-- Copyright (c) 2019 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE = 1 -- Screen to virtual pixel ratio CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE = 420 -- in ingame pixels. There will always be 3 to 6 images overlapping CAPTURE_DELAY = 15 -- in frames CAPTURE_BIGJUMP_DELAY = 20 -- in frames. Additional delay after doing a "larger than grid jump" CAPTURE_FORCE_HP = 4 -- * 25HP CAPTURE_LEFT = -25000 -- in ingame pixels. Left edge of the full map capture rectangle CAPTURE_TOP = -36000 -- in ingame pixels. Top edge of the full map capture rectangle CAPTURE_RIGHT = 25000 -- in ingame pixels. Right edge of the full map capture rectangle (Pixels are not included in the rectangle) CAPTURE_BOTTOM = 36000 -- in ingame pixels. Bottom edge of the full map capture rectangle (Pixels are not included in the rectangle) local function preparePlayer() local playerEntity = getPlayer() addEffectToEntity(playerEntity, "PROTECTION_ALL") --addPerkToPlayer("BREATH_UNDERWATER") --addPerkToPlayer("INVISIBILITY") --addPerkToPlayer("REMOVE_FOG_OF_WAR") --addPerkToPlayer("REPELLING_CAPE") --addPerkToPlayer("WORM_DETRACTOR") setPlayerHP(CAPTURE_FORCE_HP) end local xOld, yOld = 0, 0 local function captureScreenshot(x, y, rx, ry) -- "Larger than grid jump" delay local delay = CAPTURE_DELAY - 1 if math.abs(x - xOld) > CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE or math.abs(y - yOld) > CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE then delay = delay + CAPTURE_BIGJUMP_DELAY end xOld, yOld = x, y -- Set pos several times, so that chunks will load even if nothing happens in the surrounding -- This prevents black blocks in areas without entites for i = 1, delay, 1 do GameSetCameraPos(x, y) wait(1) end GameSetCameraPos(x, y) UiHide = true -- Hide UI while capturing the screenshot wait(1) if not TriggerCapture(rx, ry) then UiCaptureProblem = "Screen capture failed. Please restart Noita." end UiHide = false -- Reset monitor and PC standby each screenshot ResetStandbyTimer() end function startCapturingSpiral() local ox, oy = GameGetCameraPos() ox, oy = math.floor(ox / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, math.floor(oy / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE local x, y = ox, oy local virtualWidth, virtualHeight = tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_X")), tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_Y")) local virtualHalfWidth, virtualHalfHeight = math.floor(virtualWidth / 2), math.floor(virtualHeight / 2) preparePlayer() GameSetCameraFree(true) -- Coroutine to calculate next coordinate, and trigger screenshots local i = 1 async_loop( function() -- +x for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = x * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfWidth, y * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfHeight if not fileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(x, y, rx, ry) end x, y = x + CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, y end -- +y for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = x * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfWidth, y * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfHeight if not fileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(x, y, rx, ry) end x, y = x, y + CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE end i = i + 1 -- -x for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = x * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfWidth, y * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfHeight if not fileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(x, y, rx, ry) end x, y = x - CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, y end -- -y for i = 1, i, 1 do local rx, ry = x * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfWidth, y * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfHeight if not fileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(x, y, rx, ry) end x, y = x, y - CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE end i = i + 1 end ) end function startCapturingHilbert() local ox, oy = GameGetCameraPos() local virtualWidth, virtualHeight = tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_X")), tonumber(MagicNumbersGetValue("VIRTUAL_RESOLUTION_Y")) local virtualHalfWidth, virtualHalfHeight = math.floor(virtualWidth / 2), math.floor(virtualHeight / 2) -- Get size of the rectangle in grid/chunk coordinates local gridLeft = math.floor(CAPTURE_LEFT / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) local gridTop = math.floor(CAPTURE_TOP / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) local gridRight = math.ceil(CAPTURE_RIGHT / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) + 1 local gridBottom = math.ceil(CAPTURE_BOTTOM / CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE) + 1 -- Size of the grid in chunks local gridWidth = gridRight - gridLeft local gridHeight = gridBottom - gridTop -- Hilbert curve can only fit into a square, so get the longest side local gridPOTSize = math.ceil(math.log(math.max(gridWidth, gridHeight)) / math.log(2)) -- Max size (Already rounded up to the next power of two) local gridMaxSize = math.pow(2, gridPOTSize) local t, tLimit = 0, gridMaxSize * gridMaxSize UiProgress = {Progress = 0, Max = gridWidth * gridHeight} preparePlayer() GameSetCameraFree(true) -- Coroutine to calculate next coordinate, and trigger screenshots async( function() while t < tLimit do local hx, hy = mapHilbert(t, gridPOTSize) if hx < gridWidth and hy < gridHeight then local x, y = (hx + gridLeft) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE, (hy + gridTop) * CAPTURE_GRID_SIZE local rx, ry = x * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfWidth, y * CAPTURE_PIXEL_SIZE - virtualHalfHeight if not fileExists(string.format("mods/noita-mapcap/output/%d,%d.png", rx, ry)) then captureScreenshot(x, y, rx, ry) end UiProgress.Progress = UiProgress.Progress + 1 end t = t + 1 end end ) end