diff --git a/lua/autorun/server/mapcalc.lua b/lua/autorun/server/mapcalc.lua
index a8fdc6e..8ec3437 100644
--- a/lua/autorun/server/mapcalc.lua
+++ b/lua/autorun/server/mapcalc.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-if engine.ActiveGamemode() == "zombiesurvival" then
+if engine.ActiveGamemode() ~= "zombiesurvival" then return end
-- this code grabs the data from the file about the map. if none exists it makes a default.
-mapwins = 0
-maploss = 0
- if not file.Exists( "zsmapinfo", "DATA") then
- file.CreateDir( "zsmapinfo" )
- end
+timer.Simple(25, function()
+ mapwins = 0
+ maploss = 0
+ if not file.Exists("zsmapinfo", "DATA") then
+ file.CreateDir("zsmapinfo")
+ end
local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap())
if file.Exists("zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", "DATA") then
local data = util.JSONToTable(file.Read("zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", "DATA"))
@@ -26,186 +24,175 @@ maploss = 0
file.Write( "zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", util.TableToJSON( main ) )
print("map win file not found. created one.")
-zombpercentcountmap = 0
-totpercentcountmap = 1
+ zombpercentcountmap = 0
+ totpercentcountmap = 1
-- this hook checks to make sure there are zombies on the server. later it should check to see if any are afk.
roundtime = 0
prereqcount = false
-hook.Add( "WaveStateChanged", "zombpercentcalc", function()
-roundtime = CurTime()
+hook.Add("WaveStateChanged", "zombpercentcalc", function()
+ roundtime = CurTime()
-if !timer.Exists( "zombiepercentcalc" ) then
- timer.Create( "zombiepercentcalc", 10, 0, function()
+ if !timer.Exists("zombiepercentcalc") then
+ timer.Create("zombiepercentcalc", 10, 0, function()
if #(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) >0 then
- zombpercentcountmap =zombpercentcountmap +1
+ zombpercentcountmap =zombpercentcountmap + 1
- totpercentcountmap = totpercentcountmap +1
+ totpercentcountmap = totpercentcountmap + 1
+ end)
+ end
+hook.Add("EndRound", "givedapoints", function(winner)
+ timer.Destroy("zombiepercentcalc")
+ timer.Simple(0,function()
+ print("point bonus hook")
+ local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap())
+ local zombiepercentcalcmap = (zombpercentcountmap/totpercentcountmap) or .01
+ local mapplaytotal = mapwins + maploss
+ local pointstogive = 10
+ zombiepercentcalcmap = zombiepercentcalcmap or .01
+ -- we need to make sure that zombies were on the server for more than half the game.
+ if zombiepercentcalcmap <=.5 then
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"No end of game points because zombies were not even playing half the time!")
+ elseif mapplaytotal <= 5 then
+ --print(mapplaytotal)
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"sorry but this map needs to be played at least "..(5-mapplaytotal).." more times before you can get points for winning.")
+ if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
+ maploss = maploss + 1
+ elseif winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ mapwins = mapwins +1
+ else
+ print("wow you fucked up! no seriously how do you not have a winner?")
+ end
+ if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
+ if mapjackpot <= 2500 then
+ mapjackpot = mapjackpot*1.1
+ end
+ end
+ local main = {}
+ main["mapwins"] = mapwins
+ main["maploss"] = maploss
+ main["mapboost"] = mapboost
+ main["mapjackpot"] = mapjackpot
+ file.Write( "zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", util.TableToJSON( main ) )
+ else
+ if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
+ if mapjackpot <= 2500 then
+ mapjackpot = math.Round(mapjackpot*1.1)
+ end
+ else
+ mapjackpot = 25
+ end
+ local multiplywin = 2
+ if mapplaytotal <10 then
+ multiplywin = 2
+ elseif mapplaytotal<25 then
+ multiplywin = 1.9
+ elseif mapplaytotal <50 then
+ multiplywin = 1.8
+ elseif mapplaytotal<100 then
+ multiplywin = 1.7
+ elseif mapplaytotal < 250 then
+ multiplywin = 1.6
+ elseif mapplaytotal < 500 then
+ multiplywin = 1.4
+ elseif mapplaytotal < 1000 then
+ multiplywin = 1.2
+ else
+ multiplywin = 1
+ end
- end)
-timer.Destroy("zombiepercentcalc" )
-print("point bonus hook")
-local mapname = string.lower(game.GetMap())
-local zombiepercentcalcmap = (zombpercentcountmap/totpercentcountmap) or .01
-local mapplaytotal = mapwins + maploss
-local pointstogive = 10
-zombiepercentcalcmap = zombiepercentcalcmap or .01
--- we need to make sure that zombies were on the server for more than half the game.
