
Clickable components support the EventClick event that handlers can be registered to with @Click="c.handleButton(event)"


Data binding...


Simple example with click handler:


Symbols can be attached to buttons:

Some text

Use the d3c-button-vertical CSS class to align the button content vertically:


Buttons can be bound to boolean variables, in this case they will function as a toggle:

Toggle me!

Radio buttons




Input fields

Input fields can be bound to data. They will automatically change their type based on the bound data type.

To make labels work correctly, you have to use the ID="some-id" tag (uppercase ID), which will set the ID of the embedded input element!


For passwords you have to set the Type="password" field of the component:

You can add additional buttons to the input field:

time.Time is also supported:



Select or change the list of tags
