-- Don't load or include this script! -- Source: https://gist.github.com/Cr4xy/c7e444173f609b23e404b6e9fc2fa408 ---Current modding API version: 7 ---@param filename string ---@param pos_x number 0 ---@param pos_y number 0 ---@return number entity_id function EntityLoad(filename, pos_x, pos_y) end ---@param filename string ---@param pos_x number 0 ---@param pos_y number 0 ---@return number entity_id function EntityLoadEndGameItem(filename, pos_x, pos_y) end ---@param filename string ---@param pos_x number 0 ---@param pos_y number 0 function EntityLoadCameraBound(filename, pos_x, pos_y) end ---Loads components from 'filename' to 'entity'. Does not load tags and other stuff. ---@param filename string ---@param entity number function EntityLoadToEntity(filename, entity) end ---Note: works only in dev builds. ---@param entity_id number ---@param filename string function EntitySave(entity_id, filename) end ---@param name string "" ---@return number entity_id function EntityCreateNew(name) end ---@param entity_id number function EntityKill(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return boolean function EntityGetIsAlive(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_type_name string ---@param table_of_component_values string[] nil ---@return number component_id function EntityAddComponent(entity_id, component_type_name, table_of_component_values) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_id number function EntityRemoveComponent(entity_id, component_id) end ---Returns a table of component ids. ---@param entity_id number ---@return number[] function EntityGetAllComponents(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_type_name string ---@param tag string|nil ---@return number[]|nil component_id function EntityGetComponent(entity_id, component_type_name, tag) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_type_name string ---@param tag string|nil ---@return number|nil component_id function EntityGetFirstComponent(entity_id, component_type_name, tag) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_type_name string ---@param tag string "" ---@return number[]|nil component_id function EntityGetComponentIncludingDisabled(entity_id, component_type_name, tag) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_type_name string ---@param tag string "" ---@return number|nil component_id function EntityGetFirstComponentIncludingDisabled(entity_id, component_type_name, tag) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param x number ---@param y number 0 ---@param rotation number 0 ---@param scale_x number 1 ---@param scale_y number 1 function EntitySetTransform(entity_id, x, y, rotation, scale_x, scale_y) end ---Sets the transform and tries to immediately refresh components that calculate values based on an entity's transform. ---@param entity_id number ---@param x number ---@param y number 0 ---@param rotation number 0 ---@param scale_x number 1 ---@param scale_y number 1 function EntityApplyTransform(entity_id, x, y, rotation, scale_x, scale_y) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return number x, number y, number rotation, number scale_x, number scale_y function EntityGetTransform(entity_id) end ---@param parent_id number ---@param child_id number function EntityAddChild(parent_id, child_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return number[]|nil entity_id function EntityGetAllChildren(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return number entity_id function EntityGetParent(entity_id) end ---Returns the given entity if it has no parent, otherwise walks up the parent hierarchy to the topmost parent and returns it. ---@param entity_id number ---@return number entity_id function EntityGetRootEntity(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number function EntityRemoveFromParent(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param tag string ---@param enabled boolean function EntitySetComponentsWithTagEnabled(entity_id, tag, enabled) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_id number ---@param is_enabled boolean function EntitySetComponentIsEnabled(entity_id, component_id, is_enabled) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return string name function EntityGetName(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param name string function EntitySetName(entity_id, name) end ---Returns a string where the tags are comma-separated, or nil if 'entity_id' doesn't point to a valid entity. ---@param entity_id number ---@return string|nil string function EntityGetTags(entity_id) end ---Returns all entities with 'tag'. ---@param tag string ---@return number[] entity_id function EntityGetWithTag(tag) end ---Returns all entities in 'radius' distance from 'x','y'. ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@param radius number ---@return number[] entity_id function EntityGetInRadius(pos_x, pos_y, radius) end ---Returns all entities in 'radius' distance from 'x','y'. ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@param radius number ---@param entity_tag string ---@return number[] entity_id function EntityGetInRadiusWithTag(pos_x, pos_y, radius, entity_tag) end ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@return number entity_id function EntityGetClosest(pos_x, pos_y) end ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@param tag string ---@return number entity_id function EntityGetClosestWithTag(pos_x, pos_y, tag) end ---@param name string ---@return number entity_id function EntityGetWithName(name) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param tag string function EntityAddTag(entity_id, tag) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param tag string function EntityRemoveTag(entity_id, tag) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param tag string ---@return boolean function EntityHasTag(entity_id, tag) end ---return value example: 'data/entities/items/flute.xml' ---@param entity_id number ---@return string full_path function EntityGetFilename(entity_id) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@return string|nil string function ComponentGetValue(component_id, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@return boolean function ComponentGetValueBool(component_id, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@return number function ComponentGetValueInt(component_id, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@return number function ComponentGetValueFloat(component_id, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@return number x, number y function ComponentGetValueVector2(component_id, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentSetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@param value string function ComponentSetValue(component_id, variable_name, value) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentSetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@param x number ---@param y number function ComponentSetValueVector2(component_id, variable_name, x, y) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentSetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@param min number ---@param max number function ComponentSetValueValueRange(component_id, variable_name, min, max) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentSetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@param min number ---@param max number function ComponentSetValueValueRangeInt(component_id, variable_name, min, max) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentSetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@param value string function ComponentSetMetaCustom(component_id, variable_name, value) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param variable_name string ---@return string|nil string function ComponentGetMetaCustom(component_id, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentObjectGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param variable_name string ---@return string|nil string function ComponentObjectGetValue(component_id, object_name, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentObjectGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param variable_name string ---@return string|nil string function ComponentObjectGetValueBool(component_id, object_name, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentObjectGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param variable_name string ---@return string|nil string function ComponentObjectGetValueInt(component_id, object_name, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentObjectGetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param variable_name string ---@return string|nil string function ComponentObjectGetValueFloat(component_id, object_name, variable_name) end ---Deprecated, use ComponentObjectSetValue2() instead. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param variable_name string ---@param value string function ComponentObjectSetValue(component_id, object_name, variable_name, value) end ---@param component_id number ---@param tag string function ComponentAddTag(component_id, tag) end ---@param component_id number ---@param tag string function ComponentRemoveTag(component_id, tag) end ---@param component_id number ---@param tag string ---@return boolean function ComponentHasTag(component_id, tag) end ---Returns one or many values matching the type or subtypes of the requested field. Reports error and returns nil if the field type is not supported or field was not found. ---@param component_id number ---@param field_name string ---@return any|nil function ComponentGetValue2(component_id, field_name) end ---Sets the value of a field. Value(s) should have a type matching the field type. Reports error if the values weren't given in correct type, the field type is not supported, or the component does not exist. ---@param component_id number ---@param field_name string ---@param value_or_values any function ComponentSetValue2(component_id, field_name, value_or_values) end ---Returns one or many values matching the type or subtypes of the requested field in a component subobject. Reports error and returns nil if the field type is not supported or 'object_name' is not a metaobject. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param field_name string ---@return any function ComponentObjectGetValue2(component_id, object_name, field_name) end ---Sets the value of a field in a component subobject. Value(s) should have a type matching the field type. Reports error if the values weren't given in correct type, the field type is not supported or 'object_name' is not a metaobject. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@param field_name string ---@param value_or_values any function ComponentObjectSetValue2(component_id, object_name, field_name, value_or_values) end ---Creates a component of type 'component_type_name' and adds it to 'entity_id'. 'table_of_component_values' should be a string-indexed table, where keys are field names and values are field values of correct type. The value setting works like ComponentObjectSetValue2(), with the exception that multivalue types are not supported. Additional supported values are _tags:comma_separated_string and _enabled:bool, which basically work like the those fields work in entity XML files. Returns the created component, if creation succeeded, or nil. ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_type_name string ---@param table_of_component_values table nil ---@return number component_id function EntityAddComponent2(entity_id, component_type_name, table_of_component_values) end ---'type_stored_in_vector' should be "int", "float" or "string". ---@param component_id number ---@param array_member_name string ---@param type_stored_in_vector string ---@return number function ComponentGetVectorSize(component_id, array_member_name, type_stored_in_vector) end ---'type_stored_in_vector' should be "int", "float" or "string". ---@param component_id number ---@param array_name string ---@param type_stored_in_vector string ---@param index number ---@return number|number|string|nil function ComponentGetVectorValue(component_id, array_name, type_stored_in_vector, index) end ---'type_stored_in_vector' should be "int", "float" or "string". ---@param component_id number ---@param array_name string ---@param type_stored_in_vector string ---@return number[]|number|string|nil function ComponentGetVector(component_id, array_name, type_stored_in_vector) end ---Returns true if the given component exists and is enabled, else false. ---@param component_id number ---@return boolean function ComponentGetIsEnabled(component_id) end ---Returns a string-indexed table of string. ---@param component_id number ---@return table|nil function ComponentGetMembers(component_id) end ---Returns a string-indexed table of string or nil. ---@param component_id number ---@param object_name string ---@return table|nil function ComponentObjectGetMembers(component_id, object_name) end ---@param component_id number ---@return string string function ComponentGetTypeName(component_id) end ---@return number entity_id function GetUpdatedEntityID() end ---@return number component_id function GetUpdatedComponentID() end ---@param time_to_execute number ---@param file_to_execute string ---@param function_to_call string nil function SetTimeOut(time_to_execute, file_to_execute, function_to_call) end ---@param color number ---@param function_name string function RegisterSpawnFunction(color, function_name) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param level number function SpawnActionItem(x, y, level) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param level number ---@param action_count number ---@return number entity_id function SpawnStash(x, y, level, action_count) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param level number ---@return number spawn_state_id, number entity_id function SpawnApparition(x, y, level) end ---@param entity_file string ---@param stash_entity_id number function LoadEntityToStash(entity_file, stash_entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param material_name string ---@param count number function AddMaterialInventoryMaterial(entity_id, material_name, count) end ---Returns the id of the material taking the largest part of the first MaterialInventoryComponent in 'entity_id', or 0 if nothing is found. ---@param entity_id number ---@return number material_type function GetMaterialInventoryMainMaterial(entity_id) end ---@param strength number ---@param x number|nil -- Defaults to camera position ---@param y number|nil -- Defaults to camera position function GameScreenshake(strength, x, y) end function GameOnCompleted() end ---@param id string function GameGiveAchievement(id) end function GameDoEnding2() end ---x = 0 normal world, -1 is first west world, +1 is first east world, if y < 0 it is sky, if y > 0 it is hell ---@param world_pos_x number ---@param world_pos_y number ---@return number x, number y function GetParallelWorldPosition(world_pos_x, world_pos_y) end ---@param filename string ---@param pixel_scenes string "data/biome/_pixel_scenes.xml" function BiomeMapLoad_KeepPlayer(filename, pixel_scenes) end ---Deprecated. Might trigger various bugs. Use BiomeMapLoad_KeepPlayer() instead. ---@param filename string function BiomeMapLoad(filename) end ---Can be used to edit biome configs during initialization. See the nightmare mod for an usage example. ---@param filename string ---@param field_name string ---@param value any function BiomeSetValue(filename, field_name, value) end ---Can be used to read biome configs. Returns one or many values matching the type or subtypes of the requested field. Reports error and returns nil if the field type is not supported or field was not found. ---@param filename string ---@param field_name string ---@return