-- Copyright (c) 2019-2022 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -- Some code to make Noita's lua conform more to standard lua. -- Stupid way to prevent this code from being called more than once per sandbox. -- Calling this lua file with dofile_once would still cause the setup function to be called multiple times. if _NoitaAPICompatibilityWrapperGuard_ then return function(dummy) end end _NoitaAPICompatibilityWrapperGuard_ = true -- Override print function to behave more like the standard lua one. local oldPrint = print function print(...) local arg = { ... } local stringArgs = {} for i, v in ipairs(arg) do table.insert(stringArgs, tostring(v)) end oldPrint(unpack(stringArgs)) end -- Package doesn't exist when the Lua API is restricted. -- Therefore we create it here and apply some default values. package = package or {} package.path = package.path or "./?.lua;" package.preload = package.preload or {} package.loaded = package.loaded or { _G = _G, bit = bit, coroutine = coroutine, debug = debug, math = math, package = package, string = string, table = table, --io = io, --jit = jit, --os = os, } for k, v in pairs(package.loaded) do print(k, v) end ---Emulated require function in case the Lua API is restricted. ---It's probably good enough for most usecases. ---@param modName string ---@return any local function customRequire(modName) -- Check if package was already loaded, return previous result. if package.loaded[modName] then return package.loaded[modName] end local notFoundStr = "" -- Check if there is an entry in the preload table. local preloadFunc = package.preload[modName] if preloadFunc then local res = preloadFunc(modName) if res == nil then res = true end package.loaded[modName] = res return res else notFoundStr = notFoundStr .. string.format("\tno field package.preload[%q]\n", modName) end -- Load and execute scripts. -- Iterate over all package.path entries. for pathEntry in string.gmatch(package.path, "[^;]+") do local modPath = string.gsub(modName, "%.", "/") -- Replace "." with file path delimiter. local filePath = string.gsub(pathEntry, "?", modPath, 1) -- Insert modPath into "?" placeholder. local fixedPath = string.gsub(filePath, "^%.[\\/]", "") -- Need to remove "./" or ".\" at the beginning, as Noita allows only "data" and "mods". if fixedPath:sub(1, 4) == "data" or fixedPath:sub(1, 4) == "mods" then -- Ignore everything other than data and mod root path elements. It's not perfect, but this is just there to prevent console spam. local res, err = dofile(fixedPath) if res == nil then notFoundStr = notFoundStr .. string.format("\tno file %q\n", filePath) else if res == nil then res = true end package.loaded[modName] = res return res end else notFoundStr = notFoundStr .. string.format("\tnot allowed %q\n", filePath) end end error(string.format("module %q not found:\n%s", modName, notFoundStr)) end require = require or customRequire ---Set up some stuff so `require` works as expected. ---@param modName any local function setup(modName) -- Add the files folder of the given mod as base for any `require` lookups. package.path = package.path .. "./mods/" .. modName .. "/files/?.lua;" --package.path = package.path .. "./mods/" .. modName .. "/files/?/init.lua;" end return setup