--[[ JAXJAXK LICENSE VERSION 1.0 Copyright 9/24/2015 copy, upload or distribution of this license is allowed however no one is to change the original text with exception of jaxjaxk ( the creator). the contents of this addon are strictly off limits to hells gamers or anyone affiliated with hells gamers. legal action will be taken against anyone who does not comply with the terms and conditions of this addon TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) this addon is not permitted on any servers that are hells gamers or a affiliated with hells gamers. 2) you are free to us the code as a reference as to how to solve problems however you are not permitted to copy the code without the permission of jaxjaxk ( the creator). further more hells gamers is not permited to even look at the code. 3) modification to the code is permitted by anyone that is not affiliated with hells gamers. 4) you will not modify the code in any way that directly or indirectly generates revenue/money without the express permission of jaxjaxk ( the creator) 5) jaxjaxk ( the creator)has the right to have this addon removed from your server at any time for any reason. you are useing his addon, do not abuse it. 6) if you do not agree to any of the above conditions you must delete the addon and any files affiliated with the addon in its entirety as well of any dirivitives of the files or content. tl;dr - don't screw with me and I won't screw with you. it brings joy when people use my addon, don't abuse it. INFORMATION jaxjaxk ( present username) created this addon. his email is jaxschellhorn@gmail.com ]] ------------------------------------------------------------------- hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawnRound", "ps_set", function(ply) if gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then local cash = ply:GetPData("money") --Get the saved money amount if cash == nil then --If it doesn't exist supply the player with the starting money amount ply:SetPData("money", 100) --Save it ply:SetMoney( 100 ) --Set it to the networked ints that can be called from the client too --ply:SetDTInt(1,ply:GetMoney()) else ply:SetMoney( cash ) end end end) hook.Add("PlayerDeath", "ps_catch", function(ply) if (ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()) --WriteData(ply:SteamID64(), ply:GetPoints()) --PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,ply:GetDTInt(1)) --PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,ply:GetMoney()) ply:SaveMoney() ply:SaveMoneyTXT() end end) --[[hook.Add("EndRound", "ps_save", function(winner) print("end round hook") if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()) else if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15)) else ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()) end end end else for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15)) else ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()) end end end end end)]] hook.Add("PlayerDisconnected", "ps_disc", function(ply) if (ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then --WriteData(ply:SteamID64(), ply:GetPoints()) ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()) ply:SaveMoney() ply:SaveMoneyTXT() end end) hook.Add("PlayerRedeemed", "ps_redeem", function(ply) --ply:SetPoints(ReadData(ply:SteamID64())) --ply:SetMoney(ply:GetMoney()) if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then ply:SetPoints(ply:GetMoney()) end end) --[[concommand.Add("admin_set_points_save", function(ply, cmd, args, argsS) if args and args[1] and args[2] and tonumber(args[2]) then local foundply for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if string.find(string.lower(v:Name()), args[1]) then foundply = v end end if foundply then foundply:SetPoints(tonumber(args[2])) end end end)]] --ZSPS_Opt = CreateConVar("ZSPS_nosend", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Opt out of the ZSPS server list"):GetBool() hook.Add("PlayerSpawn" , "spawnplayerpoints" ,function(pl) if (pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then pl:SetPoints(pl:GetMoney()) --pl:SetBegPoints(pl:GetDTInt(1)) end end) --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// local meta = FindMetaTable("Player") --Get the meta table of player function meta:AddMoney(amount) local current_cash = self:GetMoney() self:SetMoney( current_cash + amount ) end function meta:SetMoney(amount) self:SetNetworkedInt( "Money", amount ) self:SaveMoney() end function meta:SaveMoney() local cash = self:GetMoney() self:SetPData("money", cash) end function meta:SaveMoneyTXT() file.Write(gmod.GetGamemode().Name .."/Money/".. string.gsub(self:SteamID(), ":", "_") ..".txt", self:GetMoney()) end function meta:TakeMoney(amount) --Add money function here self:AddMoney(-amount) end function meta:GetMoney() return self:GetNetworkedInt( "Money" ) end