any function BiomeGetValue(filename, field_name) end ---Can be used to edit biome configs during initialization. See biome_modifiers.lua for an usage example. ---@param filename string ---@param meta_object_name string ---@param field_name string ---@param value any function BiomeObjectSetValue(filename, meta_object_name, field_name, value) end ---Can be used to edit biome config MaterialComponents during initialization. Sets the given value in all found VegetationComponent with matching tree_material. See biome_modifiers.lua for an usage example. ---@param filename string ---@param material_name string ---@param field_name string ---@param value any function BiomeVegetationSetValue(filename, material_name, field_name, value) end ---Can be used to edit biome config MaterialComponents during initialization. Sets the given value in the first found MaterialComponent with matching material_name. See biome_modifiers.lua for an usage example. ---@param filename string ---@param material_name string ---@param field_name string ---@param value any function BiomeMaterialSetValue(filename, material_name, field_name, value) end ---Can be used to read biome config MaterialComponents during initialization. Returns the given value in the first found MaterialComponent with matching material_name. See biome_modifiers.lua for an usage example. ---@param filename string ---@param material_name string ---@param field_name string ---@return any function BiomeMaterialGetValue(filename, material_name, field_name) end ---@return boolean function GameIsIntroPlaying() end ---@return boolean function GameGetIsGamepadConnected() end ---@return number entity_id function GameGetWorldStateEntity() end ---@return number entity_id function GameGetPlayerStatsEntity() end ---@return number function GameGetOrbCountAllTime() end ---@return number function GameGetOrbCountThisRun() end ---@param orb_id_zero_based number ---@return boolean function GameGetOrbCollectedThisRun(orb_id_zero_based) end ---@param orb_id_zero_based number ---@return boolean function GameGetOrbCollectedAllTime(orb_id_zero_based) end function GameClearOrbsFoundThisRun() end ---Returns the number of orbs, picked or not. ---@return number function GameGetOrbCountTotal() end ---Converts a numeric material id to the material's strings id. ---@param material_id number ---@return string string function CellFactory_GetName(material_id) end ---Returns the id of a material. ---@param material_name string ---@return number function CellFactory_GetType(material_name) end ---Returns the displayed name of a material, or an empty string if 'material_id' is not valid. Might return a text key. ---@param material_id number ---@return string string function CellFactory_GetUIName(material_id) end ---@param include_statics boolean true ---@param include_particle_fx_materials boolean false function CellFactory_GetAllLiquids(include_statics, include_particle_fx_materials) end ---@param include_statics boolean true ---@param include_particle_fx_materials boolean false function CellFactory_GetAllSands(include_statics, include_particle_fx_materials) end ---@param include_statics boolean true ---@param include_particle_fx_materials boolean false function CellFactory_GetAllGases(include_statics, include_particle_fx_materials) end ---@param include_statics boolean true ---@param include_particle_fx_materials boolean false function CellFactory_GetAllFires(include_statics, include_particle_fx_materials) end ---@param include_statics boolean true ---@param include_particle_fx_materials boolean false function CellFactory_GetAllSolids(include_statics, include_particle_fx_materials) end ---@param material_id number function CellFactory_GetTags(material_id) end ---@return number x, number y function GameGetCameraPos() end ---@param x number ---@param y number function GameSetCameraPos(x, y) end ---@param is_free boolean function GameSetCameraFree(is_free) end ---Returns the camera rectangle. This may not be 100% pixel perfect with regards to what you see on the screen. 'x','y' = top left corner of the rectangle. ---@return number x, number y, number w, number h function GameGetCameraBounds() end ---@param entity_id number function GameRegenItemAction(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number function GameRegenItemActionsInContainer(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number function GameRegenItemActionsInPlayer(entity_id) end ---@param inventory_owner_entity_id number ---@param item_entity_id number function GameKillInventoryItem(inventory_owner_entity_id, item_entity_id) end ---@param who_picks_up_entity_id number ---@param item_entity_id number ---@param do_pick_up_effects boolean true function GamePickUpInventoryItem(who_picks_up_entity_id, item_entity_id, do_pick_up_effects) end ---@param entity_id number function GameDropAllItems(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number function GameDropPlayerInventoryItems(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number function GameDestroyInventoryItems(entity_id) end ---@return boolean function GameIsInventoryOpen() end function GameTriggerGameOver() end ---@param materials_filename string ---@param colors_filename string ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param background_file string ---@param skip_biome_checks boolean false ---@param skip_edge_textures boolean false ---@param color_to_material_table table {} ---@param background_z_index number 50 function LoadPixelScene(materials_filename, colors_filename, x, y, background_file, skip_biome_checks, skip_edge_textures, color_to_material_table, background_z_index) end ---@param background_file string ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param background_z_index number 40.0 ---@param check_biome_corners boolean false function LoadBackgroundSprite(background_file, x, y, background_z_index, check_biome_corners) end ---@param material_name string ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param how_many number ---@param xvel number ---@param yvel number ---@param just_visual boolean ---@param draw_as_long boolean false function GameCreateParticle(material_name, x, y, how_many, xvel, yvel, just_visual, draw_as_long) end ---@param filename string ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param centered boolean true ---@param sprite_offset_x number 0 ---@param sprite_offset_y number 0 ---@param frames number 1 ---@param emissive boolean false function GameCreateSpriteForXFrames(filename, x, y, centered, sprite_offset_x, sprite_offset_y, frames, emissive) end ---'shooter_entity' can be 0. Warning: If 'projectile_entity' has PhysicsBodyComponent and ItemComponent, components without the "enabled_in_world" tag will be disabled, as if the entity was thrown by player. ---@param shooter_entity number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param target_x number ---@param target_y number ---@param projectile_entity number ---@param send_message boolean true ---@param verlet_parent_entity number 0 function GameShootProjectile(shooter_entity, x, y, target_x, target_y, projectile_entity, send_message, verlet_parent_entity) end ---@param entity number ---@param amount number ---@param damage_type string ---@param description string ---@param ragdoll_fx string ---@param impulse_x number ---@param impulse_y number ---@param entity_who_is_responsible number 0 ---@param world_pos_x number entity_x ---@param world_pos_y number entity_y ---@param knockback_force number 0 function EntityInflictDamage(entity, amount, damage_type, description, ragdoll_fx, impulse_x, impulse_y, entity_who_is_responsible, world_pos_x, world_pos_y, knockback_force) end ---Has the same effects that would occur if 'entity' eats 'amount' number of cells of 'material_type' from the game world. Use this instead of directly modifying IngestionComponent values, if possible. Might not work with non-player entities. Use CellFactory_GetType() to convert a material name to material type. ---@param entity number ---@param material_type number ---@param amount number function EntityIngestMaterial(entity, material_type, amount) end ---@param entity number ---@param status_type_id string function EntityRemoveIngestionStatusEffect(entity, status_type_id) end ---Adds random visible stains of 'material_type' to entity. 