-if zombiepercentcalcmap <=.5 then
-PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"No end of game points because zombies were not even playing half the time!")
-elseif mapplaytotal <= 5 then
- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"sorry but this map needs to be played at least "..(5-mapplaytotal).." more times before you can get points for winning.")
- if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
- maploss = maploss + 1
- elseif winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
- mapwins = mapwins +1
- else
- print("wow you fucked up! no seriously how do you not have a winner?")
- end
- if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
- if mapjackpot <= 2500 then
- mapjackpot = mapjackpot*1.1
- end
- end
- local main = {}
- main["mapwins"] = mapwins
- main["maploss"] = maploss
- main["mapboost"] = mapboost
- main["mapjackpot"] = mapjackpot
- file.Write( "zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", util.TableToJSON( main ) )
- if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
- if mapjackpot <= 2500 then
- mapjackpot = math.Round(mapjackpot*1.1)
- end
- else
- mapjackpot = 25
- end
- local multiplywin = 2
- if mapplaytotal <10 then
- multiplywin = 2
- elseif mapplaytotal<25 then
- multiplywin = 1.9
- elseif mapplaytotal <50 then
- multiplywin = 1.8
- elseif mapplaytotal<100 then
- multiplywin = 1.7
- elseif mapplaytotal < 250 then
- multiplywin = 1.6
- elseif mapplaytotal < 500 then
- multiplywin = 1.4
- elseif mapplaytotal < 1000 then
- multiplywin = 1.2
- else
- multiplywin = 1
- end
- if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
- maploss = maploss + 1
- elseif winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
- mapwins = mapwins +1
- else
- print("wow you fucked up!")
- end
- local main = {}
- main["mapwins"] = mapwins
- main["maploss"] = maploss
- main["mapboost"] = mapboost
- main["mapjackpot"] = mapjackpot
- file.Write( "zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", util.TableToJSON( main ) )
- local finalmultiply = 1
- if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
- finalmultiply = (mapboost * (mapwins/mapplaytotal) * zombiepercentcalcmap) or .01
- pointstogive = math.Round(50 * finalmultiply) or 1
- elseif winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
- finalmultiply = (mapboost * multiplywin * (maploss/mapplaytotal) *zombiepercentcalcmap) or .01
- pointstogive = math.Round((50 * finalmultiply) + mapjackpot) or 1
- end
- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"This map has been played "..mapplaytotal.." times with humans winning "..(mapwins).." times.("..(math.Round((mapwins/mapplaytotal)*100)).."%)")
- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Zombies were only playing for "..(zombiepercentcalcmap*100).."% of the time.")
- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"frequency multiplier for this map is:"..multiplywin..". play maps infrequently for a higher value!")
- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Special boost for this map is:"..(mapboost)..". tell an admin if you think it should be changed!")
- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Map jackpot is now "..(mapjackpot)..".")
- --regular points ZS points
---[[if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
- for k,v in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN)) do
- v:SetMoney((v:GetDTInt(1) + pointstogive) )
- --WriteData(v:SteamID64(), v:GetPoints())
- v:SaveMoney()
- v:SaveMoneyTXT()
- v:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive).." this round for playing to the end!")
