-- Copyright (c) 2022 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT -- Noita settings/configuration modifications. -- We try to keep persistent modifications to a minimum, but some things have to be changed in order for the mod to work correctly. -- There are 4 ways Noita can be modified by code: -- - `config.xml`: These are persistent, and Noita needs to be force closed when changed from inside a mod. -- - `magic_numbers.xml`: Persistent per world, can only be applied at mod startup. -- - Process memory: Volatile, can be modified at runtime. Needs correct memory addresses to function. -- - File patching: Volatile, can only be applied at mod startup. -------------------------- -- Load library modules -- -------------------------- local CameraAPI = require("noita-api.camera") local Coords = require("coordinates") local ffi = require("ffi") local Memory = require("memory") local NXML = require("luanxml.nxml") local Utils = require("noita-api.utils") local Vec2 = require("noita-api.vec2") ---------- -- Code -- ---------- ---Reads the current config from `config.xml` and returns it as table. ---@return table config function Modification.GetConfig() local configFilename = Utils.GetSpecialDirectory("save-shared") .. "config.xml" -- Read and modify config. local f, err = io.open(configFilename, "r") if not f then error(string.format("failed to read config file: %s", err)) end local xml = NXML.parse(f:read("*a")) f:close() return xml.attr end ---Will update Noita's `config.xml` with the values in the given table. --- ---This will force close Noita! ---@param config table -- List of `config.xml` attributes that should be changed. function Modification.SetConfig(config) local configFilename = Utils.GetSpecialDirectory("save-shared") .. "config.xml" -- Read and modify config. local f, err = io.open(configFilename, "r") if not f then error(string.format("failed to read config file: %s", err)) end local xml = NXML.parse(f:read("*a")) for k, v in pairs(config) do xml.attr[k] = v end f:close() -- Write modified config back. local f, err = io.open(configFilename, "w") if not f then error(string.format("failed to create config file: %s", err)) end f:write(tostring(xml)) f:close() -- We need to force close Noita, so it doesn't have any chance to overwrite the file. os.exit(0) end ---Will update Noita's `magic_numbers.xml` with the values in the given table. --- ---Should be called on mod initialization only. ---@param magic table -- List of `magic_numbers.xml` attributes that should be changed. function Modification.SetMagicNumbers(magic) local xml = NXML.new_element("MagicNumbers", magic) -- Write magic number file. local f, err = io.open("mods/noita-mapcap/files/magic-numbers/generated.xml", "w") if not f then error(string.format("failed to create config file: %s", err)) end f:write(tostring(xml)) f:close() ModMagicNumbersFileAdd("mods/noita-mapcap/files/magic-numbers/generated.xml") end ---Changes some options directly by manipulating process memory. --- ---Related issue: https://github.com/Dadido3/noita-mapcap/issues/14. ---@param memory table function Modification.SetMemoryOptions(memory) -- Lookup table with the following hierarchy: -- DevBuild -> OS -> BuildDate -> Option -> ModFunc. local lookup = { [true] = { Windows = { [0x00F77B0C] = { _BuildString = "Build Apr 23 2021 18:36:55", -- GOG dev build. mPostFxDisabled = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B6C)[0] = value end, mGuiDisabled = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B6D)[0] = value end, mGuiHalfSize = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B6E)[0] = value end, mFogOfWarOpenEverywhere = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B6F)[0] = value end, mTrailerMode = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B70)[0] = value end, mDayTimeRotationPause = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B71)[0] = value end, mPlayerNeverDies = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B72)[0] = value end, mFreezeAI = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010E3B73)[0] = value end, }, [0x00F80384] = { _BuildString = "Build Apr 23 2021 18:40:40", -- Steam dev build. mPostFxDisabled = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEBC)[0] = value end, mGuiDisabled = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEBD)[0] = value end, mGuiHalfSize = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEBE)[0] = value end, mFogOfWarOpenEverywhere = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEBF)[0] = value end, mTrailerMode = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEC0)[0] = value end, mDayTimeRotationPause = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEC1)[0] = value end, mPlayerNeverDies = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEC2)[0] = value end, mFreezeAI = function(value) ffi.cast("char*", 0x010EDEC3)[0] = value end, }, }, }, [false] = { Windows = { [0x00E1C550] = { _BuildString = "Build Apr 23 2021 18:44:24", -- Steam build. enableModDetection = function(value) local ptr = ffi.cast("char*", 0x0063D8AD) Memory.VirtualProtect(ptr, 1, Memory.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) ptr[0] = value -- This basically just changes the value that Noita forces to the "mods_have_been_active_during_this_run" member of the WorldStateComponent when any mod is enabled. end, }, }, }, } -- Look up the tree and set options accordingly. local level1 = lookup[DebugGetIsDevBuild()] level1 = level1 or {} local level2 = level1[ffi.os] level2 = level2 or {} local level3 for k, v in pairs(level2) do if ffi.string(ffi.cast("char*", k)) == v._BuildString then level3 = v break end end for k, v in pairs(memory) do local modFunc = level3[k] if modFunc ~= nil then modFunc(v) else Message:ShowModificationUnsupported("processMemory", k, v) end end end ---Applies patches to game files based on in the given table. --- ---Should be called on mod initialization only. ---@param patches table function Modification.PatchFiles(patches) -- Change constants in post_final.frag. if patches.PostFinalConst then local postFinal = ModTextFileGetContent("data/shaders/post_final.frag") for k, v in pairs(patches.PostFinalConst) do