'amount' controls the number of stain cells added. Does nothing if 'entity' doesn't have a SpriteStainsComponent. Use CellFactory_GetType() to convert a material name to material type. ---@param entity number ---@param material_type number ---@param amount number function EntityAddRandomStains(entity, material_type, amount) end ---Modifies DamageModelComponents materials_that_damage and materials_how_much_damage variables (and their parsed out data structures) ---@param entity number ---@param material_name string ---@param damage number function EntitySetDamageFromMaterial(entity, material_name, damage) end ---Immediately refreshes the given SpriteComponent. Might be useful with text sprites if you want them to update more often than once a second. ---@param entity number ---@param sprite_component number function EntityRefreshSprite(entity, sprite_component) end ---Returns the capacity of a wand entity, or 0 if 'entity' doesnt exist. ---@param entity number ---@return number function EntityGetWandCapacity(entity) end ---Plays animation. Follow up animation ('followup_name') is applied only if 'followup_priority' is given. ---@param entity_id number ---@param name string ---@param priority number ---@param followup_name string "" ---@param followup_priority number 0 function GamePlayAnimation(entity_id, name, priority, followup_name, followup_priority) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return number x, number y function GameGetVelocityCompVelocity(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param game_effect_name string ---@return number component_id function GameGetGameEffect(entity_id, game_effect_name) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param game_effect_name string ---@return number function GameGetGameEffectCount(entity_id, game_effect_name) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param game_effect_entity_file string ---@return number effect_entity_id function LoadGameEffectEntityTo(entity_id, game_effect_entity_file) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param game_effect_name string ---@param always_load_new boolean ---@return number effect_component_id, number effect_entity_id function GetGameEffectLoadTo(entity_id, game_effect_name, always_load_new) end ---@param x number ---@param y number function SetPlayerSpawnLocation(x, y) end ---@param action_id string function UnlockItem(action_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return number function GameGetPotionColorUint(entity_id) end ---Returns the centroid of first enabled HitboxComponent found in entity, the position of the entity if no hitbox is found, or nil if the entity does not exist. All returned positions are in world coordinates. ---@param entity_id number ---@return number (x, number)|nil y function EntityGetFirstHitboxCenter(entity_id) end ---Does a raytrace that stops on any cell it hits. ---@param x1 number ---@param y1 number ---@param x2 number ---@param y2 number ---@return boolean did_hit, number hit_x, number hit_y function Raytrace(x1, y1, x2, y2) end ---Does a raytrace that stops on any cell that is not fluid, gas (yes, technically gas is a fluid), or fire. ---@param x1 number ---@param y1 number ---@param x2 number ---@param y2 number ---@return boolean did_hit, number hit_x, number hit_y function RaytraceSurfaces(x1, y1, x2, y2) end ---Does a raytrace that stops on any cell that is not gas or fire. ---@param x1 number ---@param y1 number ---@param x2 number ---@param y2 number ---@return boolean did_hit, number hit_x, number hit_y function RaytraceSurfacesAndLiquiform(x1, y1, x2, y2) end ---Does a raytrace that stops on any cell a character can stand on. ---@param x1 number ---@param y1 number ---@param x2 number ---@param y2 number ---@return boolean did_hit, number hit_x, number hit_y function RaytracePlatforms(x1, y1, x2, y2) end ---@param ideal_pos_x number ---@param idea_pos_y number ---@param velocity_x number ---@param velocity_y number ---@param body_radius number ---@return number x, number y function FindFreePositionForBody(ideal_pos_x, idea_pos_y, velocity_x, velocity_y, body_radius) end ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@param ray_length number ---@param ray_count number ---@return boolean found_normal, number normal_x, number normal_y, number approximate_distance_from_surface function GetSurfaceNormal(pos_x, pos_y, ray_length, ray_count) end ---Returns true if the area inside the bounding box defined by the parameters has been streamed in and no pixel scenes are loading in the area. ---@param min_x number ---@param min_y number ---@param max_x number ---@param max_y number ---@return boolean function DoesWorldExistAt(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) end ---@param herd_name string ---@return number function StringToHerdId(herd_name) end ---@param herd_id number ---@return string string function HerdIdToString(herd_id) end ---@param herd_id_a number ---@param herd_id_b number ---@return number function GetHerdRelation(herd_id_a, herd_id_b) end ---@param entity_a number ---@param entity_b number ---@return number function EntityGetHerdRelation(entity_a, entity_b) end ---does not spam errors, but returns 0 if anything fails ---@param entity_a number ---@param entity_b number ---@return number function EntityGetHerdRelationSafe(entity_a, entity_b) end ---Deprecated, use GenomeStringToHerdID() and ComponentSetValue2() instead. ---@param entity_id number ---@param new_herd_id string function GenomeSetHerdId(entity_id, new_herd_id) end ---NOTE: entity_id might be NULL, but pos_x and pos_y could still be valid. ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@return number entity_id, number pos_x, number pos_y function EntityGetClosestWormAttractor(pos_x, pos_y) end ---NOTE: entity_id might be NULL, but pos_x and pos_y could still be valid ---@param pos_x number ---@param pos_y number ---@return number entity_id, number pos_x, number pos_y, number radius function EntityGetClosestWormDetractor(pos_x, pos_y) end ---@param log_line string function GamePrint(log_line) end ---@param title string ---@param description string "" ---@param ui_custom_decoration_file string "" function GamePrintImportant(title, description, ui_custom_decoration_file) end ---@return number x, number y function DEBUG_GetMouseWorld() end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param message string "" ---@param color_r number 1 ---@param color_g number 0 ---@param color_b number 0 function DEBUG_MARK(x, y, message, color_r, color_g, color_b) end ---@return number function GameGetFrameNum() end ---@return number function GameGetRealWorldTimeSinceStarted() end ---@param entity_id number ---@return boolean function IsPlayer(entity_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@return boolean function IsInvisible(entity_id) end ---@return boolean function GameIsDailyRun() end ---@return boolean function GameIsDailyRunOrDailyPracticeRun() end ---@return boolean function GameIsModeFullyDeterministic() end ---@param key string ---@param value string function GlobalsSetValue(key, value) end ---@param key string ---@param default_value string "" function GlobalsGetValue(key, default_value) end ---@param key string ---@return string string function MagicNumbersGetValue(key) end ---@param new_seed number function SetWorldSeed(new_seed) end ---@param key string ---@return string string function SessionNumbersGetValue(key) end ---@param key string ---@param value string function SessionNumbersSetValue(key, value) end