-- Copyright (c) 2019 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT async_loop( function() if modGUI ~= nil then GuiStartFrame(modGUI) GuiLayoutBeginVertical(modGUI, 50, 20) if GuiButton(modGUI, 0, 0, "Start capturing map", 1) then startCapturing() GuiDestroy(modGUI) modGUI = nil end GuiTextCentered(modGUI, 0, 0, "Don't do anything while the capturing process is running!") GuiTextCentered(modGUI, 0, 0, "Use ESC and close the game to stop the process.") --[[if GuiButton(gui, 0, 0, "DEBUG globals", 1) then local file = io.open("mods/noita-mapcap/output/globals.txt", "w") for i, v in pairs(_G) do file:write(i .. "\n") end file:close() end]] GuiLayoutEnd(modGUI) end wait(0) end )