- end
- for k,v in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do
- v:SetMoney(math.Round((v:GetMoney() + (pointstogive/5)) ))
- --WriteData(v:SteamID64(), v:GetPoints())
- v:SaveMoney()
- v:SaveMoneyTXT()
- v:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(math.Round(pointstogive/2)).." points this round for playing to the end!")
- end
-if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
- if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
- for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then
- if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()))+pointstogive)
- ply:SaveMoney()
- ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
- ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive).." this round for playing to the end!")
- else
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+pointstogive)
- ply:SaveMoney()
- ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
- ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive).." this round for playing to the end!")
- end
+ if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
+ maploss = maploss + 1
+ elseif winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ mapwins = mapwins +1
- if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15)+(pointstogive/2))
- ply:SaveMoney()
- ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
- ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive/2).." this round for playing to the end!")
- else
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+(pointstogive/2))
- ply:SaveMoney()
- ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
- ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive/2).." this round for playing to the end!")
+ print("wow you fucked up!")
+ end
+ local main = {}
+ main["mapwins"] = mapwins
+ main["maploss"] = maploss
+ main["mapboost"] = mapboost
+ main["mapjackpot"] = mapjackpot
+ file.Write( "zsmapinfo/"..mapname..".txt", util.TableToJSON( main ) )
+ local finalmultiply = 1
+ if winner == TEAM_UNDEAD then
+ finalmultiply = (mapboost * (mapwins/mapplaytotal) * zombiepercentcalcmap) or .01
+ pointstogive = math.Round(50 * finalmultiply) or 1
+ elseif winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ finalmultiply = (mapboost * multiplywin * (maploss/mapplaytotal) *zombiepercentcalcmap) or .01
+ pointstogive = math.Round((50 * finalmultiply) + mapjackpot) or 1
+ end
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"This map has been played "..mapplaytotal.." times with humans winning "..(mapwins).." times.("..(math.Round((mapwins/mapplaytotal)*100)).."%)")
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Zombies were only playing for "..(zombiepercentcalcmap*100).."% of the time.")
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"frequency multiplier for this map is:"..multiplywin..". play maps infrequently for a higher value!")
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Special boost for this map is:"..(mapboost)..". tell an admin if you think it should be changed!")
+ PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"Map jackpot is now "..(mapjackpot)..".")
+ --regular points ZS points
+ --[[if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
+ for k,v in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_HUMAN)) do
+ v:SetMoney((v:GetDTInt(1) + pointstogive) )
+ --WriteData(v:SteamID64(), v:GetPoints())
+ v:SaveMoney()
+ v:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ v:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive).." this round for playing to the end!")
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(team.GetPlayers(TEAM_UNDEAD)) do
+ v:SetMoney(math.Round((v:GetMoney() + (pointstogive/5)) ))
+ --WriteData(v:SteamID64(), v:GetPoints())
+ v:SaveMoney()
+ v:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ v:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(math.Round(pointstogive/2)).." points this round for playing to the end!")
+ end
+ end]]
+ end
+ if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
+ if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
+ if ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()))+pointstogive)
+ ply:SaveMoney()
+ ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive).." this round for playing to the end!")
+ else
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+pointstogive)
+ ply:SaveMoney()
+ ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive).." this round for playing to the end!")
+ end
+ else
+ if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15)+(pointstogive/2))
+ ply:SaveMoney()
+ ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive/2).." this round for playing to the end!")