function SessionNumbersSave() end function AutosaveDisable() end ---@param key string ---@return string|nil string function StatsGetValue(key) end ---@param key string ---@return string string function StatsGlobalGetValue(key) end ---@param key string ---@return string string function StatsBiomeGetValue(key) end function StatsBiomeReset() end ---@param killed_entity_id number 0 function StatsLogPlayerKill(killed_entity_id) end ---@param action_id string ---@param x number 0 ---@param y number 0 ---@return number entity_id function CreateItemActionEntity(action_id, x, y) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param max_level number ---@param type number ---@param i number 0 ---@return string string function GetRandomActionWithType(x, y, max_level, type, i) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param max_level number ---@param i number 0 ---@return string string function GetRandomAction(x, y, max_level, i) end ---@return number year, number month, number day, number hour, number minute, number second function GameGetDateAndTimeUTC() end ---@return number year, number month, number day, number hour, number minute, number second function GameGetDateAndTimeLocal() end ---@param num_particles number ---@param width_outside_camera number ---@param material_name string ---@param velocity_min number ---@param velocity_max number ---@param gravity number ---@param droplets_bounce boolean ---@param draw_as_long boolean function GameEmitRainParticles(num_particles, width_outside_camera, material_name, velocity_min, velocity_max, gravity, droplets_bounce, draw_as_long) end ---Each beam adds a little overhead to things like chunk creation, so please call this sparingly. ---@param x number ---@param y_min number ---@param y_max number ---@param radius number ---@param edge_darkening_width number function GameCutThroughWorldVertical(x, y_min, y_max, radius, edge_darkening_width) end ---This is available if BIOME_MAP in magic_numbers.xml points to a lua file, in the context of that file. ---@param width number ---@param height number function BiomeMapSetSize(width, height) end ---if BIOME_MAP in magic_numbers.xml points to a lua file returns that context, if not will return the biome_map size ---@return number width, number height function BiomeMapGetSize() end ---This is available if BIOME_MAP in magic_numbers.xml points to a lua file, in the context of that file. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param color_int number function BiomeMapSetPixel(x, y, color_int) end ---This is available if BIOME_MAP in magic_numbers.xml points to a lua file, in the context of that file. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@return number color function BiomeMapGetPixel(x, y) end ---Swaps red and blue channels of 'color'. This can be used make sense of the BiomeMapGetPixel() return values. E.g. if( BiomeMapGetPixel( x, y ) == BiomeMapConvertPixelFromUintToInt( 0xFF36D517 ) ) then print('hills') end ---@param color number ---@return number function BiomeMapConvertPixelFromUintToInt(color) end ---This is available if BIOME_MAP in magic_numbers.xml points to a lua file, in the context of that file. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param image_filename string function BiomeMapLoadImage(x, y, image_filename) end ---This is available if BIOME_MAP in magic_numbers.xml points to a lua file, in the context of that file. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param image_filename string ---@param image_x number ---@param image_y number ---@param image_w number ---@param image_h number function BiomeMapLoadImageCropped(x, y, image_filename, image_x, image_y, image_w, image_h) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@return number function BiomeMapGetVerticalPositionInsideBiome(x, y) end ---@param x number camera_x ---@param y number camera_y ---@return string name function BiomeMapGetName(x, y) end ---@param x number ---@param y number function SetRandomSeed(x, y) end ---This is kinda messy. If given 0 arguments, returns number between 0.0 and 1.0. If given 1 arguments, returns int between 0 and 'a'. If given 2 arguments returns int between 'a' and 'b'. ---@param a number optional ---@param b number optional ---@return number|number function Random(a, b) end ---This is kinda messy. If given 0 arguments, returns number between 0.0 and 1.0. If given 1 arguments, returns number between 0.0 and 'a'. If given 2 arguments returns number between 'a' and 'b'. ---@param min number optional ---@param max number optional ---@return number function Randomf(min, max) end ---@param min number ---@param max number ---@param mean number ---@param sharpness number 1 ---@param baseline number 0.005 ---@return number function RandomDistribution(min, max, mean, sharpness, baseline) end ---@param min number ---@param max number ---@param mean number ---@param sharpness number 1 ---@param baseline number 0.005 ---@return number function RandomDistributionf(min, max, mean, sharpness, baseline) end ---This is kinda messy. If given 2 arguments, returns number between 0.0 and 1.0. If given 3 arguments, returns int between 0 and 'a'. If given 4 arguments returns number between 'a' and 'b'. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param a number optional ---@param b number optional ---@return number|number function ProceduralRandom(x, y, a, b) end ---This is kinda messy. If given 2 arguments, returns number between 0.0 and 1.0. If given 3 arguments, returns a number between 0 and 'a'. If given 4 arguments returns a number between 'a' and 'b'. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param a number optional ---@param b number optional ---@return number function ProceduralRandomf(x, y, a, b) end ---This is kinda messy. If given 2 arguments, returns 0 or 1. If given 3 arguments, returns an int between 0 and 'a'. If given 4 arguments returns an int between 'a' and 'b'. ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param a number optional ---@param b number optional ---@return number function ProceduralRandomi(x, y, a, b) end ---Does not work with PhysicsBody2Component. Returns the id of the created physics body. ---@param entity_id number ---@param image_file string ---@param material string "" ---@param offset_x number 0 ---@param offset_y number 0 ---@param centered boolean false ---@param is_circle boolean false ---@param material_image_file string "" ---@param use_image_as_colors boolean true ---@return number int_body_id function PhysicsAddBodyImage(entity_id, image_file, material, offset_x, offset_y, centered, is_circle, material_image_file, use_image_as_colors) end ---Does not work with PhysicsBody2Component. Returns the id of the created physics body. ---@param entity_id number ---@param material string ---@param offset_x number ---@param offset_y number ---@param width number ---@param height number ---@param centered boolean false ---@return number|nil function PhysicsAddBodyCreateBox(entity_id, material, offset_x, offset_y, width, height, centered) end ---Does not work with PhysicsBody2Component. Returns the id of the created joint. ---@param entity_id number ---@param body_id0 number ---@param body_id1 number ---@param offset_x number ---@param offset_y number ---@param joint_type string ---@return number|nil function PhysicsAddJoint(entity_id, body_id0, body_id1, offset_x, offset_y, joint_type) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param force_x number ---@param force_y number function PhysicsApplyForce(entity_id, force_x, force_y) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param torque number function PhysicsApplyTorque(entity_id, torque) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_id number ---@param torque number function PhysicsApplyTorqueToComponent(entity_id, component_id, torque) end ---Applies a force calculated by 'calculate_force_for_body_fn' to all bodies in an area. 