\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/overlay/container_vgen.go b/components/overlay/container_vgen.go
index bebc1ec..2f0cb5b 100644
--- a/components/overlay/container_vgen.go
+++ b/components/overlay/container_vgen.go
@@ -37,19 +37,21 @@ func (c *Container) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgn.AddAttrInterface("class", c.modalContainerClasses)
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684423938-menu d3c-color-accent"}}}
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgn.AddAttrInterface("class", "d3c-1684423938-modal-menu "+c.modalSignalClasses)
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t"}
- vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "h3", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684423938-title"}, vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "style", Val: "flex-grow:1"}}}
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "h3", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684423938-modal-title"}, vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "style", Val: "flex-grow:1"}}}
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t"}
@@ -64,6 +66,8 @@ func (c *Container) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.AttrMap = make(map[string]interface{}, 8)
+ vgcomp.AttrMap["class"] = "d3c-button-transparent"
vgcomp.Click = input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) { c.handleModalClose(event) })
vgcomp.SymbolSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
@@ -113,12 +117,113 @@ func (c *Container) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684423938-toast-container"}}}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ for vgiterkeyt, toast := range c.toasts {
+ var vgiterkey interface{} = vgiterkeyt
+ _ = vgiterkey
+ toast := toast
+ _ = toast
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.AddAttrInterface("class", "d3c-1684423938-toast "+toast.containerClasses)
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.AddAttrInterface("class", "d3c-1684423938-toast-signal "+toast.signalClasses)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684423938-toast-body"}}}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ {
+ var vgcomp vugu.Builder = toast.body
+ if vgcomp != nil {
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684423938-toast-menu"}}}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xA4C000EAE5DBC775^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(input.Button)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.AttrMap = make(map[string]interface{}, 8)
+ vgcomp.AttrMap["class"] = "d3c-button-transparent"
+ vgcomp.Click = input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) { c.handleToastClose(event, toast.body) })
+ vgcomp.SymbolSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x552899AFEF0EE902^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LCancel)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(icons.LCancel)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n"}
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Data: "style", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
- vgn.AppendChild(&vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t.d3c-1684423938 {\n\t\tposition: fixed;\n\t\tz-index: 2;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-container {\n\t\twidth: 100vw;\n\t\theight: 100vh;\n\t\tposition: fixed;\n\t\tbackdrop-filter: blur(1px) brightness(80%);\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tjustify-content: center;\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tz-index: 1;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-container > div {\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--d3c-color-background);\n\t\tcolor: var(--d3c-color-text);\n\t\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t\tmax-height: 100%;\n\t\toverflow: auto;\n\t\tbox-shadow: 0 1em 3em var(--d3c-color-shadow);\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-menu {\n\t\tpadding: 0.5em;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tgap: 0.5em;\n\t\tjustify-content: flex-end;\n\t\talign-items: baseline;\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--d3c-color-background);\n\t\tcolor: var(--d3c-color-text);\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-menu > * {\n\t\tmargin: 0 !important;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-title {\n\t\ttext-align: center;\n\t}\n", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)})
