-- Copyright (c) 2019 David Vogel -- -- This software is released under the MIT License. -- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT local ffi = ffi or _G.ffi or require("ffi") local status, caplib = pcall(ffi.load, "mods/noita-mapcap/bin/capture-b/capture") if not status then print("Error loading capture lib: " .. cap) end ffi.cdef [[ typedef long LONG; typedef struct { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT; bool GetRect(RECT* rect); bool Capture(int x, int y); ]] function TriggerCapture(x, y) return caplib.Capture(x, y) end -- Get the client rectangle of the "Main" window of this process in screen coordinates function GetRect() local rect = ffi.new("RECT", 0, 0, 0, 0) if not caplib.GetRect(rect) then return nil end return rect end