'calculate_force_for_body_fn' should be a lua function with the following signature: function( body_entity:int, body_mass:number, body_x:number, body_y:number, body_vel_x:number, body_vel_y:number, body_vel_angular:number ) -> force_world_pos_x:number,force_world_pos_y:number,force_x:number,force_y:number,force_angular:number ---@param calculate_force_for_body_fn function ---@param ignore_this_entity number ---@param area_min_x number ---@param area_min_y number ---@param area_max_x number ---@param area_max_y number function PhysicsApplyForceOnArea(calculate_force_for_body_fn, ignore_this_entity, area_min_x, area_min_y, area_max_x, area_max_y) end ---@param world_pos_min_x number ---@param world_pos_min_y number ---@param world_pos_max_x number ---@param world_pos_max_y number function PhysicsRemoveJoints(world_pos_min_x, world_pos_min_y, world_pos_max_x, world_pos_max_y) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param is_static boolean function PhysicsSetStatic(entity_id, is_static) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_id number ---@return number vel_x, number vel_y function PhysicsGetComponentVelocity(entity_id, component_id) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param component_id number ---@return number vel function PhysicsGetComponentAngularVelocity(entity_id, component_id) end ---@param entity_id number function PhysicsBody2InitFromComponents(entity_id) end ---@param x number ---@param y number 0 ---@return number x, number y function PhysicsVecToGameVec(x, y) end ---@param x number ---@param y number 0 ---@return number x, number y function GameVecToPhysicsVec(x, y) end ---@param world_pos_x number ---@param world_pos_y number ---@param image_filename string ---@param max_durability number 2147483647 function LooseChunk(world_pos_x, world_pos_y, image_filename, max_durability) end ---@param key string ---@return boolean bool_is_new function AddFlagPersistent(key) end ---@param key string function RemoveFlagPersistent(key) end ---@param key string ---@return boolean function HasFlagPersistent(key) end ---@param flag string function GameAddFlagRun(flag) end ---@param flag string function GameRemoveFlagRun(flag) end ---@param flag string ---@return boolean function GameHasFlagRun(flag) end ---@param event_path string ---@param can_be_faded boolean ---@param x number ---@param y number function GameTriggerMusicEvent(event_path, can_be_faded, x, y) end ---@param name string function GameTriggerMusicCue(name) end ---@param relative_fade_speed number 1 function GameTriggerMusicFadeOutAndDequeueAll(relative_fade_speed) end ---@param bank_filename string ---@param event_path string ---@param x number ---@param y number function GamePlaySound(bank_filename, event_path, x, y) end ---Plays a sound through all AudioComponents with matching sound in 'entity_id'. ---@param entity_id number ---@param event_name string function GameEntityPlaySound(entity_id, event_name) end ---Plays a sound loop through an AudioLoopComponent tagged with 'component_tag' in 'entity'. 'intensity' affects the intensity passed to the audio event. Must be called every frame when the sound should play. ---@param entity number ---@param component_tag string ---@param intensity number function GameEntityPlaySoundLoop(entity, component_tag, intensity) end ---Can be used to pass custom parameters to the post_final shader, or override values set by the game code. The shader uniform called 'name' will be set to the latest given values on this and following frames. ---@param name string ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param z number ---@param w number function GameSetPostFxParameter(name, x, y, z, w) end ---Will remove a post_final shader parameter value binding set via game GameSetPostFxParameter(). ---@param name string function GameUnsetPostFxParameter(name) end ---@param text_or_key string ---@return string string function GameTextGetTranslatedOrNot(text_or_key) end ---@param key string ---@param param0 string "" ---@param param1 string "" ---@param param2 string "" ---@return string string function GameTextGet(key, param0, param1, param2) end ---@return userdata gui function GuiCreate() end ---@param gui userdata function GuiDestroy(gui) end ---@param gui userdata function GuiStartFrame(gui) end ---Sets the options that apply to widgets during this frame. For 'option' use the values in the GUI_OPTION table in "data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua". Values from consecutive calls will be combined. For example calling this with the values GUI_OPTION.Align_Left and GUI_OPTION.GamepadDefaultWidget will set both options for the next widget. The options will be cleared on next call to GuiStartFrame(). ---@param gui userdata ---@param option number function GuiOptionsAdd(gui, option) end ---Sets the options that apply to widgets during this frame. For 'option' use the values in the GUI_OPTION table in "data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua". Values from consecutive calls will be combined. For example calling this with the values GUI_OPTION.Align_Left and GUI_OPTION.GamepadDefaultWidget will set both options for the next widget. The options will be cleared on next call to GuiStartFrame(). ---@param gui userdata ---@param option number function GuiOptionsRemove(gui, option) end ---Clears the options that apply to widgets during this frame. ---@param gui userdata function GuiOptionsClear(gui) end ---Sets the options that apply to the next widget during this frame. For 'option' use the values in the GUI_OPTION table in "data/scripts/lib/utilities.lua". Values from consecutive calls will be combined. For example calling this with the values GUI_OPTION.Align_Left and GUI_OPTION.GamepadDefaultWidget will set both options for the next widget. ---@param gui userdata ---@param option number function GuiOptionsAddForNextWidget(gui, option) end ---Sets the color of the next widget during this frame. Color components should be in the 0-1 range. ---@param gui userdata ---@param red number ---@param green number ---@param blue number ---@param alpha number function GuiColorSetForNextWidget(gui, red, green, blue, alpha) end ---Sets the rendering depth ('z') of the widgets following this call. Larger z = deeper. The z will be set to 0 on the next call to GuiStartFrame(). ---@param gui userdata ---@param z number function GuiZSet(gui, z) end ---Sets the rendering depth ('z') of the next widget following this call. Larger z = deeper. ---@param gui userdata ---@param z number function GuiZSetForNextWidget(gui, z) end ---Can be used to solve ID conflicts. All ids given to Gui* functions will be hashed with the ids stacked (and hashed together) using GuiIdPush() and GuiIdPop(). The id stack has a max size of 1024, and calls to the function will do nothing if the size is exceeded. ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number function GuiIdPush(gui, id) end ---Pushes the hash of 'str' as a gui id. See GuiIdPush(). ---@param gui userdata ---@param str string function GuiIdPushString(gui, str) end ---See GuiIdPush(). ---@param gui userdata function GuiIdPop(gui) end ---Starts a scope where animations initiated using GuiAnimateAlphaFadeIn() etc. will be applied to all widgets. ---@param gui userdata function GuiAnimateBegin(gui) end ---Ends a scope where animations initiated using GuiAnimateAlphaFadeIn() etc. will be applied to all widgets. ---@param gui userdata function GuiAnimateEnd(gui) end ---Does an alpha tween animation for all widgets inside a scope set using GuiAnimateBegin() and GuiAnimateEnd(). ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param speed number ---@param step number ---@param reset boolean function GuiAnimateAlphaFadeIn(gui, id, speed, step, reset) end ---Does a scale tween animation for all widgets inside a scope set using GuiAnimateBegin() and GuiAnimateEnd(). ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param acceleration number ---@param reset boolean function GuiAnimateScaleIn(gui, id, acceleration, reset) end ---@param gui userdata ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param text string function GuiText(gui, x, y, text) end ---Deprecated. Use GuiOptionsAdd() or GuiOptionsAddForNextWidget() with GUI_OPTION.Align_HorizontalCenter and GuiText() instead. ---@param gui userdata ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param text string function GuiTextCentered(gui, x, y, text) end ---'scale' will be used for 'scale_y' if 'scale_y' equals 0. ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param sprite_filename string ---@param alpha number 1 ---@param scale number 1 ---@param scale_y number 0 ---@param rotation number 0 ---@param rect_animation_playback_type number GUI_RECT_ANIMATION_PLAYBACK.PlayToEndAndHide ---@param rect_animation_name string "" function GuiImage(gui, id, x, y, sprite_filename, alpha, scale, scale_y, rotation, rect_animation_playback_type, rect_animation_name) end ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param width number ---@param height number ---@param alpha number 1 ---@param sprite_filename string "data/ui_gfx/decorations/9piece0_gray.png" ---@param sprite_highlight_filename string "data/ui_gfx/decorations/9piece0_gray.png" function GuiImageNinePiece(gui, id, x, y, width, height, alpha, sprite_filename, sprite_highlight_filename) end ---The old parameter order where 'id' is the last parameter is still supported. The function dynamically picks the correct order based on the type of the 4th parameter. ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param text string ---@return boolean clicked, boolean right_clicked function GuiButton(gui, id, x, y, text) end ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param text string ---@param sprite_filename string ---@return boolean clicked, boolean right_clicked function GuiImageButton(gui, id, x, y, text, sprite_filename) end ---This is not intended to be outside mod settings menu, and might bug elsewhere. ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param text string ---@param value number ---@param value_min number ---@param value_max number ---@param value_default number ---@param value_display_multiplier number ---@param value_formatting string ---@param width number ---@return number new_value function GuiSlider(gui, id, x, y, text, value, value_min, value_max, value_default, value_display_multiplier, value_formatting, width) end ---'allowed_characters' should consist only of ASCII characters. This is not intended to be outside mod settings menu, and might bug elsewhere. ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param text string ---@param width number ---@param max_length number ---@param allowed_characters string "" ---@return string new_text function GuiTextInput(gui, id, x, y, text, width, max_length, allowed_characters) end ---Together with GuiEndAutoBoxNinePiece() this can be used to draw an auto-scaled background box for a bunch of widgets rendered between the calls. ---@param gui userdata function GuiBeginAutoBox(gui) end ---@param gui userdata ---@param margin number 5 ---@param size_min_x number 0 ---@param size_min_y number 0 ---@param mirrorize_over_x_axis boolean false ---@param x_axis number 0 ---@param sprite_filename string "data/ui_gfx/decorations/9piece0_gray.png" ---@param sprite_highlight_filename string "data/ui_gfx/decorations/9piece0_gray.png" function GuiEndAutoBoxNinePiece(gui, margin, size_min_x, size_min_y, mirrorize_over_x_axis, x_axis, sprite_filename, sprite_highlight_filename) end ---@param gui userdata ---@param text string ---@param description string function GuiTooltip(gui, text, description) end ---This can be used to create a container with a vertical scroll bar. Widgets between GuiBeginScrollContainer() and GuiEndScrollContainer() will be positioned relative to the container. ---@param gui userdata ---@param id number ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param width number ---@param height number ---@param scrollbar_gamepad_focusable boolean true ---@param margin_x number 2 ---@param margin_y number 2 function GuiBeginScrollContainer(gui, id, x, y, width, height, scrollbar_gamepad_focusable, margin_x, margin_y) end ---@param gui userdata function GuiEndScrollContainer(gui) end ---If 'position_in_ui_scale' is 1, x and y will be in the same scale as other gui positions, otherwise x and y are given as a percentage (0-100) of the gui screen size. ---@param gui userdata ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param position_in_ui_scale boolean false ---@param margin_x number 2 ---@param margin_y number 2 function GuiLayoutBeginHorizontal(gui, x, y, position_in_ui_scale, margin_x, margin_y) end ---If 'position_in_ui_scale' is 1, x and y will be in the same scale as other gui positions, otherwise x and y are given as a percentage (0-100) of the gui screen size. ---@param gui userdata ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param position_in_ui_scale boolean false ---@param margin_x number 0 ---@param margin_y number 0 function GuiLayoutBeginVertical(gui, x, y, position_in_ui_scale, margin_x, margin_y) end ---Will use the horizontal margin from current layout if amount is not set. ---@param gui userdata ---@param amount number optional function GuiLayoutAddHorizontalSpacing(gui, amount) end ---Will use the vertical margin from current layout if amount is not set. ---@param gui userdata ---@param amount number optional function GuiLayoutAddVerticalSpacing(gui, amount) end ---@param gui userdata function GuiLayoutEnd(gui) end ---Puts following things to a new layout layer. Can be used to create non-layouted widgets inside a layout. ---@param gui userdata function GuiLayoutBeginLayer(gui) end ---@param gui userdata function GuiLayoutEndLayer(gui) end ---Returns dimensions of viewport in the gui coordinate system (which is equal to the coordinates of the screen bottom right corner in gui coordinates). The values returned may change depending on the game resolution because the UI is scaled for pixel-perfect text rendering. ---@param gui userdata ---@return number width, number height function GuiGetScreenDimensions(gui) end ---Returns size of the given text in the gui coordinate system. ---@param gui userdata ---@param text string ---@param scale number 1 ---@param line_spacing number 2 ---@return number width, number height function GuiGetTextDimensions(gui, text, scale, line_spacing) end ---Returns size of the given image in the gui coordinate system. ---@param gui userdata ---@param image_filename string ---@param scale number 1 ---@return number width, number height function GuiGetImageDimensions(gui, image_filename, scale) end ---Returns the final position, size etc calculated for a widget. Some values aren't supported by all widgets. ---@param gui userdata ---@return boolean clicked, boolean right_clicked, boolean hovered, number x, number y, number width, number height, number draw_x, number draw_y, number draw_width, number draw_height function GuiGetPreviousWidgetInfo(gui) end ---@return boolean function GameIsBetaBuild() end ---@return boolean function DebugGetIsDevBuild() end function DebugEnableTrailerMode() end ---@return boolean function GameGetIsTrailerModeEnabled() end ---This doesn't do anything at the moment. function Debug_SaveTestPlayer() end ---@param x number camera_x ---@param y number camera_y ---@return string string function DebugBiomeMapGetFilename(x, y) end ---@param entity_id number ---@param material string function EntityConvertToMaterial(entity_id, material) end ---@param material_dynamic string "" ---@param material_static string "" function ConvertEverythingToGold(material_dynamic, material_static) end ---Converts 'material_from' to 'material_to' everwhere in the game world, replaces 'material_from_type' to 'material_to_type' in the material (CellData) global table, and marks 'material_from' as a "Transformed" material. Every call will add a new entry to WorldStateComponent which serializes these changes, so please call sparingly. The material conversion will be spread over multiple frames. 