-- Copyright (c) 2019-2022 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -------------------------- -- Load library modules -- -------------------------- local CameraAPI = require("noita-api.camera") local Coords = require("coordinates") local EntityAPI = require("noita-api.entity") local Hilbert = require("hilbert-curve") local JSON = require("noita-api.json") local ScreenCapture = require("screen-capture") local Utils = require("noita-api.utils") local Vec2 = require("noita-api.vec2") local MonitorStandby = require("monitor-standby") ---------- -- Code -- ---------- CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE = 1 -- Screen to virtual pixel ratio. CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE = 512 -- in virtual (world) pixels. There will always be exactly 4 images overlapping if the virtual resolution is 1024x1024. -- "Base layout" (Base layout. Every part outside this is based on a similar layout, but uses different materials/seeds) CAPTURE_AREA_BASE_LAYOUT = { Left = -17920, -- in virtual (world) pixels. Top = -7168, -- in virtual (world) pixels. Right = 17920, -- in virtual (world) pixels. (Coordinate is not included in the rectangle) Bottom = 17408 -- in virtual (world) pixels. (Coordinate is not included in the rectangle) } -- "Main world" (The main world with 3 parts: sky, normal and hell) CAPTURE_AREA_MAIN_WORLD = { Left = -17920, -- in virtual (world) pixels. Top = -31744, -- in virtual (world) pixels. Right = 17920, -- in virtual (world) pixels. (Coordinate is not included in the rectangle) Bottom = 41984 -- in virtual (world) pixels. (Coordinate is not included in the rectangle) } -- "Extended" (Main world + a fraction of the parallel worlds to the left and right) CAPTURE_AREA_EXTENDED = { Left = -25600, -- in virtual (world) pixels. Top = -31744, -- in virtual (world) pixels. Right = 25600, -- in virtual (world) pixels. (Coordinate is not included in the rectangle) Bottom = 41984 -- in virtual (world) pixels. (Coordinate is not included in the rectangle) } local componentTypeNamesToDisable = { "AnimalAIComponent", "SimplePhysicsComponent", "CharacterPlatformingComponent", "WormComponent", "WormAIComponent", "CameraBoundComponent", -- Disabling this component will prevent entites from being killed/reset when they go offscreen. If they are reset, the "MapCaptured" tag will be gone and we capture these entities multiple times. This has some side effects, like longleg.xml and zombie_weak.xml will respawn every revisit, as the spawner doesn't get deleted. --"PhysicsBodyCollisionDamageComponent", --"ExplodeOnDamageComponent", --"DamageModelComponent", --"SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent", --"MaterialInventoryComponent", --"LuaComponent", --"PhysicsBody2Component", -- Disabling will hide barrels and similar stuff, also triggers an assertion. --"PhysicsBodyComponent", --"VelocityComponent", -- Disabling this component may cause a "...\component_updators\advancedfishai_system.cpp at line 107" exception. --"SpriteComponent", --"AudioComponent", } --- ---@return file*|nil local function createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() -- Make sure the file exists. local file = io.open("mods/noita-mapcap/output/entities.json", "a") if file ~= nil then file:close() end -- Create or reopen entities CSV file. file = io.open("mods/noita-mapcap/output/entities.json", "r+b") -- Open for reading (r) and writing (+) in binary mode. r+b will not truncate the file to 0. if file == nil then return nil end return file end ---captureEntities gathers all entities on the screen (around x, y within radius), serializes them, appends them into entityFile and modifies those entities. ---@param entityFile file*|nil ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param radius number local function captureEntities(entityFile, x, y, radius) if not entityFile then return end local entities = EntityAPI.GetInRadius(x, y, radius) for _, entity in ipairs(entities) do -- Get to the root entity, as we are exporting entire entity trees. local rootEntity = entity:GetRootEntity() -- Make sure to only export entities when they are encountered the first time. if not rootEntity:HasTag("MapCaptured") then --print(rootEntity:GetFilename(), "got captured!") -- Some hacky way to generate valid JSON that doesn't break when the game crashes. -- Well, as long as it does not crash between write and flush. if entityFile:seek("end") == 0 then -- First line. entityFile:write("[\n\t", JSON.Marshal(rootEntity), "\n", "]") else -- Following lines. entityFile:seek("end", -2) -- Seek a few bytes back, so we can overwrite some stuff. entityFile:write(",\n\t", JSON.Marshal(rootEntity), "\n", "]") end -- Prevent recapturing. rootEntity:AddTag("MapCaptured") -- Disable some components. for _, componentTypeName in ipairs(componentTypeNamesToDisable) do local components = rootEntity:GetComponents(componentTypeName) for _, component in ipairs(components) do rootEntity:SetComponentsEnabled(component, false) end end -- Modify the gravity of every VelocityComponent, so stuff will not fall. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("VelocityComponent") if component then component:SetValue("gravity_x", 0) component:SetValue("gravity_y", 0) component:SetValue("mVelocity", 0, 0) end -- Modify the gravity of every CharacterPlatformingComponent, so mobs will not fall. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("CharacterPlatformingComponent") if component then component:SetValue("pixel_gravity", 0) end -- Disable the hover and spinning animations of every ItemComponent. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("ItemComponent") if component then component:SetValue("play_hover_animation", false) component:SetValue("play_spinning_animation", false) end -- Disable the hover animation of cards. Disabling the "SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent" does not help. --[[local components = rootEntity:GetComponents("SpriteOffsetAnimatorComponent") for _, component in ipairs(components) do component:SetValue("x_speed", 0) component:SetValue("y_speed", 0) component:SetValue("x_amount", 0) component:SetValue("y_amount", 0) end]] -- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("PhysicsBody2Component") if component then component:SetValue("kill_entity_if_body_destroyed", false) component:SetValue("destroy_body_if_entity_destroyed", false) component:SetValue("auto_clean", false) end -- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("DamageModelComponent") if component then component:SetValue("falling_damages", false) end -- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("ExplodeOnDamageComponent") if component then component:SetValue("explode_on_death_percent", 0) end -- Try to prevent some stuff from exploding. local component = rootEntity:GetFirstComponent("MaterialInventoryComponent") if component then component:SetValue("on_death_spill", false) component:SetValue("kill_when_empty", false) end end end -- Ensure everything is written to disk before noita decides to crash. entityFile:flush() end function DebugEntityCapture() local entityFile = createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() -- Coroutine to capture all entities around the viewport every frame. async_loop(function() local x, y = GameGetCameraPos() -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center. -- Call the protected function and catch any errors. local ok, err = pcall(captureEntities, entityFile, x, y, 5000) if not ok then print(string.format("Entity capture error: %s", err)) end wait(0) end) end ---Returns a capturing rectangle in window coordinates, and also the world coordinates for the same rectangle. ---@param pos Vec2|nil -- Position of the viewport center in world coordinates. If set to nil, the viewport center will be queried automatically. ---@return Vec2 topLeftCapture ---@return Vec2 bottomRightCapture ---@return Vec2 topLeftWorld ---@return Vec2 bottomRightWorld local function GenerateCaptureRectangle(pos) local topLeft, bottomRight = Coords:ValidRenderingRect() -- Convert valid rendering rectangle into world coordinates, and round it towards the window center. local topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = Coords:ToWorld(topLeft, pos):Rounded("ceil"), Coords:ToWorld(bottomRight, pos):Rounded("floor") -- Convert back into window coordinates, and round to nearest. local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture = Coords:ToWindow(topLeftWorld, pos):Rounded(), Coords:ToWindow(bottomRightWorld, pos):Rounded() return topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld end ---Captures a screenshot at the given position in world coordinates. ---This will block until all chunks in the virtual rectangle are loaded. --- ---Don't set `ensureLoaded` to true when `pos` is nil! ---@param pos Vec2|nil -- Position of the viewport center in world coordinates. If set to nil, the viewport will not be modified. ---@param ensureLoaded boolean|nil -- If true, the function will wait until all chunks in the virtual rectangle are loaded. local function captureScreenshot(pos, ensureLoaded) local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = GenerateCaptureRectangle(pos) UiCaptureDelay = 0 if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end if ensureLoaded then repeat if UiCaptureDelay > 100 then -- Wiggle the screen a bit, as chunks sometimes don't want to load. if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos + Vec2(math.random(-100, 100), math.random(-100, 100))) end DrawUI() wait(0) UiCaptureDelay = UiCaptureDelay + 1 if pos then CameraAPI.SetPos(pos) end end DrawUI() wait(0) UiCaptureDelay = UiCaptureDelay + 1 until DoesWorldExistAt(topLeftWorld.x, topLeftWorld.y, bottomRightWorld.x, bottomRightWorld.y) -- Chunks are loaded an will be drawn on the *next* frame. end wait(0) -- Without this line empty chunks may still appear, also it's needed for the UI to disappear. -- Fetch coordinates again, as they may have changed. local topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, topLeftWorld, bottomRightWorld = GenerateCaptureRectangle(pos) local outputPixelScale = 4 -- The top left world position needs to be upscaled by the pixel scale. -- Otherwise it's not possible to stitch the images correctly. if not ScreenCapture.Capture(topLeftCapture, bottomRightCapture, (topLeftWorld * outputPixelScale):Rounded(), (bottomRightWorld - topLeftWorld) * outputPixelScale) then UiCaptureProblem = "Screen capture failed. Please restart Noita." end -- Reset monitor and PC standby every screenshot. MonitorStandby.ResetTimer() end function startCapturingSpiral() local entityFile = createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() local ox, oy = GameGetCameraPos() -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center. ox, oy = math.floor(ox / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, math.floor(oy / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE ox, oy = ox + 256, oy + 256 -- Align screen with ingame chunk grid that is 512x512. local x, y = ox, oy local virtualWidth, virtualHeight = tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_X")), tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_Y")) local virtualHalfWidth, virtualHalfHeight = math.floor(virtualWidth / 2), math.floor(virtualHeight / 2) GameSetCameraFree(true) -- Coroutine to capture all entities around the viewport every frame. async_loop(function() local x, y = GameGetCameraPos() -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center. -- Call the protected function and catch any errors. local ok, err = pcall(captureEntities, entityFile, x, y, 5000) if not ok then print(string.format("Entity capture error: %s", err)) end wait(0) end) -- Coroutine to calculate next coordinate, and trigger screenshots. local