; Copyright (c) 2019-2022 David Vogel ; ; This software is released under the MIT License. ; https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT UsePNGImageEncoder() Declare Worker(*Dummy) Structure QueueElement img.i x.i y.i sx.i sy.i EndStructure ; Source: https://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=29981&start=15 Procedure EnumWindowsProc(hWnd.l, *lParam.Long) Protected lpProc.l GetWindowThreadProcessId_(hWnd, @lpProc) If *lParam\l = lpProc ; Check if current window's processID matches *lParam\l = hWnd ; Replace processID in the param With the hwnd As result ProcedureReturn #False ; Return false to stop iterating EndIf ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure ; Source: https://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=29981&start=15 ; Returns the first window associated with the given process handle Procedure GetProcHwnd() Protected pID.l = GetCurrentProcessId_() Protected tempParam.l = pID EnumWindows_(@EnumWindowsProc(), @tempParam) If tempParam = pID ; Check if anything was found ProcedureReturn #Null EndIf ProcedureReturn tempParam ; This is a valid hWnd at this point EndProcedure ; Get the client rectangle of the "Main" window of this process in screen coordinates ProcedureDLL GetRect(*rect.RECT) Protected hWnd.l = GetProcHwnd() If Not hWnd ProcedureReturn #False EndIf If Not *rect ProcedureReturn #False EndIf GetClientRect_(hWnd, *rect) ; A RECT consists basically of two POINT structures ClientToScreen_(hWnd, @*rect\left) ClientToScreen_(hWnd, @*rect\Right) ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure ProcedureDLL AttachProcess(Instance) Global Semaphore = CreateSemaphore() Global Mutex = CreateMutex() Global NewList Queue.QueueElement() CreateDirectory("mods/noita-mapcap/output/") For i = 1 To 6 CreateThread(@Worker(), #Null) Next EndProcedure Procedure Worker(*Dummy) Protected img, x, y Repeat WaitSemaphore(Semaphore) LockMutex(Mutex) FirstElement(Queue()) img = Queue()\img x = Queue()\x y = Queue()\y sx = Queue()\sx sy = Queue()\sy DeleteElement(Queue()) UnlockMutex(Mutex) If sx > 0 And sy > 0 ResizeImage(img, sx, sy) EndIf SaveImage(img, "mods/noita-mapcap/output/" + x + "," + y + ".png", #PB_ImagePlugin_PNG) ;SaveImage(img, "" + x + "," + y + ".png", #PB_ImagePlugin_PNG) ; Test FreeImage(img) ForEver EndProcedure ; Takes a screenshot of the client area of this process' active window. ; The portion of the client area that is captured is described by capRect, which is in window coordinates and relative to the client area. ; x and y defines the top left position of the captured rectangle in scaled world coordinates. The scale depends on the window to world pixel ratio. ; sx and sy defines the final dimensions that the screenshot will be resized to. No resize will happen if set to 0. ProcedureDLL Capture(*capRect.RECT, x.l, y.l, sx.l, sy.l) Protected hWnd.l = GetProcHwnd() If Not hWnd ProcedureReturn #False EndIf Protected rect.RECT If Not GetRect(@rect) ProcedureReturn #False EndIf ; Limit the desired capture area to the actual client area of the window. If *capRect\left < 0 : *capRect\left = 0 : EndIf If *capRect\right > rect\right-rect\left : *capRect\right = rect\right-rect\left : EndIf If *capRect\top < 0 : *capRect\top = 0 : EndIf If *capRect\bottom > rect\bottom-rect\top : *capRect\bottom = rect\bottom-rect\top : EndIf imageID = CreateImage(#PB_Any, *capRect\right-*capRect\left, *capRect\bottom-*capRect\top) If Not imageID ProcedureReturn #False EndIf ; Get DC of window. windowDC = GetDC_(hWnd) If Not windowDC FreeImage(imageID) ProcedureReturn #False EndIf hDC = StartDrawing(ImageOutput(imageID)) If Not hDC ReleaseDC_(hWnd, windowDC) FreeImage(imageID) ProcedureReturn #False EndIf If Not BitBlt_(hDC, 0, 0, *capRect\right-*capRect\left, *capRect\bottom-*capRect\top, windowDC, *capRect\left, *capRect\top, #SRCCOPY) ; After some time BitBlt will fail, no idea why. Also, that's moments before noita crashes. StopDrawing() ReleaseDC_(hWnd, windowDC) FreeImage(imageID) ProcedureReturn #False EndIf StopDrawing() ReleaseDC_(hWnd, windowDC) LockMutex(Mutex) ; Check if the queue has too many elements, if so, wait. (Emulate go's channels) While ListSize(Queue()) > 1 UnlockMutex(Mutex) Delay(1) LockMutex(Mutex) Wend LastElement(Queue()) AddElement(Queue()) Queue()\img = imageID Queue()\x = x Queue()\y = y Queue()\sx = sx Queue()\sy = sy UnlockMutex(Mutex) SignalSemaphore(Semaphore) ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure ; #### Test ;AttachProcess(0) ;OpenWindow(0, 100, 200, 195, 260, "PureBasic Window", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_MaximizeGadget) ;Delay(1000) ;Capture(123, 123) ;Delay(1000) ; IDE Options = PureBasic 6.00 LTS (Windows - x64) ; ExecutableFormat = Shared dll ; CursorPosition = 94 ; FirstLine = 39 ; Folding = -- ; Optimizer ; EnableThread ; EnableXP ; Executable = capture.dll ; Compiler = PureBasic 6.00 LTS (Windows - x86)