-- Copyright (c) 2019-2022 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT ----------------------- -- Load global stuff -- ----------------------- -------------------------- -- Load library modules -- -------------------------- local Coords = require("coordinates") ---------- -- Code -- ---------- ---Removes all messages with the AutoClose flag. ---Use this before you recreate all auto closing messages. function Message:CloseAutoClose() self.List = self.List or {} for k, message in pairs(self.List) do if message.AutoClose then self.List[k] = nil end end end ---Add a general runtime error message to the message list. ---This will always overwrite the last runtime error with the same id. ---@param id string ---@param ... string function Message:ShowRuntimeError(id, ...) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["RuntimeError" .. id] = { Type = "error", Lines = { ... }, } end ---Calls func and catches any exception. ---If there is one, a runtime error message will be shown to the user. ---@param id string ---@param func function function Message:CatchException(id, func) local ok, err = xpcall(func, debug.traceback) if not ok then print(string.format("An exception happened in %s: %s", id, err)) self:ShowRuntimeError(id, string.format("An exception happened in %s", id), err) end end ---Request the user to let the addon automatically reset some Noita settings. function Message:ShowResetNoitaSettings() self.List = self.List or {} self.List["ResetNoitaSettings"] = { Type = "info", Lines = { "You requested to reset some game settings like:", "- Custom resolutions", "- Screen-shake intensity", " ", "Press the following button to reset the settings and close Noita automatically:", }, Actions = { { Name = "Reset and close (May corrupt current save!)", Hint = nil, HintDesc = nil, Callback = function() Modification:Reset() end }, }, } end ---Request the user to let the addon automatically set Noita settings based on the given callback. ---@param callback function ---@param desc string -- What's wrong. function Message:ShowSetNoitaSettings(callback, desc) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["SetNoitaSettings"] = { Type = "warning", Lines = { "It seems that not all requested settings are applied to Noita:", desc or "", " ", "Press the button at the bottom to set up and close Noita automatically.", " ", "You can always reset any custom settings by right clicking the `start capture`", "button at the top left.", }, Actions = { { Name = "Setup and close (May corrupt current save!)", Hint = nil, HintDesc = nil, Callback = callback }, }, AutoClose = true, -- This message will automatically close. } end ---Request the user to restart Noita. ---@param desc string -- What's wrong. function Message:ShowRequestRestart(desc) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["RequestRestart"] = { Type = "warning", Lines = { "It seems that not all requested settings are applied to Noita:", desc or "", " ", "To resolve this issue, restart the game.", }, AutoClose = true, -- This message will automatically close. } end ---Request the user to let the addon automatically set Noita settings based on the given callback. ---@param callback function ---@param desc string -- What's wrong. function Message:ShowWrongResolution(callback, desc) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["WrongResolution"] = { Type = "warning", Lines = { "The resolution changed:", desc or "", " ", "To fix: Restart Noita or revert the change." }, Actions = { { Name = "Query settings again", Hint = nil, HintDesc = nil, Callback = function() Coords:ReadResolutions() end }, }, AutoClose = true, -- This message will automatically close. } end ---Tell the user that there are files in the output directory. function Message:ShowOutputNonEmpty() self.List = self.List or {} self.List["OutputNonEmpty"] = { Type = "hint", Lines = { "There are already files in the output directory.", "If you are continuing a capture session, ignore this message.", " ", "If you are about to capture a new map, make sure to delete all files in the output directory first." }, Actions = { { Name = "Open output directory", Hint = nil, HintDesc = nil, Callback = function() os.execute("start .\\mods\\noita-mapcap\\output\\") end }, }, } end ---Tell the user that some settings are not optimal. ---@param ... string function Message:ShowGeneralSettingsProblem(...) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["GeneralSettingsProblem"] = { Type = "hint", Lines = { ... }, AutoClose = true, -- This message will automatically close. } end ---Tell the user that there is something wrong with the mod installation. ---@param ... string function Message:ShowGeneralInstallationProblem(...) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["GeneralInstallationProblem"] = { Type = "error", Lines = { ... }, } end ---Tell the user that some modification couldn't be applied because it is unsupported. ---@param realm "config"|"magicNumbers"|"processMemory"|"filePatches" ---@param name string ---@param value any function Message:ShowModificationUnsupported(realm, name, value) self.List = self.List or {} self.List["ModificationFailed"] = { Type = "warning", Lines = { string.format("Couldn't modify %q in %q realm.", name, realm), " ", "This simply means that this modification is not supported for the Noita version you are using.", "Feel free to open an issue at https://github.com/Dadido3/noita-mapcap.", }, } end