'material_from' will still retain the original name id and wang color. Use CellFactory_GetType() to convert a material name to material type. ---@param material_from_type number ---@param material_to_type number function ConvertMaterialEverywhere(material_from_type, material_to_type) end ---Converts cells of 'material_from_type' to 'material_to_type' in the given area. If 'box2d_trim' is true, will attempt to trim the created cells where they might otherwise cause physics glitching. 'update_edge_graphics_dummy' is not yet supported. ---@param area_x number ---@param area_y number ---@param area_w number ---@param area_h number ---@param material_from_type number ---@param material_to_type number ---@param trim_box2d boolean ---@param update_edge_graphics_dummy boolean function ConvertMaterialOnAreaInstantly(area_x, area_y, area_w, area_h, material_from_type, material_to_type, trim_box2d, update_edge_graphics_dummy) end ---@return number function GetDailyPracticeRunSeed() end ---Returns true if a mod with the id 'mod_id' is currently active. For example mod_id = "nightmare". ---@param mod_id string ---@return boolean function ModIsEnabled(mod_id) end ---Returns a table filled with the IDs of currently active mods. ---@return string[] string function ModGetActiveModIDs() end ---@return number function ModGetAPIVersion() end ---Returns the value of a mod setting. 'id' should normally be in the format 'mod_name.setting_id'. Cache the returned value in your lua context if possible. ---@param id string ---@return boolean|number|string|nil function ModSettingGet(id) end ---Sets the value of a mod setting. 'id' should normally be in the format 'mod_name.setting_id'. ---@param id string ---@param value boolean|number|string function ModSettingSet(id, value) end ---Returns the latest value set by the user, which might not be equal to the value that is used in the game (depending on the 'scope' value selected for the setting). ---@param id string ---@return boolean|number|string|nil function ModSettingGetNextValue(id) end ---Sets the latest value set by the user, which might not be equal to the value that is displayed to the game (depending on the 'scope' value selected for the setting). ---@param id string ---@param value boolean|number|string ---@param is_default boolean function ModSettingSetNextValue(id, value, is_default) end ---@param id string ---@return boolean was_removed function ModSettingRemove(id) end ---Returns the number of mod settings defined. Use ModSettingGetAtIndex to enumerate the settings. ---@return number function ModSettingGetCount() end ---'index' should be 0-based index. Returns nil if 'index' is invalid. ---@param index number ---@return string (name, boolean|number|string|nil value, boolean|number|string|nil)|nil value_next function ModSettingGetAtIndex(index) end ---@return boolean function StreamingGetIsConnected() end ---@return string string function StreamingGetConnectedChannelName() end ---@return number function StreamingGetVotingCycleDurationFrames() end ---Returns the name of a random stream viewer who recently sent a chat message. Returns "" if the 'Creatures can be named after viewers' setting is off. ---@return string string function StreamingGetRandomViewerName() end ---@return boolean function StreamingGetSettingsGhostsNamedAfterViewers() end ---Sets the duration of the next wait and voting phases. Use -1 for default duration. ---@param time_between_votes_seconds number ---@param time_voting_seconds number function StreamingSetCustomPhaseDurations(time_between_votes_seconds, time_voting_seconds) end ---Cancels whatever is currently going on, and starts a new voting. _streaming_on_vote_start() and _streaming_get_event_for_vote() will be called as usually. function StreamingForceNewVoting() end ---Turns the voting UI on or off. ---@param enabled boolean function StreamingSetVotingEnabled(enabled) end ---Basically calls dofile(from_filename) at the end of 'to_filename'. Available only during mod initialization. ---@param to_filename string ---@param from_filename string function ModLuaFileAppend(to_filename, from_filename) end ---Returns the current (modded or not) content of the data file 'filename'. Allows access only to data files and files from enabled mods. Available only during mod initialization. ---@param filename string ---@return string string function ModTextFileGetContent(filename) end ---Sets the content the game sees for the file 'filename'. Allows access only to mod and data files. Available only during mod initialization. ---@param filename string ---@param new_content string function ModTextFileSetContent(filename, new_content) end ---Returns the id of the last mod that called ModTextFileSetContent with 'filename', or "". Available only during mod initialization. ---@param filename string ---@return string string function ModTextFileWhoSetContent(filename) end ---Available only during mod initialization. ---@param filename string function ModMagicNumbersFileAdd(filename) end ---Available only during mod initialization. ---@param filename string function ModMaterialsFileAdd(filename) end ---Available only during mod initialization. ---@param filename string function ModRegisterAudioEventMappings(filename) end ---Please supply a path starting with "mods/YOUR_MOD_HERE/" or "data/". If override_existing is true, will always generate new maps, overriding existing files. UV maps are generated when you start or continue a game with your mod enabled. Available only during mod initialization via noita_dev.exe ---@param directory_path string ---@param override_existing boolean false function ModDevGenerateSpriteUVsForDirectory(directory_path, override_existing) end ---@param entity_filename string function RegisterProjectile(entity_filename) end function RegisterGunAction() end function RegisterGunShotEffects() end ---@param entity_filename string function BeginProjectile(entity_filename) end function EndProjectile() end ---@param timeout_frames number function BeginTriggerTimer(timeout_frames) end function BeginTriggerHitWorld() end function BeginTriggerDeath() end function EndTrigger() end function SetProjectileConfigs() end ---@param reload_time number function StartReload(reload_time) end ---@param inventoryitem_id number ---@param uses_remaining number ---@return boolean uses_remaining_reduced function ActionUsesRemainingChanged(inventoryitem_id, uses_remaining) end ---@param inventoryitem_id number function ActionUsed(inventoryitem_id) end ---@param action_name string function LogAction(action_name) end ---@param action_id string function OnActionPlayed(action_id) end function OnNotEnoughManaForAction() end ---@param name string function BaabInstruction(name) end ---@param key string ---@param value number function SetValueNumber(key, value) end ---@param key string ---@param default_value number ---@return number function GetValueNumber(key, default_value) end ---@param key string ---@param value number function SetValueInteger(key, value) end ---@param key string ---@param default_value number ---@return number function GetValueInteger(key, default_value) end ---@param key string ---@param value number function SetValueBool(key, value) end ---@param key string ---@param default_value number ---@return boolean function GetValueBool(key, default_value) end ---Runs the script only once per lua context, returns the script's return value, if any. Returns nil,error_string if the script had errors. For performance reasons it is recommended scripts use dofile_once(), unless the standard dofile behaviour is required. ---@param filename string ---@return any script_return_type, string|nil error_string function dofile_once(filename) end