postFinal = postFinal:gsub(string.format(" %s%%s+=[^;]+;", k), string.format(" %s = %s;", k, tostring(v)), 1) end ModTextFileSetContent("data/shaders/post_final.frag", postFinal) end end ---Returns tables with user requested game configuration changes. ---@return table config -- List of `config.xml` attributes that should be changed. ---@return table magic -- List of `magic_number.xml` attributes that should be changed. ---@return table memory -- List of options in RAM of this process that should be changed. ---@return table patches -- List of patches that should be applied to game files. function Modification.RequiredChanges() local config, magic, memory, patches = {}, {}, {}, {} -- Does the user request a custom resolution? local customResolution = (ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.custom-resolution-live") and ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode") == "live") or (ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.custom-resolution-other") and ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode") ~= "live") if customResolution then config["window_w"] = tostring(Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.window-resolution")).x) config["window_h"] = tostring(Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.window-resolution")).y) config["internal_size_w"] = tostring(Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.internal-resolution")).x) config["internal_size_h"] = tostring(Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.internal-resolution")).y) config["backbuffer_width"] = config["window_w"] config["backbuffer_height"] = config["window_h"] magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_X"] = tostring(Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.virtual-resolution")).x) magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_Y"] = tostring(Vec2(ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.virtual-resolution")).y) -- Set virtual offset to prevent/reduce not correctly drawn pixels at the window border. magic["GRID_RENDER_BORDER"] = "3" -- This will widen the right side of the virtual rectangle. It also shifts the world coordinates to the right. magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_OFFSET_X"] = "-3" magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_OFFSET_Y"] = "0" else -- Reset some values if there is no custom resolution requested. config["internal_size_w"] = "1280" config["internal_size_h"] = "720" magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_X"] = "427" magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_Y"] = "242" magic["GRID_RENDER_BORDER"] = "2" magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_OFFSET_X"] = "-1" magic["VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_OFFSET_Y"] = "-1" end -- Always expect a fullscreen mode of 0 (windowed). -- Capturing will not work in fullscreen. config["fullscreen"] = "0" -- Also disable screen shake. config["screenshake_intensity"] = "0" magic["DRAW_PARALLAX_BACKGROUND"] = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-background") and "0" or "1" -- These magic numbers seem only to work in the dev build. magic["DEBUG_PAUSE_GRID_UPDATE"] = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-physics") and "1" or "0" magic["DEBUG_PAUSE_BOX2D"] = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-physics") and "1" or "0" magic["DEBUG_DISABLE_POSTFX_DITHERING"] = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-postfx") and "1" or "0" if ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-postfx") then patches.PostFinalConst = { ENABLE_REFRACTION = false, ENABLE_LIGHTING = false, ENABLE_FOG_OF_WAR = false, ENABLE_GLOW = false, ENABLE_GAMMA_CORRECTION = false, ENABLE_PATH_DEBUG = false, FOG_FOREGROUND = "vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)", FOG_BACKGROUND = "vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)", FOG_FOREGROUND_NIGHT = "vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)", FOG_BACKGROUND_NIGHT = "vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)", } end if ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-shaders-gui-ai") then memory["mPostFxDisabled"] = 1 memory["mGuiDisabled"] = 1 memory["mFreezeAI"] = 1 memory["mTrailerMode"] = 1 -- Is necessary for chunks to correctly load when DEBUG_PAUSE_GRID_UPDATE is enabled. end if ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-mod-detection") then memory["enableModDetection"] = 0 else -- Don't actively (re)enable mod detection. --memory["enableModDetection"] = 1 end -- Disables or hides most of the UI. -- The game is still somewhat playable this way. if ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.disable-ui") then magic["INVENTORY_GUI_ALWAYS_VISIBLE"] = "0" magic["UI_BARS2_OFFSET_X"] = "100" else -- Reset to default. magic["INVENTORY_GUI_ALWAYS_VISIBLE"] = "1" magic["UI_BARS2_OFFSET_X"] = "-40" end return config, magic, memory, patches end ---Sets the camera free if required by the mod settings. ---@param force boolean|nil -- If true, the camera will be set free regardless. function Modification.SetCameraFree(force) if force ~= nil then CameraAPI.SetCameraFree(force) return end local captureMode = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode") local spiralOrigin = ModSettingGet("noita-mapcap.capture-mode-spiral-origin") -- Allow free roaming when in spiral mode with origin being the current position. if captureMode == "spiral" and spiralOrigin == "current" then CameraAPI.SetCameraFree(true) return end CameraAPI.SetCameraFree(false) end ---Will change the game settings according to `Modification.RequiredChanges()`. --- ---This will force close Noita! function Modification.AutoSet() local config, magic = Modification.RequiredChanges() Modification.SetConfig(config) end ---Will reset all persistent settings that may have been changed by this mod. --- ---This will force close Noita! function Modification.Reset() local config = { window_w = "1280", window_h = "720", internal_size_w = "1280", internal_size_h = "720", backbuffer_width = "1280", backbuffer_height = "720", screenshake_intensity = "0.7", } Modification.SetConfig(config) end