+ vgn.AppendChild(&vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t.d3c-1684423938 {\n\t\tposition: fixed;\n\t\tz-index: 2;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-container {\n\t\twidth: 100vw;\n\t\theight: 100vh;\n\t\tposition: fixed;\n\t\tbackdrop-filter: blur(1px) brightness(80%);\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tjustify-content: center;\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tz-index: 1;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-container > div {\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--d3c-color-background);\n\t\tcolor: var(--d3c-color-text);\n\t\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t\tmax-height: 100%;\n\t\toverflow: auto;\n\t\tbox-shadow: 0 1em 3em var(--d3c-color-shadow);\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-menu {\n\t\tpadding: 0.5em;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tgap: 0.5em;\n\t\tjustify-content: flex-end;\n\t\talign-items: baseline;\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--d3c-color-background);\n\t\tcolor: var(--d3c-color-text);\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-menu > * {\n\t\tmargin: 0 !important;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-modal-title {\n\t\ttext-align: center;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-toast-container {\n\t\tpadding: 1em;\n\t\tpointer-events: none;\n\t\twidth: 100vw;\n\t\theight: 100vh;\n\t\tposition: fixed;\n\t\tz-index: 2;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tflex-direction: column;\n\t\tjustify-content: flex-end;\n\t\talign-items: center;\n\t\tgap: 1em;\n\t\tbox-sizing: border-box;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-toast {\n\t\tpointer-events: auto;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--d3c-color-background);\n\t\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\t\toverflow: hidden;\n\t\tcolor: var(--d3c-color-text);\n\t\tbox-shadow: 0 1em 2em var(--d3c-color-shadow);\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-toast-signal {\n\t\twidth: 0.5em;\n\t\theight: 100%;\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--d3c-color-background);\n\t\tcolor: var(--d3c-color-text);\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684423938-toast-menu {\n\t\tpadding-right: 0.5em;\n\t}\n", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)})
return vgout
diff --git a/components/overlay/modal-requester.go b/components/overlay/modal-requester.go
index a7a18f4..2974c49 100644
--- a/components/overlay/modal-requester.go
+++ b/components/overlay/modal-requester.go
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ type ModalRequester struct {
Title string `vugu:"data"`
Message string `vugu:"data"`
+ SignalColor string // A d3c CSS class for the color scheme of the small bar.
ClickAbort input.ClickHandler
ClickYes input.ClickHandler
@@ -31,6 +33,11 @@ func (c *ModalRequester) handleClickYes(event vugu.DOMEvent) {
+// OverlayClasses implements OverlayClassesGetter which is used by the overlay package to add classes to overlay elements.
+func (c *ModalRequester) OverlayClasses() (signalClasses, containerClasses string) {
+ return c.SignalColor, ""
// PageTitle implements PageTitleGetter which is used by PageInfo.
func (c *ModalRequester) PageTitle() (title, longTitle, shortTitle string) {
return c.Title, c.Title, c.Title
diff --git a/components/overlay/modal-requester.vugu b/components/overlay/modal-requester.vugu
index 641ae5b..9ab669d 100644
--- a/components/overlay/modal-requester.vugu
+++ b/components/overlay/modal-requester.vugu
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/overlay/overlay-classes.go b/components/overlay/overlay-classes.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b35ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/overlay/overlay-classes.go
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package overlay
+// OverlayClassesGetter can be implemented by components that are used in overlays.
+// With this mechanic these components can set additional CSS classes to the modal or toast container.
+// One use case is to give a toast or modal some other color with the `d3c-color-*` classes.
+type OverlayClassesGetter interface {
+ OverlayClasses() (signalClasses, containerClasses string)
diff --git a/components/overlay/toast-simple.go b/components/overlay/toast-simple.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9339bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/overlay/toast-simple.go
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package overlay
+import (
+ "github.com/vugu/vugu"
+type ToastSimple struct {
+ OverlayContainerRef
+ SymbolSlot vugu.Builder `vugu:"data"` // Slot for the symbol.
+ Message string `vugu:"data"`
+ SignalColor string // A d3c CSS class for the color scheme of the small bar.
+func (c *ToastSimple) OverlayClasses() (signalClasses, containerClasses string) {
+ return c.SignalColor, ""
diff --git a/components/overlay/toast-simple.vugu b/components/overlay/toast-simple.vugu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bebc3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/overlay/toast-simple.vugu
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
diff --git a/components/overlay/toast-simple_vgen.go b/components/overlay/toast-simple_vgen.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645cd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/overlay/toast-simple_vgen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+package overlay
+// Code generated by vugu via vugugen. Please regenerate instead of editing or add additional code in a separate file. DO NOT EDIT.
