self) player
function meta:D3Stats_Net_UpdateLevels()
net.Start( "D3Stats_UpdateLevels" )
local players = player.GetAll()
net.WriteUInt( table.getn( players ), 16 )
for k, ply in pairs( players ) do
net.WriteEntity( ply )
net.WriteUInt( ply:D3Stats_GetLevel(), 16 )
net.Send( self )
-- Send the current level of this (self) player to everyone
function meta:D3Stats_Net_BroadcastLevel( Level )
net.Start( "D3Stats_BroadcastLevel" )
net.WriteEntity( self )
net.WriteUInt( Level, 16 )

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function PANEL:Init()
self.Progress:SetSize( 200, 10 )
self.Label = vgui.Create( "DLabel", self )
self.Label:SetPos( 10, 25 ) -- Set the position of the label
self:StatsUpdate( 0, 1 )
--self.Label:SetDark( 1 ) -- Set the colour of the text inside the label to a darker one
