-- Copyright (c) 2019 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT --local host, port = "", "46789" --local socket = require("socket") --local tcp = assert(socket.tcp()) --package.path = package.path .. ";" .. "mods/noita-mapcap/libs/lua/" .. "?.lua" --package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";" .. "mods/noita-mapcap/libs/" .. "?.dll" -- TODO: Make it OS aware local ffi = ffi or _G.ffi or require("ffi") -- Don't let lua garbage collect and unload the lib, it will cause crashes later on! -- Blah, this causes random crashes anyways. Probably the go runtime that interferes with something else in noita. local status, caplib = pcall(ffi.load, "mods/noita-mapcap/bin/capture-b/capture") if not status then print("Error loading capture lib: " .. cap) end ffi.cdef [[ void Capture(int x, int y); ]] function TriggerCapture(x, y) --IngamePrint(os.execute(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/bin/capture/capture.exe -x %i -y %i", x, y))) --IngamePrint("a", os.execute("capture.exe")) --os.execute("screenshots") --IngamePrint("b", os.execute("../bin/capture/capture.exe")) --local handle = io.popen("mods/noita-mapcap/bin/capture/capture.exe") --local result = handle:read("*a") --IngamePrint(result) --handle:close() --IngamePrint(os.execute("echo test")) --print("trace", "A") caplib.Capture(x, y) --print("trace", "B") end --[[function TriggerCapture(x, y) local status, lib = pcall(require, "socket") if not status then IngamePrint("Error loading socket lib: " .. lib) end IngamePrint("DEBUG - Capture") tcp:connect(host, port) IngamePrint("DEBUG - Connected") tcp:send(string.format("x: %i\n", x)) tcp:send(string.format("y: %i\n", y)) tcp:send(string.format("\n", y)) IngamePrint("DEBUG - Sent") local result, error = tcp:receive("*l") -- Ignore error or result for now, the function blocks until a newline character is received. IngamePrint("DEBUG - Received") tcp:close() IngamePrint("DEBUG - Closed") end]]