+import "fmt"
+import "reflect"
+import "github.com/vugu/vjson"
+import "github.com/vugu/vugu"
+import js "github.com/vugu/vugu/js"
+import (
+ "git.d3nexus.de/Dadido3/D3vugu-components/components/layout"
+func (c *ToastSimple) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ var vgiterkey interface{}
+ _ = vgiterkey
+ var vgn *vugu.VGNode
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn) // root for output
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB9D9A7518285E51F^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*layout.Container)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(layout.Container)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "div", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "class", Val: "d3c-1684524720-flex"}}}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ var vgcomp vugu.Builder = c.SymbolSlot
+ if vgcomp != nil {
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "p", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "style", Val: "white-space: pre-wrap;"}}}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML(c.Message)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Data: "style", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ {
+ vgn.AppendChild(&vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t.d3c-1684524720-flex {\n\t\tmargin: 0.5em 0;\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tgap: 0.5em;\n\t}\n\n\t.d3c-1684524720-flex > * {\n\t\tmargin: 0;\n\t}\n", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)})
+ }
+ vgout.AppendCSS(vgn)
+ return vgout
+// 'fix' unused imports
+var _ fmt.Stringer
+var _ reflect.Type
+var _ vjson.RawMessage
+var _ js.Value
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index c7d7b15..4c7d5bc 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ require (
github.com/vugu/vgrouter v0.0.0-20200725205318-eeb478c42e5d
github.com/vugu/vjson v0.0.0-20200505061711-f9cbed27d3d9
github.com/vugu/vugu v0.3.5
+ golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230519143937-03e91628a987
require (
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 31d455b..626a255 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ github.com/vugu/vugu v0.3.5/go.mod h1:E0NT8+F8KDmLDKzYTNySlcvljJdfOpBHzcMJ/0bYLf
github.com/vugu/xxhash v0.0.0-20191111030615-ed24d0179019 h1:8NGiD5gWbVGObr+lnqcbM2rcOQBO6mr+m19BIblCdho=
github.com/vugu/xxhash v0.0.0-20191111030615-ed24d0179019/go.mod h1:PrBK6+LJXwb+3EnJTHo43Uh4FhjFFwvN4jKk4Zc5zZ8=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
+golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230519143937-03e91628a987 h1:3xJIFvzUFbu4ls0BTBYcgbCGhA63eAOEMxIHugyXJqA=
+golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230519143937-03e91628a987/go.mod h1:V1LtkGg67GoY2N1AnLN78QLrzxkLyJw7RJb1gzOOz9w=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190912160710-24e19bdeb0f2/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20181031143558-9b800f95dbbc/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
diff --git a/page-colors_vgen.go b/page-colors_vgen.go
index fdb2401..cc7d7ad 100644
--- a/page-colors_vgen.go
+++ b/page-colors_vgen.go
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x96098CB0B573182A^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x58C38B75AA03AA2E^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x64AD217412230CF^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x80935F5D48DA9F6F^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xC21BBA903E4FBD23^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x3D2E77D1AA05141^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x736F3EA9E22840DE^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7590A8285D972FC0^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7318852D6FF7E225^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9FA0389941803E7E^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x590B193DE45D2365^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x5DE60228BFA6DC05^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xBE20635692AF75FB^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x81E6C783DCB222D^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x8F69D506A2B46324^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xEBA4FA16CD695FAC^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x44391F7A18EA68E5^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xD1F22BE520A4D2F1^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB3F8269A2D0CCA09^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xF4C97B100AC05156^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x12A4FDCC9B76A6AE^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2D43E866AD32186A^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x67EC49FACA72611D^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x3685F67B1DFF3548^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x1ABC1BE7C11DEA69^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x3E3BBC1D6D9BB70B^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.Code)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x5B207EA0E767EDAE^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x91799A6A8DB835DC^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x5776C7EF91365193^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x97759048726CA018^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LPlus)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xE8DDC80FB1C7BF9A^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x4D56D72CFA7DA1E8^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xAE754A121081FB0D^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xD9371741E9BC60EA^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xD0BA5A84A185DE3B^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xAFCD2F9B58831CA8^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LInfoCircle)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2BF23163554B3B6F^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xDC6B84DB1A33BBC1^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xA8804557FBADAC48^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xFDACB4A397260016^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LWarning)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