+ else
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+(pointstogive/2))
+ ply:SaveMoney()
+ ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,"You gained "..(pointstogive/2).." this round for playing to the end!")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
+ if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15)+(pointstogive/2))
+ else
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+(pointstogive/2))
+ end
- else
- for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15)+(pointstogive/2))
- else
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+(pointstogive/2))
- end
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+ end)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lua/autorun/server/sv_pointsaving.lua b/lua/autorun/server/sv_pointsaving.lua
index 98e9600..db83c01 100644
--- a/lua/autorun/server/sv_pointsaving.lua
+++ b/lua/autorun/server/sv_pointsaving.lua
@@ -27,42 +27,50 @@ his email is jaxschellhorn@gmail.com
+if engine.ActiveGamemode() ~= "zombiesurvival" then return end
hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawnRound", "ps_set", function(ply)
-if gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
-local cash = ply:GetPData("money") --Get the saved money amount
- if cash == nil then --If it doesn't exist supply the player with the starting money amount
- ply:SetPData("money", 100) --Save it
- ply:SetMoney( 100 ) --Set it to the networked ints that can be called from the client too
- --ply:SetDTInt(1,ply:GetMoney())
- else
- ply:SetMoney( cash )
+ if gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
+ local cash = ply:GetPData("money") --Get the saved money amount
+ if cash == nil then -- If it doesn't exist supply the player with the starting money amount
+ ply:SetPData("money", 100) -- Save it
+ ply:SetMoney( 100 ) -- Set it to the networked ints that can be called from the client too
+ -- ply:SetDTInt(1,ply:GetMoney())
+ else
+ ply:SetMoney( cash )
+ end
hook.Add("PlayerDeath", "ps_catch", function(ply)
-if (ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints())
- --WriteData(ply:SteamID64(), ply:GetPoints())
- --PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,ply:GetDTInt(1))
- --PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,ply:GetMoney())
- ply:SaveMoney()
- ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
+ if (ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") then
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints())
+ -- WriteData(ply:SteamID64(), ply:GetPoints())
+ -- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,ply:GetDTInt(1))
+ -- PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK,ply:GetMoney())
+ ply:SaveMoney()
+ ply:SaveMoneyTXT()
--[[hook.Add("EndRound", "ps_save", function(winner)
-print("end round hook")
-if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
- if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
- for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints())
- else
+ print("end round hook")
+ if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") then
+ if winner == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
+ if ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN then
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints())
+ else
+ if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15))
+ else
+ ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints())
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15))
@@ -70,22 +78,13 @@ if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_rebor
- else
- for k,ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney()> 0 then
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints()+((ply:GetPoints()- ply:GetMoney())*.15))
- else
- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetPoints())
- end
- end
hook.Add("PlayerDisconnected", "ps_disc", function(ply)
- if (ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
- --WriteData(ply:SteamID64(), ply:GetPoints())
+ if (ply:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") then
+ -- WriteData(ply:SteamID64(), ply:GetPoints())
@@ -94,9 +93,9 @@ hook.Add("PlayerDisconnected", "ps_disc", function(ply)
hook.Add("PlayerRedeemed", "ps_redeem", function(ply)
- --ply:SetPoints(ReadData(ply:SteamID64()))
- --ply:SetMoney(ply:GetMoney())
- if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
+ -- ply:SetPoints(ReadData(ply:SteamID64()))
+ -- ply:SetMoney(ply:GetMoney())
+ if (game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") then
@@ -116,14 +115,12 @@ end)
---ZSPS_Opt = CreateConVar("ZSPS_nosend", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Opt out of the ZSPS server list"):GetBool()
+-- ZSPS_Opt = CreateConVar("ZSPS_nosend", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Opt out of the ZSPS server list"):GetBool()
hook.Add("PlayerSpawn" , "spawnplayerpoints" ,function(pl)
- if (pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") and gmod.GetGamemode().Name == "Zombie Survival" then
+ if (pl:Team() == TEAM_HUMAN and game.GetMap() ~= "zs_obj_gauntlet_v3" and game.GetMap() ~="zs_gauntlet_reborn_b6") then
- --pl:SetBegPoints(pl:GetDTInt(1))
+ -- pl:SetBegPoints(pl:GetDTInt(1))
@@ -149,7 +146,7 @@ function meta:SaveMoneyTXT()
function meta:TakeMoney(amount)
- --Add money function here
+ -- Add money function here