i = 1 async_loop( function() -- +x for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = (x - virtualHalfWidth) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE, (y - virtualHalfHeight) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE if not Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(Vec2(x, y), true) end x, y = x + CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, y end -- +y for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = (x - virtualHalfWidth) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE, (y - virtualHalfHeight) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE if not Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(Vec2(x, y), true) end x, y = x, y + CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE end i = i + 1 -- -x for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = (x - virtualHalfWidth) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE, (y - virtualHalfHeight) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE if not Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(Vec2(x, y), true) end x, y = x - CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, y end -- -y for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = (x - virtualHalfWidth) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE, (y - virtualHalfHeight) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE if not Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(Vec2(x, y), true) end x, y = x, y - CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE end i = i + 1 end ) end function startCapturingHilbert(area) local entityFile = createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() local ox, oy = GameGetCameraPos() local virtualWidth, virtualHeight = tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_X")), tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_Y")) local virtualHalfWidth, virtualHalfHeight = math.floor(virtualWidth / 2), math.floor(virtualHeight / 2) -- Get size of the rectangle in grid/chunk coordinates. local gridLeft = math.floor(area.Left / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) local gridTop = math.floor(area.Top / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) local gridRight = math.ceil(area.Right / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) -- This grid coordinate is not included. local gridBottom = math.ceil(area.Bottom / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) -- This grid coordinate is not included. -- Edge case if area.Left == area.Right then gridRight = gridLeft end if area.Top == area.Bottom then gridBottom = gridTop end -- Size of the grid in chunks. local gridWidth = gridRight - gridLeft local gridHeight = gridBottom - gridTop -- Hilbert curve can only fit into a square, so get the longest side. local gridPOTSize = math.ceil(math.log(math.max(gridWidth, gridHeight)) / math.log(2)) -- Max size (Already rounded up to the next power of two). local gridMaxSize = math.pow(2, gridPOTSize) local t, tLimit = 0, gridMaxSize * gridMaxSize UiProgress = { Progress = 0, Max = gridWidth * gridHeight } GameSetCameraFree(true) -- Coroutine to capture all entities around the viewport every frame. async_loop(function() local x, y = GameGetCameraPos() -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center. -- Call the protected function and catch any errors. local ok, err = pcall(captureEntities, entityFile, x, y, 5000) if not ok then print(string.format("Entity capture error: %s", err)) end wait(0) end) -- Coroutine to calculate next coordinate, and trigger screenshots. async( function() while t < tLimit do local hx, hy = Hilbert.Map(t, gridPOTSize) if hx < gridWidth and hy < gridHeight then local x, y = (hx + gridLeft) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, (hy + gridTop) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE x, y = x + 256, y + 256 -- Align screen with ingame chunk grid that is 512x512. local rx, ry = (x - virtualHalfWidth) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE, (y - virtualHalfHeight) * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE if not Utils.FileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(Vec2(x, y), true) end UiProgress.Progress = UiProgress.Progress + 1 end t = t + 1 end UiProgress.Done = true end ) end ---Starts the capturing screenshots at the given interval. ---This will not move the viewport and is meant to capture the player while playing. ---@param interval integer|nil -- The interval length in frames. Defaults to 60. ---@param minDistance number|nil -- The minimum distance between screenshots. This will prevent screenshots if the player doesn't move much. ---@param maxDistance number|nil -- The maximum distance between screenshots. This will allow more screenshots per interval if the player moves fast. function StartCapturingLive(interval, minDistance, maxDistance) interval = interval or 60 minDistance = minDistance or 10 maxDistance = maxDistance or 50 local minDistanceSqr, maxDistanceSqr = minDistance ^ 2, maxDistance ^ 2 --local entityFile = createOrOpenEntityCaptureFile() -- Coroutine to capture all entities around the viewport every frame. --[[async_loop(function() local pos = CameraAPI:GetPos() -- Returns the virtual coordinates of the screen center. -- Call the protected function and catch any errors. local ok, err = pcall(captureEntities, entityFile, pos.x, pos.y, 5000) if not ok then print(string.format("Entity capture error: %s", err)) end wait(0) end)]] local oldPos -- Coroutine to calculate next coordinate, and trigger screenshots. async_loop(function() local frames = 0 repeat wait(0) frames = frames + 1 local distanceSqr if oldPos then distanceSqr = CameraAPI.GetPos():DistanceSqr(oldPos) else distanceSqr = math.huge end until (frames >= interval or distanceSqr >= maxDistanceSqr) and distanceSqr >= minDistanceSqr captureScreenshot() oldPos = CameraAPI.GetPos() end) end