x562CBF41D8CE4335^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x82BB143FBA0084FD^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9756F4936414E367^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2723A1A51826F7EC^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LPlus)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x19470952BBFFB5AF^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB2E2141C5B44A686^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB6DE95B63367A1F4^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xBEF82AEE9691EC62^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x81E3F61F5CB00F77^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB22C5A6E93C7AC9^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LInfoCircle)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x4661BE319F4A24D5^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7777775ABAD873ED^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xC3E2DEA30EDAAF09^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7B260ACC53894132^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LWarning)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x66CD01C2F9A51315^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x4DC92E263044DAE8^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.Code)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "Icons will use the text color by default, if you need to change their stroke/fill coloring, use the "}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9A717945C584C892^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9C302FDE8EE7681^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9EDF37F927354A52^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2D6DA5E326EE8AC9^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.Code)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xAFCD2F9B58831CA8^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xA6E519A5CDC25E68^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LInfoCircle)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x81EDE092A6ECA4BE^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x32DB6F58BFDFE6FD^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LWarning)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x4765275A22B050DB^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x80A6F9D5787BE518^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*layout.LayerContainer)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "This container uses the "}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xC07B110D2BA21341^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7793B4B81AE55595^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2884ECF9CF6F9896^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x35407C776AEDFA2^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x88AAFA98B3078878^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x170C1E72F015DBBE^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LPlus)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x4CDA282D533E2C70^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xAF0BB57570FA91AF^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xD83B41FB3807972D^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x66385E7ADD163FB1^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LPlus)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x13CD951865998F92^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x92E6E708166BE47E^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*layout.LayerContainer)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@ func (c *PageColors) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB45B7C9CDA346D29^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xFB49BCCB77EF69A0^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LWarning)
if vgcomp == nil {
diff --git a/page-overlays.go b/page-overlays.go
index 1a51563..ee7738c 100644
--- a/page-overlays.go
+++ b/page-overlays.go
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package main
import (
+ "time"
@@ -11,12 +13,29 @@ type PageOverlays struct {
-func (c *PageOverlays) handleButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {
+func (c *PageOverlays) handleSimpleModalButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {
- SymbolSlot: &icons.LInfoCircle{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{"style": "font-size: 2em;"}},
- Title: "Simple requester",
- Message: "This is a simple modal requester, are you happy with it?\nIt also supports multi line text!",
- ClickAbort: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),
- ClickYes: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),
+ SymbolSlot: &icons.LInfoCircle{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{"style": "font-size: 2em;"}},
+ Title: "Simple requester",
+ Message: "This is a simple modal requester, are you happy with it?\nIt also supports multi line text!",
+ SignalColor: "d3c-color-accent",
+ ClickAbort: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),
+ ClickYes: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),
+ })
+func (c *PageOverlays) handleSimpleToastButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {
+ c.AddToast(&overlay.ToastSimple{
+ SymbolSlot: &icons.LInfoCircle{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{"style": "font-size: 2em;"}},
+ Message: "This is a simple toast!\nIt supports multiple lines and has an icon slot.\nThere also can be multiple of it at the same time, this one was opened at " + time.Now().Format(time.TimeOnly) + ".",
+ SignalColor: "d3c-color-accent",
+ })
+func (c *PageOverlays) handleWarningToastButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {
+ c.AddToast(&overlay.ToastSimple{
+ SymbolSlot: &icons.LWarning{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{"style": "font-size: 2em;", "class": "d3c-color-caution d3c-icon-use-color"}},
+ Message: "This is a warning, be careful!",
+ SignalColor: "d3c-color-caution",
diff --git a/page-overlays.vugu b/page-overlays.vugu
index 1384baa..d74dba0 100644
--- a/page-overlays.vugu
+++ b/page-overlays.vugu
@@ -1,20 +1,38 @@
- Modals
- If you component or page contains overlay.OverlayContainerRef and is wired correctly, you can create modals very easily.
+ Overlays
+ Overlays are handled by the overlay.Container component which has to be embedded into your root component.
+ Every page or component that creates overlays has to embed the overlay.OverlayContainerRef structure. Your wiring function also needs to set the reference to your overlay.Container that you have placed in your root component.
+ Modals
A simple requester modal is already contained in the overlay package. Use it with:
- Open simple modal
+ Open simple modal
+ Toasts
+ A simple text and icon containing toast is already contained in the overlay package. Use it with:
+ Open simple toast
+ Open warning toast
diff --git a/page-overlays_vgen.go b/page-overlays_vgen.go
index 0aeecba..596b8e3 100644
--- a/page-overlays_vgen.go
+++ b/page-overlays_vgen.go
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x8B32FC019648006^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x52AAFCFE6AA27B67^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*layout.Container)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "h1", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
- vgn.SetInnerHTML(vugu.HTML("Modals"))
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML(vugu.HTML("Overlays"))
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "p", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
@@ -57,10 +57,47 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgparent := vgn
_ = vgparent
- vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "If you component or page contains "}
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "Overlays are handles by the "}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x1B9CC39770823BF5^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x98FA206D4A8EB1A5^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(view.CodeInline)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "overlay.Container"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: " component which has to be embedded into your root component."}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "p", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "Every page or component that creates overlays has to embed the "}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x12EDAAD1660231D4^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -84,9 +121,41 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
- vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: " and is wired correctly, you can create modals very easily."}
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: " structure. Your wiring function also needs to set the reference to your "}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x6BE202C38EAC2939^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.CodeInline)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(view.CodeInline)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "overlay.Container"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: " that you have placed in your root component."}
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "h2", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML(vugu.HTML("Modals"))
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "p", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
@@ -95,7 +164,7 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9C5F61CA0305F660^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x5565E66B9FF31A10^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.Code)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -115,13 +184,14 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "pre", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "style", Val: "margin: 0;"}}}
- vgn.SetInnerHTML("func (c *PageOverlays) handleButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {" +
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML("func (c *PageOverlays) handleButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {\n" +
" c.SetModal(&overlay.ModalRequester{\n" +
- " SymbolSlot: &icons.LInfoCircle{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{\"style\": \"font-size: 2em;\"}},\n" +
- " Title: \"Simple requester\",\n" +
- " Message: \"This is a simple modal requester, are you happy with it?\\nIt also supports multi line text!\",\n" +
- " ClickAbort: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),\n" +
- " ClickYes: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),\n" +
+ " SymbolSlot: &icons.LInfoCircle{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{\"style\": \"font-size: 2em;\"}},\n" +
+ " Title: \"Simple requester\",\n" +
+ " Message: \"This is a simple modal requester, are you happy with it?\\nIt also supports multi line text!\",\n" +
+ " SignalColor: \"d3c-color-accent\",\n" +
+ " ClickAbort: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),\n" +
+ " ClickYes: input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) {}),\n" +
" })\n" +
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
@@ -135,7 +205,7 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x5A0135D77FE2347F^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7C62485D3D2933F^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -144,7 +214,7 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
- vgcomp.Click = input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) { c.handleButton(event) })
+ vgcomp.Click = input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) { c.handleSimpleModalButton(event) })
vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
@@ -160,6 +230,110 @@ func (c *PageOverlays) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "h2", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML(vugu.HTML("Toasts"))
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "p", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML(vugu.HTML("A simple text and icon containing toast is already contained in the overlay package. Use it with:"))
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x11C56611B2245D6B^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*view.Code)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(view.Code)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "pre", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute{vugu.VGAttribute{Namespace: "", Key: "style", Val: "margin: 0;"}}}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ vgn.SetInnerHTML("func (c *PageOverlays) handleButton(event vugu.DOMEvent) {\n" +
+ " c.AddToast(&overlay.ToastSimple{\n" +
+ " SymbolSlot: &icons.LInfoCircle{AttrMap: vugu.AttrMap{\"style\": \"font-size: 2em;\"}},\n" +
+ " Message: \"This is a simple toast!\\nIt supports multiple lines and has an icon slot.\\nThere also can be multiple of it at the same time, this one was opened at \" + time.Now().Format(time.TimeOnly) + \".\",\n" +
+ " SignalColor: \"d3c-color-accent\",\n" +
+ " })\n" +
+ "}")
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x172E92B73BA79BEE^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(input.Button)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.Click = input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) { c.handleSimpleToastButton(event) })
+ vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "Open simple toast"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ {
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7EA3FB75145AFEBD^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ // ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
+ vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*input.Button)
+ if vgcomp == nil {
+ // create new one if needed
+ vgcomp = new(input.Button)
+ vgin.BuildEnv.WireComponent(vgcomp)
+ }
+ vgin.BuildEnv.UseComponent(vgcompKey, vgcomp) // ensure we can use this in the cache next time around
+ vgcomp.Click = input.ClickFunc(func(event input.ClickEvent) { c.handleWarningToastButton(event) })
+ vgcomp.DefaultSlot = vugu.NewBuilderFunc(func(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
+ vgn := &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3)}
+ vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
+ vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)
+ vgparent := vgn
+ _ = vgparent
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "Open warning toast"}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ return
+ })
+ vgout.Components = append(vgout.Components, vgcomp)
+ vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Component: vgcomp}
+ vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
+ }
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t"}
diff --git a/root_vgen.go b/root_vgen.go
index ca0bc67..7986577 100644
--- a/root_vgen.go
+++ b/root_vgen.go
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x961FC23E1D0E2B0D^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x13D2A66973251153^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.Sidebar)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB9941BB3060B0608^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xE938629831D22C73^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.ButtonFullscreen)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9BCC66709F5B5FC4^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x512C516F370EBA81^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2888A7DC96618E2B^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xE60BDC191D489035^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LHome)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x23321930E313B763^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xEF681D2FC420491E^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x50779F17FE66AB6A^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x9422483909AB3545^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LStar)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x6358DCE5F06DD9C5^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x5A9A5FC2B82656D3^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x1392BD562D0DC520^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xA158CCD6344C8F14^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LInfoCircle)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x55C1CF2617845DEB^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x7A43D1F40A5008FA^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xFBA2AAE0C18A3D58^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x647FEAD3011C9D78^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LCustomize)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x236DDCBADDD06C42^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xC8F3C6E3C21BB663^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x72B82E58E2F7EA80^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x21CE96F5EEBC0DE0^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LDocument)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x4C3861E4C90B286D^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x2D42CEB753CF5843^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x193E99FC3B0535F1^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xF93E9305192E8C81^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LGlobe)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n\t\t\t\t\t"}
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xB388BDAC5D1B95AC^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x305B37D58E5D5A08^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*navigation.SidebarEntry)
if vgcomp == nil {
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func (c *Root) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
_ = vgparent
- vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0xFE7C9C5BB6C1F6F7^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
+ vgcompKey := vugu.MakeCompKey(0x269733CB3FD93BD4^vgin.CurrentPositionHash(), vgiterkey)
// ask BuildEnv for prior instance of this specific component
vgcomp, _ := vgin.BuildEnv.CachedComponent(vgcompKey).(*icons.LSettings)
if vgcomp == nil {